Press Releases
and Other Items in 2008
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December 30, 2008:
From EIR Editor Jeffrey Steinberg:
January 2008 Memo on Israeli Planning of Bombardment of Gaza
December 30, 2008:
LaRouche: The Only `Threat' to Isreal Is an Outbreak of Peace
December 30, 2008:
LaRouche Again Demands New `Pecora Commission Hearings,' Says GMAC Bank Bailout Stinks of Corruption
December 27, 2008:
LaRouche Renews Call for New `Pecora Commission'
December 23, 2008:
Block All Money for the Bailout; House and Senate Bills To Cut Off Paulson Have Been Introduced
December 17, 2008:
LaRouche Holds Press Conference at European Parliament Headquarters in Strasbourg
December 1, 2008:
EIR Makes Available Crucial Background to Mumbai Attack
November 29, 2008:
India Nails British Dope, Inc. Hand Behind Mumbai Attack
November 28, 2008:
EIR Exposed British Role as Terror Safe Haven in 2000
November 25, 2008:
You Damn Fools: You Should Put This Thing in Bankruptcy!
November 24, 2008:
German President Renews Call for Bretton Woods
November 24, 2008:
Citigroup: A Case of British Financial Warfare
November 24, 2008:
British Still in All-Out War Against the Clintons
November 22, 2008:
Evans-Pritchard: `No New Bretton Woods, Ever!' London Guardian: `Go Back to Keynes'
November 21, 2008:
LaRouche: From Fear to Panic As Derivatives Crash Hits
November 16, 2008:
November 18, 2008 Webcast Invitation:
LaRouche To Speak on `The Greatest Crisis in Modern History'
November 4, 2008:
Tory Ideologue Speaks! What's Left for Evans-Pritchard?
November 3, 2008:
The Nov. 11th Resolution:
Whereas: The Present World's Monetary System Is Now Hopelessly Bankrupt
November 2, 2008:
Big Banks Are Bankrupt, Admits Big Banker
November 1, 2008:
Moscow and Rome Agree on World Reforms, Says Ambassador to Italy
October 31, 2008:
IMF Plans a Central Bank-Monitored World Dictatorship
October 31, 2008:
An Economic Breakdown Crisis, Not a `Recession': Drastic Fall in Physical Goods Production Worldwide
October 27, 2008:
Derivatives Losses in Ibero-America's Private Pension Funds Just the Tip of the Iceberg
October 26, 2008:
Lies and Audiotape: Morgan Chase Exec Brags Bailout Is for Takeovers, Restructuring, Not Lending
October 26, 2008:
The Prophecy of Global Collapse: Greenspan vs. LaRouche
October 25, 2008:
Bubble, Bubble: Unprecedented Bailouts and Loans from Fed
October 25, 2008:
Talk Show Debate in France Admits `Cheminade Was the Only One To Campaign for NBW Ten Years Ago!'
October 25, 2008:
Wide Press Coverage of LaRouche Proposal in Philippines
October 25, 2008:
Italian Senate Finance Committee Chairman Endorses Key Aspects of LaRouche's New Bretton Woods
October 21, 2008:
Directed Credit and the Science-Driver Principle Emerge in Russian Economic Policy Debates
October 21, 2008:
Corriere: `LaRouche and Tremonti's Bretton Woods II'
October 21, 2008:
Panicked Flight Into Corporatism As System Breaks Down
October 21, 2008:
Global Pattern of Coverage of LaRouche's New Bretton Woods
October 20, 2008:
Crisis Hits World Shipping
October 20, 2008:
California Heading Over Financial Cliff
October 18, 2008:
Jacques Cheminade and Christian de Boissieu Debate NBW on TV France 24's `Face Off'
October 18, 2008:
LPAC on Ayers: The Weatherman Case Today
October 18, 2008:
Hundreds of Thousands Are `Hidden Homeless'
October 17, 2008:
Putin/Medvedev Moves To Protect Real Sector Alarm Financier Circles
October 17, 2008:
Prof. Menshikov: LaRouche Forecast This Crisis Because He Saw What Others Refused To See
October 17, 2008:
Britain's Hedge Funds Hysterical over "New Bretton Woods" Discussion
October 6, 2008:
LaRouche's Policy Is Succeeding, Over Longstanding Opposition
October 5, 2008:
LaRouche Segment from Vesti Nedeli (News of the Week) Program on Russian TV, Oct. 5, 2008
September 28, 2008:
To Save Wachovia, Restore Glass-Steagall
September 27, 2008:
LaRouche: There Is a Plan B
September 26, 2008:
Machinists' President Blasts Bailout;
Says Bankers Should Go To Jail Without Bail
September 26, 2008:
Paulson Plan Mega Bailout for British Banks
September 25, 2008:
Italian Senators Introduce Motion for LaRouche's New Bretton Woods
September 25, 2008:
What About Sarkozy's Effort for New Bretton Woods?
September 25, 2008:
LaRouche Nails Bush Crowd for Bailing Out Their Brutish Friends
September 24, 2008:
Robert Reich Proposes Bankruptcy Reorganization
September 24, 2008:
More Than Hurricane Ike Has Shut Electricity
September 24, 2008:
LaRouche to Congress: Citizens Will Condemn Anyone Who Backs Paulson Bailout Swindle
September 22, 2008:
Tremonti's New Bretton Woods Proposal Will Be On G8 Agenda, Says Frattini
September 22, 2008:
Putin: New Policy, Not Bailout!
September 22, 2008:
London Forces South African President Mbeki's Resignation
September 22, 2008:
Helga Zepp-LaRouche: LaRouche Was Right
September 21, 2008:
Paulson to Candidates: Say Nothing, While I Stampede Congress
September 21, 2008:
Pakistan Must Root Out MI6 Elements from the ISI, or Perish
September 21, 2008:
China Readies Manned Space Mission
September 19, 2008:
LaRouche Denounces Paulson's Latest Bailout Swindle
September 19, 2008:
To All U.S. Government Institutions:
`Times That Try Men's Souls': Bush Must Telephone Medvedev
September 19, 2008:
On Bernanke et al.: Caught in His Rotor Blade
September 15, 2008:
LaRouche on the Financial Meltdown: I Was Right, and You Were Wrong—But You're Going To Get Another Chance
September 15, 2008:
Russian Government Paper Quotes LaRouche On What Was Wrong With Floating-Rate System
September 10, 2008:
`Tanatmount to Treason': Government Escalates Bank Bailout by Taking Over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
September 10, 2008:
LaRouche Demands Immediate Repeal of Dodd-Frank
September 10, 2008:
Hank Paulson's $800 Billion Taxpayer Bailout of Banks—Who Sold You Out?
September 5, 2008:
Can the Auto/Machine-Tool Industry Still Be Revived?
Admit `LaRouche Was Right' with His 2005 Plan
September 5, 2008:
PLHINO Campaign Breaks Into Mexico's National Press
September 5, 2008:
Pro-Hitler New York Times Escalates Attack on Rep. Rangel
September 5, 2008:
Soros Pal Malloch-Brown Says Legalize Afghan Opium
September 4, 2008:
CFTC Data Show Oil Futures Market Went Wild in July 2007, Confirming LaRouche Announcement That Crash Was Under Way
September 3, 2008:
Soros's `Ex-Presidents' Cartel' Promotes Drugs
September 2, 2008:
North Korea Needs a Half Billion in Food Aid, Says UN
September 2, 2008:
Berlusconi: Britain Could Have Led to a Confrontation
August 25, 2008:
Dramatic Banking Bail-Out in Denmark
August 19, 2008:
Why Wind Won't Work
August 19, 2008:
Democratic Party Leadership Breaks Wind; Obama and T. `Blowhard' Pickens Confer on Green Fascist Energy Policy
August 19, 2008:
The `Long Record' of Barack Obama's New Friend, T. Boone Pickens
August 19, 2008:
Helga Zepp-LaRouche Holds Webcast with 160 People Gathered in Mexico, Argentina, and Colombia
August 18, 2008:
`Mussolini' Bloomberg Speaks at National Clean Energy Summit, To Promote Green Fascism
August 18, 2008:
China Decides To Build a Second, Longer Maglev Rail Line
August 12, 2008:
Mark `Moloch' Brown: The Empire's Coup Man in Georgia
August 11, 2008:
British and Soros Stooges in the Georgia Regime
August 10, 2008:
LaRouche Denounces `Obama's Godfather' George Soros Behind Attempt To Start World War III in the Caucasus
August 10, 2008:
End of the Line for Financial System; Bankruptcy Issue Raised
August 9, 2008:
Soros, Enemy of Nations, Was Behind Georgia's `Democracy' Revolution
August 9, 2008:
British Sabotage of Russian Ceasefire Motion on South Ossetia
August 8, 2008:
Soros's Hand in the Caucasus War Scenario
August 8, 2008:
EIR Reported EU Bureaucrats Were Pushing War With Russia
August 7, 2008:
McCaffrey: Afghanistan Disaster, Unless We Send in the Engineers
July 31, 2008:
Paulson's Bail-Out Proposal Tantamount to High Treason
July 30, 2008:
Washington Sources Confirm that Barack Obama Is Clinically Insane
July 30, 2008:
WTO Dies, Brits Mourn
July 30, 2008:
Mr. Paulson's Consensual Folly
July 30, 2008:
`Bush Trying To Rob the Treasury on His Way Out'
July 30, 2008:
Washington Sources Confirm that Barack Obama Is Clinically Insane
July 18, 2008:
Former Global Warming Rocket Scientist Cools to Reality
July 18, 2008:
Gore Proposes Energy Program To Lose the Election for Democrats; Blames China, Not Speculators, for Oil Prices Rise
July 18, 2008:
A Call for a New Bretton Woods: We Need a New World Economic Order, Now!
July 17, 2008:
Death by Diamonds: Soros Pushes Africa's Apocalypse
July 15, 2008:
Eichman and Soros: A Case in Perfidy
July 15, 2008:
Nation's Youth Facing Depression-Era Unemployment Rates
July 15, 2008:
Spanish Real Estate Bubble Bursts, with First Big Bank Default
July 15, 2008:
Soros Owns the Court Indicting Bashir
July 14, 2008:
Tremonti: 2009 Can Be the Year of the New Bretton Woods
July 14, 2008:
ICC Prosecution of Bashir May Destroy Sudan, Says Former U.S. Special Envoy
July 13, 2008:
LaRouche: Financial System Is Dead, Cannot Be Saved
July 12, 2008:
Italy Reverses Policy, To Go Nuclear
July 11, 2008:
LaRouche: `The Fannie/Freddie Crisis Is the Collapse of the Greenspan Bubble'
July 11, 2008:
Danish Bank in `Northern Rock' Crisis; 30 Others Being Watched
July 10, 2008:
LaRouche Calls for Pelosi's Immediate Ouster As Speaker
July 10, 2008:
Soros: I Oppose Regulation; Congress Too Dumb
July 10, 2008:
Barney Frank, `Repo Man': After a Year of Inaction on LaRouche's HBPA, Home Seizures Explode
July 7, 2008:
Led by Italy's Tremonti, Europeans Expand Front Against Speculators
July 7, 2008:
Columbus Radio Inverviews LaRouche on Economic Collapse and Presidential Election
July 4, 2008:
World Bank Report: Biofuels Cause 75% of Food Inflation
July 4, 2008:
British Establishment Freaks Out Over Tremonti Proposal! What Does All This Mean for the U.S. Election Campaign?
July 4, 2008:
Mr. Sarkozy: Pull Down the Tower of Babel; Go for the Europe of the Fatherlands
July 1, 2008:
LaRouche Proposes Emergency Stop-Gap Measures Against Financial Chaos
July 1, 2008:
LaRouche Warned You: London Scheme for Pushtun-Taliban Rogue State Goes Public!
July 1, 2008:
Paulson Spends Two Days in Moscow Discussing Financial Crisis
July 1, 2008:
Obama and McCain Advisors Endorse U.S.-Israeli Discussion of Strike on Iran
June 30, 2008:
United Nations To Convene Emergency Session To Debate Global Food and Fuel Crisis
June 30, 2008:
`A Valid Warning': BIS Warns of Worse Crunch To Come
June 29, 2008:
Lyndon LaRouche Fully Endorses Buzz Aldrin's Call for Funding NASA
June 29, 2008:
Former Mossad Chief Argues That Israel Must Attack Iran Within a Year, Or Risk Attack Itself
June 26, 2008:
Soros, Carlyle Groups Say Locusts Will Take Over; LaRouche Says `This Is Fascism'
June 25, 2008:
Vast Upper Mississippi Destruction Getting Worse
June 25, 2008:
Food Prices and Genocide: British Agent Soros Does Mega-Takeover of Food Speculation
June 25, 2008:
Scientific Incompetence Helps Create Famines
June 25, 2008:
With Global Food Crisis, EU Ministers Ban Farm Chemicals
June 25, 2008:
Big Banks Bought Barney's Bailout Bill
June 23, 2008:
Tremonti: Commodity Speculation Is `The Plague of the 21st Century'
June 23, 2008:
Wall Street Writes the Obituaries for U.S. Banks
June 23, 2008:
Congressional Testimony: Oil Prices Could Be Cut in Half Within 30 Days
June 22, 2008:
LaRouche: British Are Behind Food and Energy Hyperinflation
June 22, 2008:
Mississippi Flooding: Had We Used the American System...
June 21, 2008:
Tremonti's Oil Tax Okayed by Italian Government
June 21, 2008:
Victory for Zepp-LaRouche: Experts Admit `Free Trade on the Ropes'!
June 16, 2008:
Speculators Making Killer Profits Off Midwest Flooding While Farmers Can't Sell Grain
June 16, 2008:
Belgian Law To Outlaw Food Speculation Blames WTO and Unbridled Liberalization
June 15, 2008:
Vast Flood Damage to U.S. Cornbelt Calls Question: Ban Food Speculation and Biofuels
June 13, 2008:
`Bailout Barney' Frank's Congress Refuses HBPA, and 750,000 Homes Are Repossessed
June 12, 2008:
Bloomberg Pushes His Corporatist Scheme in the Senate
June 10, 2008:
Rohatyn's Lehman Brothers Now Leading the Banks' `Dance of Death'
June 5, 2008:
Mexican Congressmen Line Up To Sign LaRouche Food Call
June 5, 2008:
FAO Summit Ends with Fight Over Free Trade
June 4, 2008:
Senegal President Describes `Great Green Wall' Project
June 4, 2008:
Paris OECD Forum: Make Money, Go for Global Green Financial Dictatorship
June 4, 2008:
FAO Conference: Pressure from Globalizers Seeks To Stifle Impulse to Agricultural Development
June 4, 2008:
China's Agriculture Minister: `Food Security for All Is a Human Right'
June 3, 2008:
`Star Witness' Soros Is Ignored by Democratic Senators Attacking London Oil Price Speculation
June 3, 2008:
Senators Want To Force CFTC To End British Control of U.S. Oil Markets
June 2, 2008:
Let Them Eat Mudcakes
June 2, 2008:
LaRouche Denounces DNC Treachery, Calls on Hillary Clinton To Take the Fight for the Nation to Denver
June 1, 2008:
LaRouche Denounces DNC's Florida/Michigan Disenfranchisement
June 1, 2008:
LaRouche: Anglo-Dutch Oil Cartel Drives Global Starvation
June 1, 2008:
On Eve of FAO Meeting, Strong S. Amer. Support for Helga Zepp-LaRouche Call, and New Opposition to Biofuels
June 1, 2008:
Helga Zepp-LaRouche Radio Dialogue on FAO Summit
June 1, 2008:
Egyptian Daily Promotes LaRouche's Demands for Doubling Food Production as Mubarak Heads to Rome
June 1, 2008:
Policy Memo to the FAO Conference: Kill the WTO; Double Food Production
May 29, 2008:
Economist Glazyev in the Russian Academy of Sciences
May 28, 2008:
Food Crisis: Schiller Institute Testifies in Danish Parliament
May 27, 2008:
Obama Wants To `Follow British Lead'; `He's the Anglophile Candidate,' British Supporters Say
May 21, 2008:
LaRouche Comments After Kentucky and Oregon: `Global Financial Crash Will Dominate the November Vote'
May 21, 2008:
LaRouche: Howard `Scream' Condemns Florida Voters to Slavery
May 21, 2008:
Clinton in Florida: The Right To Vote and Be Counted, Is the Battle Since Slavery
May 20, 2008:
Congress Must Close `London Loophole' To Stop Speculation
May 19, 2008:
Russia Can Be Food Self-Sufficient, and Export, Putin Says
May 19, 2008:
Obama's Advisors Push British Foreign Policy of Wars, Invasions Against Eurasia: Is That His Policy?
May 19, 2008:
George McGovern: `Can't Put Hunger on Hold'
May 19, 2008:
Two Weeks to Rome: Group of U.S. Elected Officials Back Helga Zepp-LaRouche's `Double Food Production' Call
May 19, 2008:
Democratic Rules Committee To Meet Secretly May 31 To Avoid Delegates' Rights Demonstrations?
May 18, 2008:
Growing U.S.-British Brawl: BAE Chairman Detained at Houston Airport
May 17, 2008:
Myanmar Crisis: Head to Head Between U.S. and U.K.
May 17, 2008:
LaRouche Farmers Call for Doubling Food Production at Obama Rally in South Dakota
May 16, 2008:
Hillary Responds to Global Food Crisis at S.D. Farm Rally
May 15, 2008:
Progress Report: Movement for LaRouche's Homeowners and Bank Protection Act Is Sweeping Across the Nation
May 15, 2008:
The Food Story: Globalization Kills
May 15, 2008:
Countries Make Plans To Ramp Up Food Output
May 14, 2008:
LaRouche Solutions in Argentine Congressional Food Debate
May 14, 2008:
Ban Ethanol, Cut Food Prices 10-20%, Says Ag Institute
May 10, 2008:
LaRouche Assessment: Honest Tally Would Show Clinton Won May 6 Primaries
May 9, 2008:
What Happens If You Cancel Biofuels Tomorrow? Feed-Up U.S. Corn Alone Means Food for 130 Million People!
May 8, 2008:
Resolution To Alleviate Food and Fuel Crisis Introduced in Alabama
May 7, 2008:
Egyptian Daily: Time To Join Lyndon and Helga Zepp LaRouche To Counter Globalization
May 7, 2008:
Vietnam Expresses Support for Rice Cartel, If Development-Based
May 7, 2008:
Al Gore: A Fat Cocktail of Stupidity and Lies
May 7, 2008:
FAO Head Calls for Doubling World Food Production
May 6, 2008:
It's LaRouche vs. Barney Frank Over Foreclosures in Louisville
May 6, 2008:
Back to Hunting and Gathering! Prince Philip's WWF vs. Agriculture
May 6, 2008:
Another Irish Union `No' to Lisbon Treaty
May 4, 2008:
Why the Remittance Crisis? Jobs, Jobs, Jobs
May 4, 2008:
Collapse of Migrant Labor Remittances Means Millions More Will Starve Across Ibero-America
May 4, 2008:
The Real `Immigration' Issue in the 2008 Elections
May 3, 2008:
Call for Emergency Action: Instead of Wars of Starvation, Let Us Double Food Production!
Apr. 30, 2008:
Senator Obama's Plight: Bind the Wounds
Apr. 29, 2008:
UN's Ziegler: WTO, IMF, and Biofuels Have Caused `Anthentic Tragedy' of World Starvation
Apr. 27, 2008:
On the Day After the Indiana Primary:
LaRouche May 7 Webcast: `Tragedy and Hope'
Apr. 26, 2008:
Italy's Tremonti Charges Al Gore's Biofuels `Crime Against Humanity'
Apr. 25, 2008:
Where Does McCain Stand on Petraeus Violating Military Chain of Command?
Apr. 25, 2008:
As VP, `Genocide' Gore Broke Tie To Require Ethanol
Apr. 25, 2008:
Campaign Manager: Obama Doesn't Need the Working Class
Apr. 24, 2008:
Ibero-American Leaders Debate Common Food Strategy, As Famine Looms over Central America
Apr. 24, 2008:
LaRouche: Democratic Party Should Stop Promoting Al Gore
Apr. 24, 2008:
Congressional Black Caucus Urges Decisive U.S. Assistance to Haiti
Apr. 23, 2008:
Rockefellers Midwifed Birth of Obama-mania
Apr. 23, 2008:
British Dealers Arming Iran Raises Questions
Apr. 23, 2008:
As California Crumbles, Arnie Pushes Green Fascism
Apr. 23, 2008:
U.S. Insanity Angers Agro Scientists
Apr. 22, 2008:
WTO Think: Bush Commodities Commission Claims `No Speculation in Food Crisis'
Apr. 17, 2008:
FAO Leader Calls for `Second Green Revolution'
Apr. 16, 2008:
North Korea Food Shortages Are Dire, Says WFP
Apr. 16, 2008:
China Grain Supply Getting `Tight'
Apr. 16, 2008:
Birmingham, Alabama City Council Passes HBPA Resolution
Apr. 16, 2008:
Man-Made `Silent Famine' in Progress in Bangladesh
Apr. 15, 2008:
British Agent Al Gore Is Taking People's Food Away!
Apr. 15, 2008:
Gutting Agricultural Research Kills
Apr. 14, 2008:
LaRouche: Plotters Named by The Scotsman in the `End Hillary's Candidacy' Coup Should Either Confess, or Repudiate It!
Apr. 14, 2008:
Pakistani and Afghan Forces Exchange Fire over Flour Smuggling Across the Borders
Apr. 10, 2008:
LaRouche in Washington: `We're in the Greatest Crisis in Modern History'
Apr. 10, 2008:
World Grain Markets Are Now Non-Functioning; Grain-for-Trade Is Disappearing
Apr. 10, 2008:
India Pledges Farm Technology To Make Africa Self-Sufficient in Food
Apr. 9, 2008:
British Free Trade in Colombia: Grow Dope, Not Food
Apr. 9, 2008:
Bread Riot Deaths in Egypt and Yemen
Apr. 9, 2008:
Bering Strait Tunnel Popularized More and More in Russia
Apr. 9, 2008:
British Destabilize Africa: Food Riots Spread as Hunger Deepens
Apr. 4, 2008:
New Government Job Figures Paint Depression Picture
Apr. 3, 2008:
Southern Statehouses Move on Homeowners and Bank Protection Act
Apr. 2, 2008:
`The Idiots in D.C. Were Warned': Big Ohio Bank Near Failing for Lack of Honeowners and Bank Protection Act
Apr. 2, 2008:
What, Really, Is Inside the FARC's Computers?
Apr. 2, 2008:
Global Warming Is Over! Now Let's Save Humanity
Apr. 1, 2008:
LaRouche Homeowners and Bank Protection Act Passes Pennsylvania Lower House Committee
Apr. 1, 2008:
Russia's Rogozin Warns NATO Expansion Could Lead to War Between U.S. and Russia in Georgia
Apr. 1, 2008:
London Boosts Jello Head's Attempt To Steal the Democratic Presidential Nomination
Apr. 1, 2008:
Tremonti: A New John Law Bubble Has Burst; Only a New Bretton Woods Will Work
Apr. 1, 2008:
Argentine President Warns of Coup Threat Behind Agricultural Producers' Strike
Mar. 25, 2008:
Why Jeremiah Wright Is Not a Christian! The Presidential Touch
Mar. 25, 2008:
LaRouche Comments on Hillary Clinton's Penn Speech: `Howard Dean Has Not Improved Since the 2004 Iowa Caucus'
Mar. 24, 2008:
UN World Food Program: Hyperinflation Kills
Mar. 24, 2008:
Russian Economists Debating World Crisis; Capital Flight Worse Than in 1998
Mar. 24, 2008:
The Pinochet Connection Is Running the Anti-Clinton Campaign
Mar. 17, 2008:
Doom Has Struck! Three Steps to Survival
Mar. 14, 2008:
LaRouche on Spitzer Case: Targetting the Superdelegates
Mar. 14, 2008:
LaRouche: John Maynard Keynes a Fascist and a Colonialist
Mar. 6, 2008:
Fed: The Fire Is Out of Control; Pour On More Fuel!
Mar. 6, 2008:
Former Minister Giulio Tremonti Proposes `New Bretton Woods'
Mar. 6, 2008:
Rohatyn Wants Global Dictator To Run Global `Big Mac'
Mar. 6, 2008:
China on Global Crash: Something `We Never Experienced Before'
Mar. 6, 2008:
China: Inflation Number One Threat
Mar. 6, 2008:
Colombia: South America Crisis Requires Breaking Chávez-FARC Alliance
Mar. 5, 2008:
LaRouche Denounces Britain's FARC Operation To Destroy National Sovereignty
Mar. 5, 2008:
German Paper Echoes LaRouche PAC Videos Warning on Hyperinflation and Fascism
Mar. 5, 2008:
Imperial `Lisbon Treaty' Blocked at Level of Germany's State Governments
Mar. 5, 2008:
`Reconstruction After the Financial Crash': Kiedrich Conference Book Published
Mar. 5, 2008:
Citigroup in Trouble: Arab Funds Say `Cannot Save It'
Mar. 4, 2008:
LaRouche To Address Webcast March 12 on `Averting Doom'
Mar. 4, 2008:
Greater EU Policy Is Running Kosovo; EU Lisbon Policy Is To Confront Russia
Feb. 29, 2008:
Commodity Hyperinflation: Speculators Running Wild
Feb. 29, 2008:
Bloomberg Jacks Up NYC Tolls and Fares
Feb. 28, 2008:
LaRouche to Italian Leaders on `Rooseveltian' Solution to Crash
Feb. 28, 2008:
Bloomberg Lies: `I Am Not Running'
Feb. 28, 2008:
2,500 Miles of Gore's Ethanol Pipelines—To Starve People
Feb. 28, 2008:
Obama-Rezko-Auchi Scandal Exposed in CQ
Feb. 28, 2008:
Restructuring the Banking System
Feb. 14, 2008:
Obama Copycats Rohatyn Infrastructure Bank,
and Bloomberg Takes Credit For It
Feb. 14, 2008:
A Grand Ancient Indian City Unearthed
Feb. 14, 2008:
And Now, Mootings of Bloomberg-Obama Ticket
Feb. 12, 2008:
Paulson's Lenders `Pause' Foreclosures; Clinton Says Her Proposals Made White House Move
Feb. 12, 2008:
Real Inflation Near 10% in Great Britain
Feb. 12, 2008:
Bloomberg Promoter Has Schemes for Hijacking the Presidency
Feb. 11, 2008:
German Minister Sees $400 Billion Write-Offs
Feb. 11, 2008:
High-Speed Rail Expansion on the Swedish Agenda
Feb. 9, 2008:
Unicredit Sued for Large Italian Derivatives Scam
Feb. 8, 2008:
Homeowners and Bank Protection Act Introduced in Oklahoma
Feb. 8, 2008:
Homeowners and Bank Protection Act Introduced by 42 New York State Legislators
Feb. 7, 2008:
NATO Split on Afghanistan: `The Name of the Game Is Chaos'
Feb. 7, 2008:
Mortgage `Workouts' Overwhelmed by Rising Foreclosures
Feb. 6, 2008:
Georgia, Vermont Legislators Introduce Homeowners and Bank Protection Act
Feb. 6, 2008:
Rezko Story Spreads Over Obama's Head
Feb. 5, 2008:
Kanjorski Caves In
Feb. 2, 2008:
China-U.S. `Dawn Raid' on Rio Tinto Destabilizes Anglo-Austrian BHP
Feb. 2, 2008:
China Blizzards Immobilize Millions; Al Gore To Blame!
Jan. 31, 2008:
Scranton Unions Tell Congressmen To Introduce Homeowners and Bank Protection Act
Jan. 31, 2008:
LaRouche: Expect an Expanded Wave of Foreclosures
Jan. 31, 2008:
LaRouche HBPA Introduced to Kentucky State Senate
Jan. 31, 2008:
Akron City Council Unanimously Calls for Homeowners and Bank Protection Act
Jan. 31, 2008:
European Central Bank Has Become a `Neapolitan Garbage Dump'
Jan. 30, 2008:
Fake Temperature Record in China Behind Gore's Climate Fraud
Jan. 29, 2008:
Gen. Ivashov on Systemic Crisis, and LaRouche, Circulates in Russia
Jan. 29, 2008:
Housing Collapse Figures Now Compare Only with Great Depression
Jan. 27, 2008:
Obama Will Not Back Moratorium on Home Foreclosures
Jan. 26, 2008:
Hyperinflation in Commodities Hits World Food Program
Jan. 26, 2008:
Bank of Japan Chief Rejects Interest Rate Hike
Jan. 25, 2008:
LaRouche Demands That Fed Raise Interest Rates Immediately
Jan. 25, 2008:
How To Defend Your Dollar
Jan. 24, 2008:
LaRouche's HBPA At the Mayors' Conference
Jan. 24, 2008:
A Suicide Club: MySpace, Facebook, and Bebo
Jan. 24, 2008:
Banker: `This Is a Sliding Crash Into Hell'
Jan. 24, 2008:
Ohio Loss Mounts as Jobs Vanish; Illinois in Recession
Jan. 23, 2008:
The Bond Insurance Crisis; Or, My Fig Leaf Is Falling
Jan. 23, 2008:
Chile's Private Pension Funds Panic, As We Warned
Jan. 23, 2008:
New Inflationary Bailouts, This Time of Bond Insurers
Jan. 22, 2008:
LaRouche Warns of Imminent Hyperinflationary Blowout
Jan. 22, 2008:
St. Louis Calls on Congress To Stop Foreclosures, Save Banks
Jan. 20, 2008:
Russian Staff Chief Threatened Preventive War on Eve of Serb Elections
Jan. 20, 2008:
When Bloomberg Says `Independent,' Does He Mean `Fulani'?
Jan. 18, 2008:
R.I. State Rep Calls on Nation To Support LaRouche's HBPA Proposal
Jan. 18, 2008:
LaRouche on Economic `Stimulus': There's Too Much Sexual Financial Stimulation Already!
Jan. 18, 2008:
Hyperbolic Collapse: Bond Insurers' Demise Threatens $2.6 Trillion Bond Market
Jan. 15, 2008:
Fitch Ratings Agency Threatens California for Arnie's Drastic Austerity
Jan. 12, 2008:
Swedish Ruling Party Calls for Cancelling Anti-Nuclear Laws
Jan. 12, 2008:
Danish Schiller Institute Testifies on Financial Collapse and LaRouche's New Bretton Woods
Jan. 11, 2008:
Rapidly Spreading HBPA Is Introduced, Gains Support in More State Legislatures
Jan. 11, 2008:
A $3 Trillion Bankruptcy Will Now Start To Emerge
Jan. 10, 2008:
Mussolini, Schwarzenegger, Bloomberg Sound the Same? They Are the Same!
Jan. 10, 2008:
LaRouche Call for New Monetary System Backed by Elected Officials in France
Jan. 10, 2008:
Arnie Declares `Fiscal Emergency,' Will Kill Californians
Jan. 9, 2008:
Bill Clinton: Aggressive Federal Intervention To Protect Homeowners and Banks
Jan. 8, 2008:
Dismal U.S. Jobs Reports Actually Used Statistical Fraud To Cover Up Even Worse Reality
Jan. 7, 2008:
Another Congressman Calls for Cheney Impeachment Hearings
Jan. 6, 2008:
Chicago Congressman Davis Calls for 90-Day Home Foreclosure Halt
Jan. 6, 2008:
LaRouche Denounces Bloomberg-Wall Street Fascist Election Ploy
Jan. 6, 2008:
Cheney Plans Military Intervention into Pakistan
Jan. 4, 2008:
A Year of Job Losses Show U.S. Productive Economy Collapsing
Jan. 4, 2008:
Food Hyperinflation Driven by Speculation
Jan. 3, 2008:
Synarchist Washington Post in an Anti-Labor Scandal
Jan. 3, 2008:
China Moving Out of `Cheap Labor' Era
Jan. 3, 2008:
FARC's British Puppet-Masters Want Regime Change, Or War, in Colombia
Jan. 3, 2008:
Attali Admits Financial Crash: `Whole World Going Over the Precipice'