Press Releases
and Other Items in 2015
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December 31, 2015:
Yemen Club for Coordinating with BRICS Founded
December 31, 2015:
Anti-ISIS War Redrawing the Map of Iraq and Syria
December 31, 2015:
There Are No Rules in Bank Bail-In; Only the ‘Principle’ of Theft
December 31, 2015:
‘Zombie Banks’ To Bring Mass Death to Human Beings in Europe and America
December 30, 2015:
U.S. Junk Debt Collapse Keeps Spreading, ‘Blame It on China’ Debunked
December 30, 2015:
Lavrov Stresses Collaboration between Eurasian Economic Union and New Silk Road
December 30, 2015:
Zichichi Blasts Climate Change as ‘Cultural Pollution’
December 29, 2015:
Former Defense Sec. Perry: Stop this ‘Damn Nuclear Race’
December 29, 2015:
NATO Positions Itself Against Russia in Baltics and Turkey, But Hits Deployment Snags
December 29, 2015:
China Scholar Warns of U.S. Drive for War on China
December 28, 2015:
Euro Banks Are Blowing Out
December 28, 2015:
Argentina's Macri Moves To Undo China Infrastructure Accords, and Go with the Queen’s Environmentalists Instead
December 28, 2015:
Putin and Modi Boost Russia-India Defense Partnership
December 22, 2015:
LaRouche: Shut Down Wall Street Before it Kills You
December 22, 2015:
Russian Conference Hears LaRouche Greeting, Zepp-LaRouche Presentation on Silk Road
December 22, 2015:
Modi’s Visit to Russia Will Focus on Signing Agreements on Six More Nuclear Power Plants and Various Military Hardware
December 22, 2015:
Pile-Up of Wall Street Hedge Funds ‘Keeping Open’ for Business by Denying Redemption Requests
December 22, 2015:
China’s Yutu Rover Discovers Rocks with Different Chemical Composition than Apollo or Luna Crews Brought Back
December 22, 2015:
Russia Keeping Up the Pressure on Turkey, Hits at Drug Trafficking
December 21, 2015:
In New Documentary, Putin Attacks West's Use of Cold War Tactics, Urges Cooperation for Peace and Development
December 21, 2015:
The Junk Crash and the Economic Collapse
December 20, 2015:
Seymour Hersh Indicts Obama Again—This Time on War Against Putin and Arming ISIS
December 20, 2015:
Kurds Expose Turkish MIT Agents in ISIS in Iraq
December 20, 2015:
Are Taliban on the Verge of Making a Comeback in Afghanistan?
December 20, 2015:
Italy: Discussion of Glass-Steagall Demanded from the Senate Floor
December 18, 2015:
UN Security Council Unanimously Votes up Resolution Backing the International Syria Support Group Process
December 18, 2015:
Gen. Flynn Blasts Obama Again for Lying About Jihadist Threat
December 18, 2015:
Two Days After the Fed Raises Interest Rates Dec. 16, the Crash Speeds Up
December 18, 2015:
China Launches Its First Space Science Mission, to Look for Dark Matter
December 18, 2015:
Hürriyet Op-Ed Argues, Saudis’ Sunni Alliance is Absurd and Dangerous, Threatens Sectarian War, or Worse
December 17, 2015:
China and Russia Sign an Array of Agreements To Boost Cooperation
December 17, 2015:
Sweeping Deregulation and 50% Megadevaluation in Argentina; Kirchnerite Opposition Mobilizes
December 17, 2015:
U.S. BMD Can’t Stop Russian ICBMs, Says Russian Commander
December 15, 2015:
British Monarchy Prepares Legal Assault To Enforce Genocidal ‘Targets’ Agreed Upon at COP21
December 15, 2015:
NATO Is Engaged in Nuclear Escalation Against Russia
December 15, 2015:
SCO Prime Ministers Meeting Calls for Cooperation in Security, Production Capacity, and Connectivity
December 14, 2015:
Puerto Rican Default Looms As Governor Warns ‘We're out of Cash,’ and ‘Fiscal Gymnastics’ Won’t Work
December 14, 2015:
Germany’s Wendelstein 7-X Stellerator Takes the Next Step Toward Fusion
December 13, 2015:
‘Riot in the Casino This Week?
December 11, 2015:
President Putin Presents Russia’s Global Military Strategy Before Country’s High Command, General Staff
December 11, 2015:
Russian Defense Minister Details NATO’s Provocative Expansion Against Russia
December 11, 2015:
Gen. Flynn ‘Steps Up’ To Urge International Anti-Terror Coordination in MoscowRussia
December 10, 2015:
Italy At Odds with EU over Anti-Russian Sanctions and Bail-In; MEP Zanni Insists on Glass-Steagall Now
December 9, 2015:
Value Walk Again Publishes Warning of Nuclear War; Cites Postol Interview
December 9, 2015:
‘Too Much Debt, Too Little Cash’: Commodity/Junk Bond Market Starts Crashing
December 9, 2015:
China Is Ready to Build Nuclear Plants Along the Silk Road
December 8, 2015:
Russia, Iran Sound the Alarm on ISIS Role in Afghan Heroin Trafficking
December 8, 2015:
Italian Physicists Dissociate from Climate Fascists
December 8, 2015:
U.S. Intelligence: ISIS Not Contained
December 7, 2015:
Theodore Postol: ‘Atomic Armageddon Is Just 30 Minutes Away’
December 7, 2015:
Moody’s Warns Default Wave Coming in 2016
December 2, 2015:
Helga Zepp-LaRouche Addresses Japanese Business Leaders on Urgent Need for World Land-Bridge To End War and Tyranny of Geopolitics
December 2, 2015:
Former U.S. Defense Secretary Perry Warns of Nuclear War Threat
December 2, 2015:
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard: U.S. F-15 Patrols of Turkey-Syria Border Put U.S. in ‘Head-to-Head Conflict with Russia’
December 2, 2015:
Russian Defense Ministry Briefs Media on Turkey’s Role in Financing ISIS; More Intelligence To Come
December 1, 2015:
Norwegian Prof. Ole Humlum and Danish Henrik Svensmark Take On Paris CO2 Agenda, Alleged Causes of Climate Changes
December 1, 2015:
Oil Bust Threatens Wave of U.S. Bankruptcies
December 1, 2015:
Finally, Some Sanity on the Silk Road from the U.S. Media
December 1, 2015:
Representative Gabbard Warns Administration of Nuclear War Resulting from U.S. ‘War To Overthrow the Government of Assad’
December 1, 2015:
Gareth Porter: Turkey Shoot-Down of Russian Jet Pre-Planned Ambsush
November 30, 2015:
Ya? alon Says Russian Planes do not Intend To Attack Us; Why Should We Shoot Them Down?
November 30, 2015:
Nicaragua Grand Inter-Oceanic Canal Project Passes Environmental Impact Hurdle
November 30, 2015:
Obama Continues Confrontation with Putin at Paris Meeting
November 30, 2015:
India Blasts COP21 as Carbon Imperialism; Other Attacks on Global Warming Hoax Flourish in U.K., Africa
November 30, 2015:
Flynn: We Have To Work Constructively with Russia
November 30, 2015:
After Paris Attack, Another TV Special on Releasing the Redacted 28 Pages on Saudi Role in 9/11
November 28, 2015:
U.S. and Russia on a Hair-Trigger for Nuclear War
November 27, 2015:
Putin, Hollande Meet in Moscow—Agree on Coordination, Targetting Oil Smuggling, and More; Obama Sidelined and Exposed
November 27, 2015:
Russian Air Forces Commander: Turkish Behavior Shows the Shootdown Was a Deliberate Act
November 27, 2015:
At Commonwealth Meeting—Trudeau Is Obama’s and the Queen’s Pony for Global Warming; India Says, No Deal
November 27, 2015:
Call for 50,000 U.S. Troops in Syria by Robert Kagan, Mr. Victoria Nuland
November 26, 2015:
German High-Ranking Officer: Include Russia in Any Solution
November 24, 2015:
Swedish Delegation in Syria Includes Schiller Institute Activist; Hamiltonian Bank, Syrian Integration into the World Land-Bridge and New Silk Road Discussed
November 24, 2015:
LaRouche: Obama Organized an Act of War
November 24, 2015:
Putin Blasts Turkey, U.S., NATO for Backing ISIS by Downing of Russian Plane
November 23, 2015:
Wall Street’s Oil Debt Bubble Is Breaking, Bankruptcies Accelerate
November 23, 2015:
Anti-Regime Change U.S. Congressmen Coordinate with French on Policy
November 23, 2015:
Nuland Bitches, and Ukraine’s Fascists Turn on Russia
November 23, 2015:
Victory of Vulture Fund Candidate in Argentina Signals Attack on the BRICS
November 22, 2015:
EIR’s Bill Jones Presents Need for New Paradigm at China Scholars’ Conference
November 22, 2015:
China Pledges $10 Billion to ASEAN for Regional Economic Connectivity
November 22, 2015:
Medvedev Scores Obama’s ‘Irresponsible Policy’ on Islamic State
November 22, 2015:
Former Drone Operator: Children Killed by Drones Were Called ‘Fun-Sized Terrorists’
November 21, 2015:
Citibank Caught Laundering Mexican Cartels Drug Money, but Gets a Slap on the Wrist from Obama’s Justice Department
November 21, 2015:
Li Keqiang’s and Modi’s Emphasis on Furthering Closer China-India Relations Could Upset Western Troublemakers
November 19, 2015:
France, Russia Working on UNSC Resolutions Against ISIS
November 19, 2015:
Senate Sticks Finger in Obama’s COP21 Plans
November 19, 2015:
Re-Evaluate (Self-Defeating) Anti-China Export Controls, Commission Recommends
November 19, 2015:
Egypt and Russia Signed Building of Egypt’s First Nuclear Power Plant
November 18, 2015:
Russia Forcing de facto Coordination with U.S.
November 18, 2015:
Bill Black: Wall Street and ‘Major Parts of the Obama Administration Hate Glass-Steagall’
November 17, 2015:
In the Wake of Paris: Release the 28 Pages Now!
November 16, 2015:
Putin and Modi Urge, Sever ISIS’ Financing Sources
November 16, 2015:
Hillary Fumbles: Call It, the ‘Glass-Steagall Effect’
November 15, 2015:
Stavridis: Activate NATO Against ISIS and Invite Russia to Participate
November 15, 2015:
Col. Patrick Lang: To Defeat IS, Cooperation Must Include Russia, Hizbullah, and Iran
November 15, 2015:
Prince Charles to Coordinate, Speak at COP21 Climate Conference
November 16, 2015:
Overcoming the Fear
November 13, 2015:
Royal Satanists Regroup Around Religions for Climate-Change Genocide
November 13, 2015:
Anniversary of Glass-Steagall Repeal Used To Promote Restoration of FDR’s Crucial Banking Act
November 13, 2015:
Turkey, EU Refugee Plan in the Works
November 11, 2015:
Putin Again Warns U.S. Against Breaking Strategic Nuclear Balance
November 11, 2015:
Commercial Real Estate Debt Sitting on Humpty’s Fence with Leveraged Loans, Junk Bonds, Sub-Prime Auto Loans...
November 11, 2015:
U.S. Official Warns of ‘Rising Credit Risk’ in U.S. Financial System
November 11, 2015:
Colombian Cocaine Explosion Another Part of New British Opium War on The Americas
November 11, 2015:
Senior Us Diplomat Stapleton Roy Blasted Nato War Provocations Against Russia; Warned of Similar Errors in Asia
November 11, 2015:
NATO Implementing Ukraine Takeover
November 9, 2015:
World Trade, U.S. Industry Keep Contracting
November 9, 2015:
Greek and German Foreign Ministers Present Hard Facts on Refugee Situation
November 9, 2015:
Saudi/Obama Genocide in Yemen a Catastrophe, Medical Journal The Lancet Charges
November 8, 2015:
Obama’s Defense Secretary Beats Drums for War Against Russia ... and China
November 8, 2015:
Doctors Without Borders Warns: With the TPP, Affordable Medicines for Millions Will Disappear
November 7, 2015:
Movement Against Obama’s Undeclared War In Syria In Congress
November 7, 2015:
MSF: Attack on Kunduz Hospital Was ‘Conducted with a Purpose To Kill and Destroy’
November 6, 2015:
Glass-Steagall Bill Has 70 Co-Sponsors; Rep. Marcy Kaptur Calls on Congress To Act
November 6, 2015:
Drone Papers Confirm Obama’s Killings Are Illegal; Why Is He Still President?
November 6, 2015:
Before Church Leaders and Senators, Mexico's LaRouche Citizens’ Movement Exposed the Pope's Malthusian Encyclical
November 6, 2015:
Russians Slam U.K. Government for Not Sharing Terrorist Information and for Provocations
November 5, 2015:
International Astronautics Congress: Who Is Moving Forward in Space?
November 4, 2015:
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard: Unlawful for U.S. To Wage War in Syria
November 4, 2015:
QE Inflated Wall Street, Screwed Main Street—Says Wall Street
November 4, 2015:
Extraordinary Capitol Hill Event Warns of Obama Thermonuclear War Provocations Against Russia
November 3, 2015:
Obama and Bush Are Responsible for a Half-Million Unnecessary Deaths in the U.S. Since 1999
November 3, 2015:
It’s the U.S. versus China in the South China Sea
November 3, 2015:
China’s Global Rail Mission ‘Covering the World’
November 3, 2015:
Merkel Warns that Hostility Against Refugees Can Trigger War
November 2, 2015:
A Resolution To Defend the Lives of Billions of People: We Say NO to the Paris COP21 CO2 Reduction Scheme
November 1, 2015:
High-Level Russian Warning: Obama Strategists Think of Global War
October 31, 2015:
China Brought Four-Point Proposal to Syria Talks
October 28, 2015:
LaRouche: Murderer Obama Must be Dumped Now!
October 28, 2015:
EIR Forum in D.C. Spotlights Need for Glass-Steagall, U.S. Joining BRICS
October 26, 2015:
Chinese Banking Official Warns of Coming Global Crash
October 26, 2015:
N.Y. Times Editorial Slams Obama’s Syria Military Escalation: It Could ‘Put the U.S. Directly at War with Russia’
October 26, 2015:
India Hosts ‘Historic’ India-Africa Forum Summit with 53 African Nations Represented
October 25, 2015:
EIR Forum: New Silk Road Economic Development Hits Washington, D.C.
October 25, 2015:
Former Senator Mike Gravel To Address EIR D.C. Forum
October 20, 2015:
U.S. Senator Mike Gravel Denounces Obama's Drone Wars
October 20, 2015:
Syrian President Assad Visits President Putin in Moscow
October 20, 2015:
Obama: ‘I’m Really Good at Killing People’
October 20, 2015:
Putin, Fernández de Kirchner Celebrate Russian-Argentine Relations as Model for New Multipolar World
October 20, 2015:
Russia Is Seeking More Than Just a Deconfliction Agreement
October 20, 2015:
Bolivia and Argentina Ramp Up Nuclear, Aerospace, Energy Cooperation
October 20, 2015:
A Presidential Policy Statement from Lyndon LaRouche
October 20, 2015:
General Kujat and Parliamentarian Gehrcke Urge Merkel To Bring U.S. and Russia Together To Stop Syria War
October 20, 2015:
Developing Countries and China Tell Climate Conference: ‘It Is Just Like Apartheid’
October 20, 2015:
Russia, U.S. Sign Limited Syria Deconfliction Agreement
October 20, 2015:
Former Thai Prime Minister, Member of Privy Council, Calls for Kra Canal
October 17, 2015:
LaRouche PAC Webcast Presents Evidence: Mass-Murderer Obama Must Be Removed from Office Now!
October 16, 2015:
Democratic Revolt Escalates Against Obama and Wasserman-Schultz
October 16, 2015:
‘Obama Is Quite Mentally Unwell,’ Says European Diplomat
October 16, 2015:
Putin Speaks to CIS Heads of State; Urges All To Join Baghdad Anti-Terrorist Information Center
October 16, 2015:
China Spells Out Response to Obama’s War Threats
October 16, 2015:
British Religious War in Israel: Temple Mount
October 14, 2015:
Xi Jinping Throws Down the Gauntlet on Reform of International System
October 14, 2015:
Russia Puts Forward a Multi-Decade Space Exploration Program
October 14, 2015:
Illinois Stops Pensions, Chicago Becomes Detroit as the Economy Spirals Down
October 13, 2015:
Obama Won’t Receive a Russian Military Delegation on Coordination
October 12, 2015:
A British Trick?: This is not the Bernie Sanders He’s Represented Himself To Be
October 11, 2015:
British Pilots Authorized To Shoot Down Russian Planes over Syria
October 11, 2015:
Putin, in Rossiya-TV Interview, Discusses Planning and Goals of Syria Campaign
October 11, 2015:
Retired U.S. Military Push for U.S.-Russian Cooperation in Syria
October 11, 2015:
At Rhodes Conference, Yakunin Announces Creation of New Research Institute To Promote Global Infrastructure
October 10, 2015:
Take Pre-Emptive Action: Glass-Steagall In, Obama Out Now!
October 9, 2015:
EIR Daily Alert Announces New Pricing
October 8, 2015:
Rand Paul to GOP, Clinton: ‘No-Fly Zone’ Means War with Russia
October 8, 2015:
Saudi Wahhabi Clerics Declare Jihad Against Russia
October 7, 2015:
LaRouche: Time To Shut Down Wall Street!
October 7, 2015:
Russians Launch Air, Land, Sea Assault on Jihadists in Syria
October 7, 2015:
Brazilian Opposition Steps Up Impeachment Drive Against Dilma Rousseff
October 7, 2015:
Teamsters Central States Pension Fund Files for Reorganization
October 7, 2015:
U.S.-Russia Crisis Seems To Be the Gravest So Far, Worries Senior Russian Diplomat
October 5, 2015:
Wall Street To Wipe Out America’s Labor Force If Not Stopped
October 5, 2015:
India and China Make Concrete Plans To Cooperate in Space
October 5, 2015:
Obama Team Scrambles To Get Europe Back on ‘War on Russia’ Drive
October 4, 2015:
Greek Diplomacy: Tsipras and Kotzias To Visit Iran; Support Russia in Syria
October 4, 2015:
O’Malley Reiterates Call for Glass-Steagall to Des Moines Register
October 4, 2015:
Obama, the Killer, Tries To Deny Responsibility for Bombing of Doctors Without Borders Hospital
October 4, 2015:
Former DIA Chief Gen. Flynn Ridicules Obama Statement that Putin Moved into Syria out of Weakness
October 4, 2015:
Europe’s Foreign Minister Supports Iranian and Russian Roles in Solving Syria Crisis
October 3, 2015:
Four U.S. Senators Tell Obama To Give up the Syria Train-and-Equip Program
October 3, 2015:
All Aspects of the Financial Bubble Are ‘the Worst Since 2008’
October 2, 2015:
Kerry Positive on U.S. Discussion with Russia About Syria
October 2, 2015:
Russia’s Action Against Islamic State Draws Support from Both Sides of the Atlantic
October 2, 2015:
U.S. Economic Decline More Evident in New Jobs Report
October 2, 2015:
Unipolar World Does Not Exist, Says Lavrov
October 1, 2015:
Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Says U.S. Must Work with Russia in Syria and Forget About Regime Change
September 30, 2015:
Putin Orders First Air Strikes Against Syrian Jihadists
September 30, 2015:
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher Attacks U.S. Support for Saudis and Campaign To Overthrow Assad, in House Foreign Affairs Committee
September 30, 2015:
Warren: Glass-Steagall ‘Is Exactly What We Should Do’
September 30, 2015:
Italian Journalist Warns: Beware of Obama’s Retaliation
September 29, 2015:
EIR Silk Road Report in Chinese Presented at Beijing Press Conference
September 28, 2015:
Helga Zepp-LaRouche Takes Lead Chinese Radio International Discussion of China-U.S. Relations
September 28, 2015:
Call for Regime Change within Saudi Arabia?
September 28, 2015:
Xi Jinping at UN—Win-Win vs. Force, Partners vs. Alliances
September 28, 2015:
Amorphous Commodities Bust Is Taking on a Shape
September 25, 2015:
Australian Delegation at Eurasian Women’s Forum in St. Petersburg Presents Zepp-LaRouche UNGA Appeal and World Land-Bridge
September 25, 2015:
The New Economy and Nuclear Power
September 24, 2015:
German Government Rejects Obama, Joins Russian Position on Syria
September 24, 2015:
Rebelling U.S. Intelligence Analysts Say: ‘This Is Just [Obama’s] Perpetual War!’
September 23, 2015:
Hysteria Growing over Fed’s Trap: Replace It with a U.S. National Bank
September 23, 2015:
The U.S. Economy the Fed Sees
September 23, 2015:
Russia’s Syria Policy Still Based on Geneva Communiqué of 2012
September 23, 2015:
Man-Made Global Warming Hoax Debunked at UN
September 22, 2015:
Russian Jets Deploy into Latakia
September 22, 2015:
Right Sector, Poroshenko Allies Blockade Crimea
September 22, 2015:
Developing Countries Leery of Paris COP Intentions
September 21, 2015:
Goldman Tries To Issue Desperate Orders to Fed, ECB
September 21, 2015:
Junk Debt Consuming Virtually All of Oil Drillers’ Revenue
September 21, 2015:
Greek Debt Relief Tops the Agenda of New Syriza-Led Government
September 19, 2015:
Peace Through International Space Cooperation EIR's Interview with Andreas Mogensen, the First Dane in Space
September 18, 2015:
Federal Reserve Makes an Error Based on a Lie
September 17, 2015:
Russia’s Envoy to NATO: It’s Up to NATO To Re-establish Military Dialogue with Russia
September 17, 2015:
Senators Begin To Question Obama’s Regime-Change Agenda in Syria
September 16, 2015:
LaRouche: Urgent To Build the Kra Canal Now!
September 16, 2015:
South Korea Blowing Hole in Obama’s War Plan for Asia
September 16, 2015:
India Completes the Long-Awaited Segment of Inter-Linking of Rivers
September 16, 2015:
Brownshirt Jerry: Green Bills Defeated, He’ll Rule by Decree
September 16, 2015:
EIR News Conference: ‘Global Warming Scare Is Population Reduction, Not Science’
September 15, 2015:
Sen. Mike Gravel at the United Nations: China’s Policy Offers Solutions to Obama’s Disasters
September 15, 2015:
Putin Points to the ‘Soaring’ Threat of ISIS in the Region
September 14, 2015:
BIS Forecasts for This Week a Debt Earthquake by Any Other Name
September 14, 2015:
Wall Street Tries Again To Blame its Collapse on China
September 14, 2015:
Jeremy Corbyn Chooses Pro-Glass-Steagall John McDonnell as Chancellor of the Exchequer
September 14, 2015:
Iraq’s al-Abadi Can’t Stop Russian Planes Flying through Iraq to Syria
September 11, 2015:
Obama White House Reeling from Putin’s Flank into Syria; NATO Reported as ‘Surprised’ and ‘Divided’
September 11, 2015:
U.S. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper in the Crosshairs of Growing Investigation of ‘Cooked’ Intelligence
September 11, 2015:
Sen. Graham Gives Delivers Powerful Call To Release the 28 Pages, Leads Memorial Events on 9/11
September 11, 2015:
German Foreign Ministry, Norwegian Expert Cite Russia’s Key Role in Syria
September 11, 2015:
U.S. Farm Income Drops 34% Over Last Year; Lay-Offs Sweep Through the Agriculture Machinery Sector
September 11, 2015:
Schiller Institute Special Event To Occur September 12: All Eyes Are on Manhtattan
September 10, 2015:
Lavrov Chanllenges Kerry’s ‘Strange Suggestion’ on Syria
September 10, 2015:
Panic Demands for New QE Stalk Trans-Atlantic and Japan
September 10, 2015:
Russian Analyst: West’s Geopolitics Targets Russia/China/India Cooperation for Destruction
September 10, 2015:
More Details Emerge on Military Cooking Intelligence for Obama
September 10, 2015:
Ex-NATO General: Work with Russia on Syria or Risk WW III
September 8, 2015:
Obama Walks into Putin Syria Trap
September 8, 2015:
Russia Carries Out Surprise Military Drill, Sends Subs to Kamchatka Base
September 8, 2015:
Former NATO Military Committee Head General Kujat Calls for ‘Grand Alliance with Russia’ To Stop the War in Syria
September 7, 2015:
Western-Launched Wars Exposed as Cause of Terrorism and Refugee Stream
September 6, 2015:
Putin and Xi Outflank Obama on War and Economy, Emphasize Their ‘Combat Fraternity’
September 3, 2015:
President Xi Makes Peace Appeal at World War II Commemoration
September 3, 2015:
O’Malley Calls for More Presidential Campaign Debates to Let Americans Hear from the Democratic Party
September 2, 2015:
LaRouche: Putin Can Change the Game with Syria Intervention
September 2, 2015:
Is Russia Preparing Military Intervention to Back Assad in Syria?
September 1, 2015:
Kiev Riots Show the Rise of the Nazis in Ukraine
August 31, 2015:
Warnings of General War Danger by Senior U.S. Figures Spread
August 31, 2015:
Wall Street Is Collapsing, Not China
August 31, 2015:
German Ex-Chancellor Schröder To Attend China Victory Celebrations
August 31, 2015:
NATO-Ukraine Exercise ‘Sea Breeze’ Underway
August 28, 2015:
An Urgent Appeal for Action to the Heads of Government: The UN General Assembly Is the World’s Last Chance!
August 27, 2015:
NATO Exercises Are Highly Dangerous’
August 27, 2015:
Bankers Order Puerto Rico To Commit Suicide
August 27, 2015:
Contact Group Meeting Agrees to September 1 Ceasefire
August 27, 2015:
Egyptian Cabinet Approves First High-Speed Train
August 26, 2015:
New ELN Paper on ‘Avoiding War in Europe’
August 26, 2015:
LaRouche: Wall Street Is Hopelessly Bankrupt; Institute Glass-Steagall Worldwide Immediately
August 25, 2015:
LaRouche: The Trans-Atlantic System Is Over; Replace It Now
August 25, 2015:
Egypt’s President el-Sisi Begins Three-Day Visit to Russia and Then Goes to China
August 25, 2015:
2015 Silk-Road International Academic Conference Hears from Helga Zepp-Larouche and EIR’s Michael Billington
August 25, 2015:
Poroshenko Meets with Merkel, Hollande
August 25, 2015:
Lyndon and Helga LaRouche Featured Speakers at Los Angeles Event Commemorating the End of World War II in Asia
August 25, 2015:
Glass-Steagall Would Have Prevented the 2008 Crash
August 24, 2015:
Simultaneous Russian, NATO Exercises
August 20, 2015:
Pentagon Brass Fear Obama’s Nuclear Tripwire Can Start World War
August 20, 2015:
NATO Threatens Donbass
August 20, 2015:
Tsipras Resigns; Greece Goes to Snap Elections
August 19, 2015:
Prominent German Christian Dem Publicizes Former DIA Head Flynn’s Charges Against Obama
August 19, 2015:
Argentina Targettted for Economic, Social Destabilization
August 19, 2015:
UNICEF Reports Saudis Have Killed At Least 1,000 Yemeni Children
August 17, 2015:
Russia Puts Obama and NATO On Notice: Our Missile Warning System Can Detect Any Launches, and We Will Respond
August 17, 2015:
Prez Candidate O’Malley Urges Glass-Steagall on Nationwide TV; LaRouche Notes Parallel Effort by Jeremy Corbyn in U.K. Election
August 16, 2015:
East Ukraine Situation Is Explosive, Says Steinmeier
August 16, 2015:
Is Japan Getting Involved As a Military Power in South China Sea To Trigger Conflict with China, Asks a Chinese Expert
August 15, 2015:
Eurogroup Approves Bailout To Add €86 Billion More onto Greece’s Unpayable Debt Pile
August 14, 2015:
Ukraine’s Nazi Right Sector Could Be the Trigger for Nuclear War
August 14, 2015:
After Gen. Flynn’s Revelations: McClatchy Papers Expose More on Obama’s Help to Syrian Jihadists
August 14, 2015:
Escalation in the Donbass Targeted at Destroying Minsk Agreement
August 13, 2015:
Ischinger: We Are At Point Zero in U.S.-Russia Relations
August 13, 2015:
One Hundred Retired U.S. Diplomats Support P5+1 Deal in Open Letter
August 13, 2015:
Creditors’ Bail-Out Throws Drowning Greece an Anchor
August 7, 2015:
Call To Stop the Immediate Danger of World War III!
August 7, 2015:
Sputnik Interviews Helga Zepp-LaRouche: ‘U.S. Analyst Claims Geopolitics Could Lead to Extinction of Human Race’
August 7, 2015:
El-Sisi Inspires Fellow Citizens: Egyptian People Prove They Are Able To Make History
August 7, 2015:
Minsk Process Jams Up: Independence Forces Blame the Kiev Regime
August 7, 2015:
Chinese Foreign Minister Blows Up the U.S. Lies on South China Sea, Offers Cooperation with All Nations
August 6, 2015:
Egyptian President El-Sisi Opens New Suez Canal, ‘A Gift for Humanity, for Development, for Building...’
August 6, 2015:
Russian Prime Minister Medvedev: Egypt and Russian Cooperation Forges Ahead in Nuclear Power, the BRICS, and More
August 6, 2015:
Lavrov, at ASEAN Forum, Blasts U.S. Military Build-up in Asia
August 4, 2015:
Tony Blair Should Be Tried for War Crimes If Chilcot Commission Rules 2003 Iraq Invasion Illegal, Says Jeremy Corbyn
August 5, 2015:
Illegality of Obama Syrian Warfare Policy Confronted at Pentagon and State Department Briefings August 4
August 4, 2015:
European Warnings on the Brink of Nuclear War
August 4, 2015:
Egypt Ready To Celebrate Opening of New Suez Canal, Ready for Part Two of Project
August 4, 2015:
LaRouche: Murder of Puerto Rico is on Obama; Get Him Out!
August 4, 2015:
Some U.S. Political Voices of Sanity Counter the War Drive
August 3, 2015:
NATO September Exercise Rehearsing Nuclear Attack on Russia?
August 3, 2015:
Commodities Crash Is Prelude to Blowout
August 3, 2015:
O’Malley in Puerto Rico: Extend Bankruptcy Protection
August 3, 2015:
Corbyn U.K. Labour Party Steamroller Is Growing More Powerful
August 3, 2015:
Greek Economy Heading to a Meltdown
August 2, 2015:
Russian Duma Leader Charges that Toleration of Fascist Ideology Can Lead to ‘A Third World War, Which Would Be Mankind’s Last’
August 1, 2015:
French Economist Sapir Backs Italian MP Fassina’s Call for National Liberation Fronts’ from the Euro
August 1, 2015:
Chinese Naval Exercise Counters U.S. Militarization of South China Sea
August 1, 2015:
Obama’s International TPP Takes Big Hit
July 30, 2015:
U.K. Channel 4 TV Special—‘Prince Philip: The Plot To Make a King’—Puts Nazi Roots on Display
July 30, 2015:
German Resistance to the War Party’s Turkey-NATO Escalation Gambit: General Kujat Issues Warning
July 30, 2015:
Congressman Walter Jones Voices Strong Support for Motion To Remove Boehner
July 29, 2015:
New Russian Naval Doctrine Responds to ‘Unacceptable’ NATO Moves
July 29, 2015:
In September, the Trial on the 2011 EU Coup Will Take Place in Italy
July 29, 2015:
Libya’s Tripoli ‘Government’ Demonstrates Weakness, Sentences Qaddafi’s Son to Death
July 29, 2015:
O’Malley to Puerto Rico Saturday To Campaign on Changes to Bankruptcy Law; and Health-Care Improvements
July 28, 2015:
Putin Again Warns Russia Will Respond to U.S.-NATO BMD System
July 28, 2015:
Schiller Institute Youth Delegates Participate in First BRICS and SCO Youth Forum in Ufa
July 27, 2015:
LaRouche Warns of Thermonuclear ‘Guns of August’ Unless Obama Is Dumped
July 27, 2015:
‘Real Economy,’ Not ‘Bubble Economy,’ Is the Road to Success, Xi Says
July 27, 2015:
The Murder of Puerto Rico: Vulture Funds Say Debt Relief Unjustified—Just Kill People Instead
July 24, 2015:
British Empire Denounced; India MP Calls for Reparations for 200 Years of Looting; Prime Minister Modi Praises His Patriotism
July 23, 2015:
O’Malley to Washington Press: Pass Glass-Steagall First!
July 23, 2015:
There Is No Iranian Missile Threat to Europe
July 23, 2015:
Chinese Hit U.S. Provocations over South China Sea
July 22, 2015:
Russia Stresses Anti-BMD Capabilities of Its Missiles
July 22, 2015:
The British Monarchy Is in Serious Trouble
July 22, 2015:
Tony Blair Desperate To Stop Glass-Steagall Leader
July 22, 2015:
Nuclear Power Marches Forward in BRICS Countries
July 21, 2015:
Puerto Rican Citizens Can't Be Sacrificed To Pay the Debt, Island Official Warns
July 20, 2015:
British Royal-Nazi Links Go Viral; How Long Can the Monarchy Survive?
July 20, 2015:
London Is Worrying about U.S. Glass-Steagall Drive
July 20, 2015:
Bloodthirsty Vultures Demand All Argentine Debt Payments Be Blocked, Until They Are Paid
July 20, 2015:
Russian Military Begins Nuclear Emergency Drill, Announces Defense Ministry
July 17, 2015:
Glass-Steagall Is Becoming the Issue Nationally
July 17, 2015:
Nuclear Power Marches Forward in BRICS Countries
July 17, 2015:
Former U.S. Strategic Command Officer Warns: Take Nuclear Missiles Off Alert To Mitigate the Risk of Nuclear War
July 17, 2015:
Greek Parliament President Konstantopoulou: ‘No to Blackmail! No to Ultimatums! No to Odious Debt-Deflation!’
July 16, 2015:
Lift Food Embargo on Greece, Duma Member Submits Proposal to Putin
July 15, 2015:
The Glass-Steagall Express Is Underway
July 14, 2015:
Kammenos Blasts Creditors’ Attempt at Ongoing Coup Against Greek Government
July 14, 2015:
Like Greece, Debt-Ridden Puerto Rico Ordered To Murder Its People
July 14, 2015:
Abandonment of Anti-Missile Defense in Europe by the U.S. Must Follow Nuclear Agreement with Iran, Says Lavrov
July 14, 2015:
Obama and Biden Promised Yatsenyuk Continuing Sanctions Against Russia
July 13, 2015:
LaRouche PAC Intervention in Manhattan Puts Glass-Steagall onto the Global Agenda: ‘Senator Clinton, Will You Restore It...?’
July 13, 2015:
Firestorm of Opposition in Greece to 'New Versailles Treaty'
July 13, 2015:
Right Sector Shootout: Ukrainian Democracy in Action
July 13, 2015:
Senate Glass-Steagall Move Creates Potential ‘New Era for Mankind’
July 11, 2015:
Putin: The BRICS are 'The Future Leaders of the World Economy," and China "Remains the Locomotive of the World Economy'
July 11, 2015:
National LULAC Convention Passes Resolution for Glass Steagall
July 9, 2015:
U.S. Senators Put Glass-Steagall onto the Agenda
July 9, 2015:
Trade Union Forum of BRICS Sends a Clear Message
July 9, 2015:
U.S. Navy Documents Saudi-British Genocide in Yemen
July 9, 2015:
Zepp-LaRouche: Merkel Must Resign
July 9, 2015:
Pope Francis Faces Test in South America
July 7, 2015:
Senators Introduce 21st Century Glass-Steagall Act
July 7, 2015:
Look to Debt Conference of 1953 for ‘How to Handle the Greek Debt’
July 6, 2015:
LaRouche: To Save the Trans-Atlantic Region, Implement FDR's Glass-Steagall Now
July 6, 2015:
Some Sane American Voices in Support of Greek Referendum
July 6, 2015:
Glazyev: Greek Referendum, an Uprising against the ‘World Money Power,’ Sets a Precedent
July 6, 2015:
Sputnik Interview with Helga Zepp-LaRouche on the Schiller Institute BRICS Petition
July 6, 2015:
Gelb: U.S. Policy on Russia Is a ‘Losing Strategy’ Without Real Diplomacy
July 6, 2015:
Russian Media Highlight Schiller Institute BRICS Petition
July 5, 2015:
World War III, or a Worldwide Renaissance? Why the West Must Collaborate with BRICS for the Common Aims of Mankind
July 5, 2015:
Tsipras Statement after Voting on July 5th
July 5, 2015:
EIR Article Calling for Reduction of Greek Debt Is Translated into Greek, and Is Being Circulated
July 2, 2015:
EU Creditors’ Position Crumbles: IMF Admits Greece Needs Debt Relief
July 2, 2015:
Right Sector Threatens Kiev Regime: Cancel Minsk Agreement or Else
July 2, 2015:
German Economist Starbatty Encourages, Greeks Should Vote ‘No’ in Referendum
July 2, 2015:
Obama Pummeled for Failure To Aid Puerto Rico; O’Malley Demands Action
July 2, 2015:
Deadly Irregular Warfare Escalates Against Egypt
July 1, 2015:
Tsipras: The Referendum Is Not About Whether Greece Stays or Leaves the Euro
July 1, 2015:
Greece Open to Becoming BRICS Member
July 1, 2015:
Grushko: NATO’s Turn Against Russia Began Even Before the Ukraine Crisis
July 1, 2015:
Saudi Genocide: Humanitarian Catastrophe Looming in Yemen
June 30, 2015:
LaRouche: The Trans-Atlantic Financial System Is Bankrupt, not Greece
June 30, 2015:
New Push for Glass-Steagall at European Parliament
June 30, 2015:
Revolt Against Sanctions on Russia at German-Russian Municipalities Conference
June 29, 2015:
Tsipras’s Combative Statement on Bank Holiday
June 29, 2015:
British MPs, Union Leaders Demand Conference To Cancel Greek Debt
June 29, 2015:
BRICS Post: Economic Crisis Driving War Danger
June 28, 2015:
We Are All Greeks! Europe only has a Future with the New Silk Road
June 26, 2015:
Yevgeni Primakov, Who Pulled Russia Back from the Brink, Has Died
June 25, 2015:
LaRouche on the Greek Crisis: The Only Way Out of This Mess
June 24, 2015:
Schellnhuber Encyclical Frontally Attacks ‘Promethean’ Vision of Man
June 24, 2015:
Another Voice Against Genocide Assails Obama’s TPP
June 24, 2015:
German Political Leader Oskar LaFontaine Blasts U.S. Policy Toward Russia
June 23, 2015:
Still No Deal, Still EU Hard Line on Greek Debt
June 23, 2015:
Ash Carter Ramps Up War Provocations Against Russia
June 22, 2015:
The Encyclical from Hell
June 22, 2015:
FDIC’s Hoenig Gestures Toward Glass-Steagall Again
June 21, 2015:
Free the Pope from Satan! Schellnhuber Is a Satanic Figure!
June 19, 2015:
Zepp-LaRouche Outlines Strategic Situation to Silk Road Conference in Yiwu, China
June 19, 2015:
Schiller Institute Conference in Paris: A Solution for ‘Greek’ and ‘African’ Debt in the Era of the BRICS
June 19, 2015:
Schiller Institute Conference in Paris: Malthusian Climate Change Swindle, the Deadly Enemy of the BRICS and of Humanity
June 18, 2015:
Schiller Institute Conference in Paris: Rebuilding the World in the BRICS Era
June 18, 2015:
Eurozone Finance Ministers’ Meeting on Greece Produces Only Threats; Emergency Summit Set for June 22
June 18, 2015:
Greek Debt Commission Declares Debt ‘Illegitimate’ and ‘Odious’
June 18, 2015:
NATO Steps Up Provocations Against Russia
June 17, 2015:
$26 Trillion Financial-Sector Assets Now Covered by Taxpayer, Could Be Bailed Out
June 12, 2015:
Obama Pushes Free Trade Deal As If His Future Depends Upon It—and It Does
June 11, 2015:
Transdniestria: The Next Flashpoint for War Against Russia
June 11, 2015:
Steinbrück Pulls Out of Ukraine Expert Group
June 10, 2015:
Lavrov Issues Sharp Warning Against ‘Militarist Rhetoric’ on the INF Treaty
June 110, 2015:
German Diplomacy Opens the Libya Front: Can Berlin Be a BRICS Bridge Against NATO-Created Chaos?
June 6, 2015:
Varoufakis in Berlin: Stop Squeezing the Greek People!
June 6, 2015:
Russia Says G7 Summit Produced Nothing New—But Notes Splits
June 6, 2015:
Will NSA Scandal Finally Lead to the Demise of Merkel?
June 6, 2015:
Vladimir Putin Will Visit Italy June 9-10
June 6, 2015:
LaRouche Comments on O’Malley Candidacy
June 5, 2015:
Gen. Ivashov on Cuban Missile Crisis in Reverse
June 5, 2015:
American Committee for East-West Accord Revived To Stop War
June 6, 2015:
O’Malley in the Media: ‘Wall Street’s Public Enemy No. 1’
June 5, 2015:
Five New Congressional Signers Bring Glass-Steagall Sponsors to 59
June 3, 2015:
Wall Street Hates O’Malley, and He Welcomes Their Hatred
June 3, 2015:
Putin Calls for Integration of Eurasian Economic Union and Silk Road
June 3, 2015:
SPECIAL: EIR Interview with Chinese Diplomat Dr. Liu Youfa Featured at Peruvian Conference
June 3, 2015:
Germany and Egypt Sign Several Billion-Euro Deals During el-Sisi’s Visit
June 3, 2015:
Bill To Declassify 28 Pages Now in U.S. Senate
June 2, 2015:
Rand Paul Announces S.1471 to Declassify 28 Pages at Packed Capitol Press Conference; Media Explodes
June 2, 2015:
Greek Government Will Not Submit to Blackmail
June 2, 2015:
Buk Manufacturer Study: Kiev Buk Missile Downed MH17 from Kiev-Held Territory
June 1, 2015:
Latin American UN Official: BRICS Is the Alternative to the Unresponsive Bretton Woods System
June 1, 2015:
Anti-Euro Parties Score Major Gains in Italian Regional Vote
June 1, 2015:
Czech General Proposes Nuclear War To Defend Baltics from Russia
June 1, 2015:
Martin O’Malley Kicks Off Presidential Campaign
May 31, 2015:
Russian Su-24 Jets Force AEGIS-Equipped U.S.S. Ross Away from Russian Waters in Black Sea
May 30, 2015:
Russia Issues Scathing Attack on U.S. War Preparation in Asia
May 28, 2015:
Bill To Disclose the 28 Pages To be Introduced in U.S. Senate
May 28, 2015:
Peruvian Military Center Hosts BRICS Seminar, Featuring Helga Zepp-LaRouche
May 28, 2015:
Ash Carter Defends U.S. Spy Plane over South China Sea, China Calls it ‘Bullying’ against China and India
May 27, 2015:
BRICS Issue Statement of Support for Libyan Government
May 27, 2015:
The Fall of Ramadi Sparks a Debate in Washington
May 26, 2015:
Li Concludes Visit to Chile: China Will Finance More of South America’s Bioceanic Corridors
May 26, 2015:
Yakunin in Shanghai—Integrate the Silk Road Economic Belt and the Trans-Eurasian Belt
May 26, 2015:
Wall Street Journal Calls for War on China and Russia
May 26, 2015:
Greek Ministers: No More Austerity; Jobs and Pension Before Debt
May 26, 2015:
Thai Junta Leader Prayut Praises Kra Canal
May 26, 2015:
EU Deliberations on Military Intervention in Libya
May 22, 2015:
DIA Documents Make ‘Official’ What EIR and Others Knew on 9/12/12
May 22, 2015:
China Responds to Obama’s War Provocation in the South China Sea
May 22, 2015:
Glazyev: NDB Won’t Compete with IMF/ADB, Since They Gave Up on Development!
May 22, 2015:
Maritime Silk Road, Dialogue of Civilizations Are Key Themes in Chinese Premier’s Visit to Peru
May 22, 2015:
Russia Pledges to Help Iraq PM Abadi Drive out ISIS
May 22, 2015:
Tsipras Brings Up Cutting the Debt at Riga
May 22, 2015:
LaRouche: ‘The Preconditions for Obama’s Removal from Office Have Now Been Met’
May 22, 2015:
Congressional Support for Reinstating Glass-Steagall Growing Rapidly
May 20, 2015:
Moscow Ends NATO’s Supply Route Through Russia to Afghanistan
May 20, 2015:
China Unveils Plans To Become a Manufacturing Superpower
May 20, 2015:
China-Brazil: Make That $73 Billion... and Make It for Industry, Infrastructure, and Friendship
May 20, 2015:
Greece Won’t Pay the IMF on June 5, Unless There Is a Deal on the Debt
May 20, 2015:
Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions Reveals Contents of TPP, Defying Threats of Prosecution
May 18, 2015:
Senator Warren Lands First Punch in Round Three of TPP Fight
May 18, 2015:
Nazification of Ukraine Advances; Obama’s Crowd Loves It
May 17, 2015:
Russia, China Hold Joint Drills in Mediterranean To Strengthen Mutual Understanding Between the Navies
May 17, 2015:
Modi’s Three-Day China Trip Gets Strong Support in India
May 17, 2015:
Zepp-LaRouche: How the Germans Can Solve Their Mental Block and Ensure Their Future
May 17, 2015:
Five More Signers on House Glass-Steagall Bill
May 14, 2015:
Global Times Editorial: Remember That We Have Nuclear Weapons!
May 14, 2015:
Modi Held First Round of Talks with President Xi in Host’s Hometown of Xi’an
May 14, 2015:
Saudis’ Plan To Hang Leading Shi’a Cleric Sheikh al-Nimr Could Trigger a Sectarian Bloodbath
May 14, 2015:
Eurasian Economic Union and China To Cooperate on Silk Road Project for Economic Development
May 14, 2015:
German General Kujat Praises Kerry-Putin Meeting, Sees Potential for Russia and the U.S. To Resolve Ukraine Crisis
May 12, 2015:
Russian Official Invites Greece To Join BRICS Bank
May 12, 2015:
Seymour Hersh Article Screws Obama, Saudis on bin Laden Murder
May 12, 2015:
Eurogroup, ECB Continue Credit Cut-Off against Greece
May 12, 2015:
Intensified Chinese Silk Road Diplomacy in Europe
May 11, 2015:
Mexican Biologist Omar Pensado Again Blasts British Climate Change Lies, Denounces IPCC's Zeusian Concept of Man
May 11, 2015:
Wall Street Meets To 'Set Record Straight' against Glass-Steagall in U.S. Election Campaign
May 10, 2015:
Helga Zepp-LaRouche Addresses Impulswelle Conference 'Does the Future of Switzerland Lie in Eurasia?'
May 10, 2015:
Putin Meets Merkel’ Appeals to Sane Industrial Forces in Germany
May 10, 2015:
Schröder: Bush and Obama Policy ‘Wrong and Dangerous’
May 10, 2015:
Amelia Boynton Robinson Receives an Award from the Republic of San Marino
May 9, 2015:
Argentine Finance Minister: ‘We Haven’t Paid and Won’t Pay’ the Vulture Funds; Lauds Belgian Support
May 7, 2015:
Sputnik News Agency Interview with Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
May 7, 2015:
BND-NSA Scandal Rocks German Political Scene
May 7, 2015:
Bankers’ Cold Coup Escalates in Greece
May 7, 2015:
World Military Experts Issue Dire Warning of Nuclear War
May 6, 2015:
High Density of NATO Exercises
April 28, 2015:
German-Russian Dialogue in Baden-Baden Hears Zepp-LaRouche
April 28, 2015:
Catholic Groups, Vatican Charge: The TPP Violates ‘the Common Good’ and Human Dignity
April 28, 2015:
USGS Sounds Alarm Over Subsidence in California
April 28, 2015:
Greece’s Largest Bank Offers Major Debt Relief To Address Humanitarian Crisis
April 24, 2015:
Zepp-LaRouche Blasts Cynical EU Policy After Mass Drowning of War Refugees in Mediterranean
April 24, 2015:
‘Complete Breakdown’ of Greek-EU Negotiations; Systemic Blowout Trigger Remains Cocked
April 24, 2015:
Putin: We Must Ask Ourselves Why Neo-Fascism Is Again on the Rise
April 24, 2015:
Color Revolution Factors Active in South Africa; Zuma Unable To Attend Bandung Summit
April 24, 2015:
Pentagon Reiterates U.S. Support for Saudi War in Yemen; Bombing Continues
April 22, 2015:
Debate on ‘Who Started the Libyan War’ Rages in Italy
April 22, 2015:
Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov on Obama
April 22, 2015:
Ukrainian Insurgent Army Claims Responsibility for Ukrainian Political Assassinations
April 22, 2015:
Argentine President in Moscow Points to ‘A New Economic Order;’ Expected To Sign 20 Cooperation Agreements
April 22, 2015:
Professor Hu Angang on China’s Future Based on Physical Parameters
April 21, 2015:
LaRouche PAC To Hold National Webcast April 25
April 21, 2015:
Saudis Called a Halt to Indiscriminate Bombing of Yemen
April 21, 2015:
Will NATO Go to Nuclear War for Estonia?
April 21, 2015:
China To Infuse $62 billion To Recapitalize Three Banks To Kickstart ‘One Belt, One Road’ Project
April 21, 2015:
Once Again, Argentine Legal Authorities Dismiss Fraudulent Nisman Charges Against President Fernández
April 21, 2015:
Shanghai Cooperation Organization Preparing To Counter Afghan Drug Threat
April 20, 2015:
Activating the Opposition to Obama’s Fascist ‘TPP’
April 17, 2015:
Russians Deliver Bluntest Warning Yet About NATO Nuclear War Provocations
April 17, 2015:
Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s Call Issued in Manhattan, for the U.S. and Europe To Join the BRICS, Sounds Around the Globe
April 17, 2015:
U.S. Commentators Condemn Obama’s New Cold War, Warn of Possible Nuclear Ramifications
April 17, 2015:
Saudi Air Strikes in Yemen Are Killing Civilians and Helping al-Qaeda Spread—and the Pentagon Knows It
April 17, 2015:
Russian Foreign Ministry Says U.S. Troops in Ukraine Violate Minsk II Accord
April 17, 2015:
LaRouche PAC on the Ground in Central Valley, California: People Get It; There Is Water! Flush Brown!
April 16, 2015:
BRICS’ New Development Bank Will Start Operation in July
April 16, 2015:
Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu Points to Nuclear Threat Posed by NATO
April 15, 2015:
Vitrenko and Marchenko to Petro Poroshenko: Ensure the Right to Life, or Step Down!
April 15, 2015:
Water Rationing Plans Will Result in Genocide
April 14, 2015:
LaRouche: ‘If Anything Happens to Natalia Vitrenko, Victoria Nuland Must be Held Responsible’
April 14, 2015:
Everyone Wants In on a Bioceanic Corridor in South America
April 14, 2015:
China and South Africa Express Satisfaction over Progress with Establishment of BRICS Development Bank
April 14, 2015:
Iran To Seek China’s Cooperation in Setting Up More Nuclear Power Plants
April 13, 2015:
Modi in Germany: Make India a High-Tech Manufacturing Hub
April 11, 2015:
Australian Conference Brings Together Advocates for BRICS, World Land-Bridge, as Pathway to Peace
April 8, 2015:
Putin and Tsipras Take Russian-Greek Relations to New Heights in Moscow Meeting
April 8, 2015:
Northcom Chief: Russian Military More Capable than in Soviet Times
April 8, 2015:
U.S. Is Sinking Deeper into Saudi War in Yemen
April 8, 2015:
Japan Shows Renewed Interest in the AIIB
April 7, 2015:
The Full Potential Water Supply for Earth Is Being Discovered
April 6, 2015:
Greece Putting Plan B in Place on Eve of Tsipras Trip to Moscow
April 6, 2015:
Catastrophic Drought in Southeastern Brazil Results from Failure To Develop Brazil
April 6, 2015:
Argentine Central Bank Removes Citibank CEO, Orders Bank Inspection To Ensure Compliance with Law
April 6, 2015:
Ukraine Restructures Security Service To Model Hitler’s SS, and Flaunts It
April 6, 2015:
Wang Yi: China and Russia are Collaborating To Create a Just World Order
April 6, 2015:
Don’t Let California go Brown: The Water Exists, Develop It!
April 3, 2015:
Fed Hyperinflation Reaching the End of the Road; Economy Sinks Again
April 1, 2015:
Russia Assumes BRICS Chairmanship; Putin Vows To Take BRICS Partnership to ‘a New, Higher Level’
April 1, 2015:
Argentina and Bolivia Sign Nuclear Energy Agreement
April 1, 2015:
Gen. Wesley Clark Calls for U.S. To Arm Ukraine
April 1, 2015:
Italian Prof. Antonio Fallico Tells EIR: ‘The American People Deserve Better Leaders’
March 30 2015:
Leading U.K. Politicians Speak Out for Glass-Steagall, End of War Drive Against Russia
March 30 2015:
China Presents Action Plan for ‘One Belt, One Road’
March 29 2015:
Warnings Grow of Looming Debt Crisis; Some Eurozone Fakers Say QE Will Save Them
March 29 2015:
Clumsy Coverup of Saudi Role in 9/11 by FBI ‘Review Commission’
March 28 2015:
Six More Nations Apply To Join the AIIB
March 27 2015:f
O’Malley‘s Glass-Steagall Offensive is Unspoken Reason: Wall Street Thugs Meet To Punish Democrat
March 27 2015:
Putin: No One Will Intimidate Russia
\March 27 2015:
Neo-Nazi Right Sector Leader Offered Post in Defense Ministry
March 25 2015:
Austria Set To Become Sixth European Nation To Join AIIB
March 25 2015:
Greece Celebrates a True Independence Day Parade, Sending a Message to the ‘Powers’
March 25 2015:
Rep. Emanuel Cleaver to SEC Chair Mary Jo White: ‘What About Glass-Steagall?’
March 25 2015:
Netanyahu and Bush Leaguer Dermer Spied and Colluded with GOP Against P5+1
March 24 2015:
Russian Railways Head Yakunin Renews Proposal for a Trans- European Development Belt, To Replace the Bankrupt Global System
March 24 2015:
Tsipras Tells Merkel What Greek Policy Is
March 24 2015:
Egypt, Ethiopia, and Sudan Sign Breakthrough Agreement on Grand Renaissance Dam, Opening the Way for Cooperation
March 23 2015:
Official Warnings of a Bond Markets Crash in U.S. and Europe
March 23 2015:
Senators Demand U.S. Confrontation with China in South China Sea
March 23 2015:
China’s Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Yesui Once Again Invites United States To Join the Silk Road
March 22 2015:
Russia Concludes Six-Day Exercise, Tours Foreign Military Attachés Through National Defense Center
March 21 2015:
U.S. Training Mission to Ukraine To Go Ahead
March 21 2015:
BRICS Science and Technology Ministers Plan Cooperation; BRICS Reps Meet To Discuss Nuclear Cooperation at Moscow Forum
March 20 2015:
Economist Has a Fit, Threatens Tsipras
March 20 2015:
Get on the AIIB Boat Before It Sails, Xinhua Says
March 19 2015:
Tremonti Compares Brussels to Roman Emperor Elagabalus’ Court
March 19 2015:
Congressman Keith Ellison Endorses U.S. Joining the AIIB
March 19 2015:
Senior Greek Official: No Country in the World Could Pay Such Debt
March 19 2015:
Charging American Incitement of Kiev, Russian Foreign Minister Calls for New Talks on Ukraine
March 16 2015:
China and AIIB Move Ahead; Major European Nations Join the Bank
March 16 2015:
O’Malley Also Opposed Obama’s War Policy
March 16 2015:
Merkel Not Going Along with Poroshenko
March 16 2015:
Greek Parliament To Announce Debt Audit Commission
March 15 2015:
London Telegraph Columnist sees Threat of ‘Lehman-Style Crisis’
March 14 2015:
Three World Leaders Intervene Against War and Economic Disintegration
March 12 2015:
Martin O’Malley Repeats Call To Reinstate Glass-Steagall
March 12 2015:
Steinmeier Warns Against Arming Ukraine
March 12 2015:
Former German Chancellor Schmidt: Ukraine Conflict Might Turn into Hot War
March 12 2015:
Russian Arms Control Official Addresses Factors of Nuclear War from the U.S.
March 11 2015:
ECB Starts Violating Its Charter To Try To Make Hyperinflation Work
March 9 2015:
Russia Delivers Blunt Response to Proposed EU Army
March 9 2015:
ECB Enters Dangerous Attempt To Hyperinflate the Already Hyperinflating Debt Bubble
March 9 2015:
French China Expert Calls for EU To Join China’s New Silk Road Project
March 8 2015:
Greek Government Will Seek Support of the Greek Population, If Its Policy Is Rejected by the Eurozone
March 8 2015:
Bundestag Vice President Claudia Roth Calls Saudis ‘Top Terror Exporter’
March 8 2015:
Ex-Mossad Chief Meir Dagan: Netanyahu More ‘Frightening’ Than All Israel Enemies
March 8 2015:
China Sees Notable Progress in Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, Silk Road Fund
March 7 2015:
LaRouche to Greece: Call the EU’s Bluff, Join the BRICS
March 5 2015:
NATO Deploys Ships, Escalates Military Tensions in the Black Sea
March 5, 2015:
Draghi Announced QE but Leaves Greece and Cyprus Outstanding
March 5, 2015:
Greek Defense Scholar Says Nemtsov Murder Part of West? s Destabilization of Putin
March 5, 2015:
Egypt’s President El-Sisi Fires His Interior Minister
March 4, 2015:
Hoenig Warns on Leveraged Loans and Derivatives, Loss of Glass-Steagall
March 3, 2015:
LaRouche Denounces Frame-Up of Putin for Nemtsov Murder; Calls Out Obama
March 2, 2015:
Senior Security Officials Say Netanyahu's U.S. Congress Speech Harms Israel, Helps Iran
March 2, 2015:
Euro Debt Collapse Nearing: ‘The Locks of the Approaching Storm’
March 1, 2015:
Russian Top Brass Warn Again: ‘Tactical’ Nuclear War and Prompt Global Strike Won’t Work
February 28, 2015:
LaRouche Says Murder of Russian Opposition Leader Nemtsov ‘Smells Like Nuland’
February 28, 2015:
Helga Zepp-LaRouche Keynotes Schiller Conference in Houston
February 27, 2015:
Brazilians Mobilize To Stop Wall Street Coup
February 26, 2015:
Intensive Trans-Atlantic Debate Over U.S. Tactical Nukes in Europe
February 26, 2015:
BRICS Move on Creating New Development Bank
February 26, 2015:
Soros Man Joins Nazi Parubiy in Bid for U.S. War on Russia
February 26, 2015:
Back to the Future: British Want To Be the ‘Eighth Emirate’ To Control Persian Gulf’s Riches
February 25, 2015:
What Was the U.S. Involvment in the Slaughter of 44 Filipino Special Ops Police?
February 25, 2015:
Ukraine War Drive Flirts with Nuclear War
February 25, 2015:
Latvian Prime Minister Warns the West
February 25, 2015:
China and Russia Attack Unilateralism at the UN
February 25, 2015:
Greeks and EU Reach Fragile Ceasefire
February 25, 2015:
Glass-Steagall Debates Upcoming in Europe
February 18, 2015:
Debt Fraud: Greece Actually Owes Nothing!
February 17, 2015:
Former Head of MI6 Warns of Danger of War with Russia
February 17, 2015:
ECB Fears Greece Could Implement Glass-Steagall
February 17, 2015:
UBS Whistleblower: HSBC, UBS, JPMorgan, and Others Run a ‘Criminal Industry’
February 17, 2015:
China’s Xinhua: ‘Uncle Sam: Anti-Terror Leader or Terrorist Breeder?’
February 17, 2015:
Russia To Use Space Technology To Monitor Drug Crops
February 16, 2015:
Der Spiegel: ‘In the Crisis, Nuland Herself Has Become the Problem’
February 16, 2015:
Who Carried Out the Maidan Massacre of February 20, 2014?
February 16, 2015:
Putin on Terrorism: Western Support for Afghanistan Extremists Let the Genie Out of the Bottle
February 16, 2015:
China’s Silk Road Fund Is Operative
February 16, 2015:
Did the Queen Order the Assassination of Diana? Australian Investigation Builds Pressure on Scandal-Dogged Royals
February 14, 2015:
LaRouche on Ukraine Crisis: Fire Nazi-Lover Nuland
February 12, 2015:
Jack Matlock Lambastes U.S. Policy Toward Russia
February 12, 2015:
Greece Launches ‘Movement in the Squares’; Worldwide Rallies Planned for Feb. 15
February 12, 2015:
Victoria Nuland Is Confronted for Backing Nazis in Ukraine
February 12, 2015:
Another H.Res.14 Co-Sponsor Takes to the House Floor To Demand Declassification of the 28 Pages
February 12, 2015:
Former NATO Military Committee Head Gen. Harald Kujat: The Key to Peace in Ukraine Lies with Obama Negotiating with Putin
February 12, 2015:
Maritime Silk Road Seminar in Fujian Province: ‘Creating a Common Destiny’
February 10, 2015:
Kammenos Calls for Plan B: Seek Funding from China and Russia
February 9, 2015:
HSBC Caught in Global Tax Evasion, Obama Appointee in Coverup
February 9, 2015:
Support Demos Begin Wednesday for Greece’s Battle with Banks
February 9, 2015:
The World Dodged a Bullet? But the Guns Are Still Loaded and Cocked
February 9, 2015:
Saudi Role in Financing Jihadis Now Being Questioned in International Press
February 4, 2015:
Helga Zepp-LaRouche Presents Land-Bridge Report in Europe
February 4, 2015:
Wall Street Tool Obama Pushes Toward Nuclear War
February 4, 2015:
Russia-India-China Meeting Takes Strategic Leadership
February 4, 2015:
Anti-Austerity Rallies in Europe Support Greece
February 4, 2015:
China and Africa Sign Deal for New Transport Links
February 3, 2015:
TASS Interviews Zepp-LaRouche on War-Avoidance and the BRICS Process
February 3, 2015:
Tsipras Invites Cyprus To Join in Struggle
February 2, 2015:
Fact Sheet on Who Is Behind the Drive To Dismember Russia
January 27, 2015:
New Glass-Steagall Bill Advances in Congress
January 26, 2015:
New $20 Billion Private Fund Launched To Help Launch New Silk Road
January 26, 2015:
LaRouche Hails Stunning Greek Electoral Repudiation of Troika
January 26, 2015:
Former Russian Foreign Minister Warns, Nuclear Conflict Has Never Been Closer
January 25, 2015:
White House Continues To Dodge 28 Pages, As Heat Intensifies
January 25, 2015:
German Extremism Expert: Washington Uses Blackwater in Ukraine for a ‘Military Solution’
January 21, 2015:
Obama Presents ‘State of the Confederacy’: A Message of Confrontation and Delusion
January 21, 2015:
Boehner Speaks for War Crowd, Invites Netanyahu to Congress
January 21, 2015:
Poroshenko Raves at Davos, on Eve of Berlin Talks
January 21, 2015:
Scowcroft, Brzezinski Address Senate Armed Services Committee
January 20, 2015:
Morgan Stanley Begins Wall Street Commodity Derivatives Wipe-Out
January 20, 2015:
Seoul Says, Open the Rail Ties to the Eurasian Land-Bridge, To Proceed to Reunification
January 15, 2015:
Russian Official: We’ll Move BRICS from Talk to Action
January 15, 2015:
Wall Street Banks Going Nowhere But Down
January 15, 2015:
Top-Level Talks on Ukraine Sabotaged by War Party
January 15, 2015:
Growing International Movement To Release 28 Pages
January 15, 2015:
Bill To Restore Glass-Steagall Filed in the House
January 14, 2015:
New Signers on Schiller Institute BRICS Petition
January 14, 2015:
Londonistan’s Links to Charlie Hebdo Killers
January 12, 2015:
Day of Reckoning Nearing for the Banks’ Oil Debt
January 10, 2015:
Prominent Americans Lend Support to Petition Calling for Dumping Geopolitics, Joining BRICS
January 7, 2015:
Capitol Hill Press Conference Demands Release of 28 Pages
January 7, 2015:
BRICS Nations Revive Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Dream: Economic Justice Is an Inalienable Right
January 7, 2015:
Major ‘Terror’ Attack in Paris Today
January 6, 2015:
Neo-Cons, Anglophiles Go Berserk, Call for War on North Korea
January 6, 2015:
China Puts 300 Infrastructure Projects on Fast Track, To Continue Growth Momentum
January 5, 2015:
Wall Street Is Writing Its Own Indictment for Derivatives Crimes
January 4, 2015:
Play Exposing That Royals Murdered Diana To Open in London? Royals Hysterical
January 2, 2015:
Jones, Lynch, and Graham To Host Press Conference on Resolution To Declassify 9/11 Report