Press Releases
and Other Items in 2007
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Dec. 31, 2007:
LaRouche: Greenspan's Warning Situates Global Chaos Operations
Dec. 30, 2007:
Why Did U.S. Intelligence Expel MI-6 Agents From Afghanistan?
Dec. 27, 2007:
Guvernator Schwarzenegger To Declare `Fiscal Emergency' in California
Dec. 23, 2007:
Bush Ethnic Cleansing in New Orleans Gets Approval
Dec. 23, 2007:
`Monoline' Insurers' Default May Be Imminent
Dec. 17, 2007:
UN Climate Conference Taking the World in Entirely the Wrong Direction
Dec. 16, 2007:
LaRouche To Deliver International Webcast Jan. 17, Six Months Into the Greatest Financial Crash Ever
Dec. 15, 2007:
When Hedge Funds Embrace Rice, Can Famine Be Far Behind?
Dec. 15, 2007:
Banks Are Insolvent, So Ease the Rules, Auditor Says
Dec. 15, 2007:
California Budget Crisis Escalates, Schwarzenegger and Dems at Odds?
Dec. 12, 2007:
Foreclosures Soar As Congress Fails To Act on HBPA
Dec. 12, 2007:
China Tells U.S. Note To Blame Other Countries for Its Economic Woes
Dec. 12, 2007:
Bankrupt Banks Are Panicked; LaRouche Says, `This Is 1923 Germany' Hyperinflation
Dec. 11, 2007:
Ottawa EIR Conference Commits to Intercontinental Grand Infrastructure Projects
Dec. 10, 2007:
Dmitri Medvedev Is Consensus Candidate To Succeed Putin
Dec. 9, 2007:
Bank of the South Founded in Buenos Aires
Dec. 6, 2007:
As for Paulson's Last Great Scheme, the `Super SIV'...
Dec. 6, 2007:
Paulson and Bush `Roadblock' Against Action To Stop Foreclosures
Dec. 6, 2007:
Rep. Grijalva Becomes 23rd Co-Sponsor of Impeach Cheney Resolution
Dec. 5, 2007:
State and Local Goverments Turn `SIV Positive'
Dec. 3, 2007:
LaRouche's China Breakthrough Brought to Mexican Senate Meeting on PLHINO
Dec. 3, 2007:
LaRouche: Use PLHINO Project To Solve Immigration Crisis
Dec. 3, 2007, 2007:
Moody's Says $105 Billion in SIVs are `Worth Less'
Dec. 3, 2007:
E-Trade Citadel Deal To Set a `Floor' for Collapse?
November 19, 2007:
Pennsylvania Lawmaker Gets Big Surge of Support, Challenging Congress To Act on LaRouche's HBPA
November 19, 2007:
LaRouche Says Build the PHLINO Now!
November 17, 2007:
More Federal Judges Disallow Foreclosures; LaRouche Says It May `Bring Down the System'
November 14, 2007:
Homeowners and Bank Protection Act Filed for National Black Causus of State Legislators National Conference
November 14, 2007:
Banking `Write-Down' Bloodbath: Royal Bank of Scotland Royally Impaired
November 12, 2007:
Why Mexico's Devastating Flood: Since López Portillo, Governments Haven't Given a Dam
November 12, 2007:
Report: Sub-Prime Losses Could Reach $500 Billion Worldwide
November 12, 2007:
Italian Young Mittelstand Leaders, Politicians Hear LaRouche Representative
November 11, 2007:
Giuliani Was Set Up!
November 9, 2007:
The Giuliani Story
November 9, 2007:
Finland School-Killer Played `Battlefield 2' Video Game Minutes Before Massacre
November 7, 2007:
LaRouche to Hoyer on Cheney Impeachment: You're Missing the Point
November 7, 2007:
Cheney's Downfall—and Pelosi's—Not `Off the Table'
November 5, 2007:
Why the HBPA Is Urgent: $100 Million New York Mortgage Program Has Stopped One Foreclosure!
November 5, 2007:
Lessons of Colombia: Great Projects Win Elections!
November 5, 2007:
Congressman Says $20 Trillion Mortgage Bubble Could Blow Up the System; LaRouche Says the System Is Gone, Build a New One
November 5, 2007:
Call for a New Bretton Woods System in Copenhagen Daily
November 5, 2007:
The `Genius' Goldman Sachs Firm Reported Fake Third Quarter Profits
November 4, 2007:
EIR Ottawa Conference, Dec. 11, 2007:
The Strategic Importance of the Eurasian Land-Bridge: Canada and the Coming Eurasian World
November 4, 2007:
LaRouche: Those Who Attacked My Forecasts Are Now Proven Insane
November 4, 2007:
Chronology of the Banks' Collapse
November 4, 2007:
Citigroup Problem Radiates Through the Financial System
November 1, 2007:
Federal Reserve Injects $41 Billion into U.S. Banking System
October 26, 2007:
Bank of England Lending to Northern Rock Tops $40 Billion
October 24, 2007:
Fedeal Rserve Starting Hyperinflationary Bailout of British Banks
October 21, 2007:
Last Southeast Washington Hospital May Close;
LaRouche Warned of Privatization Swindle
October 20, 2007:
Toxic Waste Superfund for SIVs `Fishy as Hell'
October 20, 2007:
Death Toll from MRSA Spotlights U.S. Public Health Crisis
October 18, 2007:
Northern Rock Borrowing Reaches $32 Billion
October 18, 2007:
Asians Pulling Out of the Dollar at Record Rates as Crash Proceeds
October 17, 2007:
Treasury Reports World Is Dumping U.S. Investments En Masse Since July
October 13, 2007:
The Sex-Life of Goldman Sachs
October 13, 2007:
Hedge Funds Pile Into Commodities
October 13, 2007:
HBPA Introduced in Florida House of Representatives
October 13, 2007:
The Goldman Sachs Boys and Their $100 Billion Super-LTCM Bailout
October 11, 2007:
Pennsylvania Judge Rules To Keep Scammed Mortgage Holders in Their Homes
October 5, 2007:
Invitation to October 10, 2007 Webcast:
`Save the American Republic from the British Empire!'
October 5, 2007:
Spanish Banks Prepare for Real Estate Crash
October 5, 2007:
130,000 Jobs Lost in U.S. Financial Sector So Far This Year
October 5, 2007:
FDIC Chief Calls for Freeze on Adjustable-Rate Resets
October 5, 2007:
Banks Morgue: The Losses Are Rolling In, but `The Tsunami Hasn't Hit the Shore Yet'
September 25, 2007:
The Jeremiah Duggan Case — The Facts
September 20, 2007:
Pennsylvania Leader Introduces LaRouche Measures on Mortgage Crisis to Pennsylvania Legislature
September 20, 2007:
Mervyn Dymally Endorses the Homeowners and Bank Protection Act of 2007
September 17, 2007:
Investigation of Lehman Tax Dodge Threatens Hedge Funds, Well Street
September 16, 2007:
A Looming U.S.-U.K. Split Over Iran War Redeployments?
September 16, 2007:
The Kiedrich Resolution
September 6, 2007:
Commercial Real Estate Drifts Toward Disaster
September 6, 2007:
Banker Says `Days to Weeks' To Restore Confidence in System
September 5, 2007:
Global Credit Frozen: Top Banker Calls It `Heart Attack'
September 3, 2007:
Ohio Plan Shows That Bailing Out `Reforming' Mortgages Won't Work; LaRouche's `Firewall' Will
September 3, 2007:
LaRouche on Mortgage Bubble Collapse: My `Firewall' Has To Protect the Economy While We Reverse 37 Years of Policy Disasters
September 1, 2007:
LaRouche's Emergency Address to the Citizens of the U.S.A.
August 30, 2007:
Sergei Glazyev's Website Posts Zepp-LaRouche's New Bretton Woods Call
August 30, 2007:
Danish State Railroad Proposes Version of Schiller Institute's `Kattegat Connection'
August 29, 2007:
LaRouche Denounces British War Lies
August 27, 2007:
Monetary Reform Action Must Begin During September, October
August 26, 2007:
LaRouche: With Global Financial Crisis Unfolding, U.S. Must Withdraw Troops from Iraq Immediately
August 24, 2007:
Is Fran Townsend the White House Choice for Attorney General?
August 24, 2007:
Tremonti Echoes LaRouche, Calls for Roosevelt's New Deal
August 24, 2007:
Italian Economist Antonio Galloni Calls for a New Bretton Woods
August 24, 2007:
Pennsylvania Legislator Demands Federal Freeze on ARM Interest Rates, To Halt Foreclosures
August 24, 2007:
Congress Struggles With an Avalanche of Foreclosures
August 22, 2007:
LaRouche Proposes Homeowners and Bank Protection Act in Foreclosure Crisis
August 20, 2007:
Kucinich Points to Roosevelt Recovery Precedents
August 20, 2007:
Cheney Did It; VP Blocked FISA Bill Agreement, Says Leahy
August 20, 2007:
Army Stretched Too Thin To Continue Surge
August 16, 2007:
Countrywide Shows: Stop the Central Bank Bailouts
August 16, 2007:
Carry Trade Dries Up, As Floating-Rate Monetary System Careens Toward: `Boom!'
August 14, 2007:
LaRouche: Karl Rove Was Fired To Protect the President
August 8, 2007:
London on Credit Derivatives: `The Tail Is Wagging the Dog'
August 8, 2007:
Bank Fund Collapses Spread from Germany to France;
Bank Paribas Shuts Down Three Funds
August 8, 2007:
Speculators' Morgue Getting Crowded
August 8, 2007:
Bear Stearns Could Be the Trigger, Says Banking Source
August 8, 2007:
With Bear Stearns, `We Have Armageddon!'
August 8, 2007:
French Website Defends Right To Publish LaRouche, Endorses Crash Analysis
August 8, 2007:
Central Bankers Say, `Let It Blow!'
August 7, 2007:
A Table of Organization for U.S. Economic Recovery
August 3, 2007:
LaRouche Says Announcement of U.S. Withdrawal From Iraq Would Transform the Political Situation in the Gulf
August 1, 2007:
Yen Carry Trade Unwinds: The Other End of the Collapse
August 1, 2007:
Almost 2 Million To Lose Homes—Freeze Foreclosures Now, Says LaRouche
August 1, 2007:
Financial Meltdown Goes Global
August 1, 2007:
14 Italian Senators Call for Cheney Impeachment
August 1, 2007:
Text of the Letter from 14 Italian Senators
August 1, 2007:
Crash Is On.... It's Too Late To Escape, Says French Financial Newsletter
July 30 2007:
Yen Carry Trade Unwinding Continues Following Crucial Japanese Election
July 30 2007:
IKB Bank Stock Collapse Continues; LaRouche Comments That U.S. Press Will Cover It Up
July 30 2007:
Schiller Institute Program for "Next 50 Years" Featured in Denmark's Largest Daily Paper
July 30, 2007:
Despite Warnings, Conyers Uses the `I' Word, Says Cheney Created Fourth Branch
July 30, 2007:
LaRouche’s Cadre School with Ibero-America Invokes Renaissance of Creativity
July 29, 2007:
New York Times Picked Up On LaRouche's Exposé of Saudis' Role in 9/11, But They Did Not Mention Cheney
July 29, 2007:
Now the New York Times Demands Impeachment of Gonazles
July 25, 2007:
Lyndon LaRouche Comments on Insanity of the Markets: A Bubble Popping
July 25, 2007:
Columnists Echo LaRouche's `Guns of August' Warning
July 25, 2007:
Some Democrats Are Still Trying... To Lose the Next Election
July 24, 2007:
LaRouche: Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate Was a Farce
July 24, 2007:
Bush's Sixth Polyp
July 22, 2007:
Lyndon LaRouche Denounces the `Cowards of Congress'
July 22, 2007:
Kosovo Push for Independence Is Reminiscent of the Guns of August in 1914
July 22, 2007:
Feingold Punts on Impeachment
July 18, 2007:
LaRouche Webcast July 25: Party Leaders Are Faking
July 12, 2007:
Instead of Removing Cheney, the Senate Just Debates
July 12, 2007:
A Brutish Idiot Who Can't Count
July 12, 2007:
LaRouche Says Psychological Profile of Dick Cheney `Extremely Plausible'
July 12, 2007:
LaRouche Denounces White House Claims of `Executive Privilege' as a Fraud
July 5, 2007:
LaRouche: `Bank of the South' Delay Is the Work of the South American Friends of the Scandal-Ridden BAE
July 5, 2007:
Good News from Germany: Locust Funds Begin Pull-Out
July 5, 2007:
Putin's Talks With Former U.S. Presidents Led to Kennebunkport, Russian Sources Say
July 5, 2007:
Patriotism in Brief: The Rebirth of Our Nation!
July 3, 2007:
LaRouche: Libby Commutation Was a Compromise; Cheney Must Be Removed from Office Now
July 3, 2007:
LaRouche Welcomes Outcome of Kennebunkport Summit, Clinton Remarks on SDI
July 3, 2007:
Congressmen for Impeaching Dick Cheney Expected To Go to 14
July 3, 2007:
Hedge Funds Crisis Spurs Congressional Hearings: `Plungs Protection Committee' in Rare Testimony
July 2, 2007:
Lyndon LaRouche Interviewed in Quito:
Former U.S. Presidential Candidate Supports Creation of the Bank of the South
June 29, 2007:
More Congressmen Join Bill To Impeach Cheney
June 29, 2007:
Congressman McDermott Says: Impeach Cheney Now
June 29, 2007:
Brits May Have Reason To Worry About U.S. Investigation of BAE
June 28, 2007:
Senator Kerry Demands Department of Justice Probe BAE Bribery Operations
June 25, 2007:
LaRouche to Speaker Pelosi:
BAE Scandal Demands Cheney's Immediate Impeachment
June 23, 2007:
LaRouche: The Great Danger of a Financial Crash Today
June 22, 2007:
`Mr Yen' Sakakibara Says Yen Carry Trade Bubble Must End
June 22, 2007:
Credit Analysis Firm Warms of Bigger Troubles at Bear Strearns
June 15, 2007:
Justice Department Opens BAE Probe, Reports L.A. Times
June 14, 2007:
Sudan and Chad Efforts to Douse Darfur Border Conflict Are Under Pressure
June 14, 2007:
LaRouche in Hemispheric Webcast on Defeating Globalization with South American Trade Union Leaders
June 14, 2007:
Bear Stearns Faces Collapse of $6 Billion Sub-Prime Unit
June 11, 2007:
St. Petersburg Forum: Russia Proposes a Eurasian Trade Organization
June 10, 2007:
Putin Says Russia Wants New International Economic Infrastructure
June 8, 2007:
LaRouche-Slanderer Baroness Symons Swimming in the BAE Mire
June 8, 2007:
Blair in the Hot Seat Over BAE Coverup
June 7, 2007:
LaRouche International Webcast To Be Held June 21:
`The World's Biggest Loose End'
June 7, 2007:
Cheney Personally Pushed Illegal Wiretap Program
June 6, 2007:
LaRouche in Dialogue with Italian Political Leaders at Forum in Rome
June 6, 2007:
Russian Magazine FORUM International Releases Special Issue on Bering Strait Project
June 5, 2007:
LaRouche Testifies to Defense Committee of Italian Senate
June 5, 2007:
`Tunnel to Peace?' Russians Bring Bering Strait Tunnel Project to G8 This Week
June 4, 2007:
Putin Warns that Russia Must Respond to U.S. Nuclear Provocation on Its Borders
June 4, 2007:
Rep. Frank Demands G8 Action vs. Hedge Funds' Destruction of the Economy
June 3, 2007:
Murtha Insists: Redeploy Out of Iraq Now
June 3, 2007:
Ecudor's Correa: `Without Public Banking, There Can Be No Development'
May 29, 2007:
Protective Tariffs Needed To Control Hot Money Sinking Colombia, Says LaRouche
May 29, 2007:
Hong Kong Monetary Chief Fears a U.S. Dollar Collapse, and Hedge-Fund Destabilization
May 29, 2007:
China Plans To Build Hundreds of Nuclear Reactors
May 23, 2007:
LaRouche to Democrats: Impeach Cheney Now!
May 23, 2007:
Second International Dialogue Between Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. and Agustín Rodríguez
May 23, 2007:
Cheney's Virtual Declaration of War vs. Iran
May 22, 2007:
Bernanke Warned by Real Estate Analysts:
Housing Collapse Is Much Worse Than You Say
May 21, 2007:
Russian Orthodox Church-Linked Satellite TV Airs LaRouche Interview
May 20, 2007:
LaRouche Youth Make Mass. Democratic Convention a Dialogue on Financial Collapse, Impeachment
May 20, 2007:
Schumer Asking Cheney: Who Sent Gonzales to Ashcroft's Hospital Room?
May 20, 2007:
Two Very Different Meetings: EU-Russia Summit in Samara; LaRouche Mission to Moscow
May 18, 2007:
What Are Cheney and Addington Hiding About NSA Spying on Americans?
May 17, 2007:
Popular Russian Website Interviews LaRouche
May 17, 2007:
Behind the `Free Trade' Veil: Wall Street `Democratic' Money Is Threatening Freshman Congressmen
May 17, 2007:
`Ethanol Soaked in Blood, Sweat, and Death,' Says Brazil Government Researcher About Sugar Cane Ethanol Slavery
May 12, 2007:
Russians Hail EMP/Beam-Weapon Breakthrough
May 12, 2007:
Biofuels `Food Shock' Hits U.S. and World Grain Estimates
May 9, 2007:
Unlike Gore, Bill Clinton Backs Thailand and Brazil Over Pharma Profits
May 9, 2007:
John Edwards: The Man from $$Fortress$$
May 9, 2007:
Cheney Is Pushing Israeli Strikes Against Iran With Arab Allies
May 8, 2007:
Revolt of the Generals Resurges:
Bush Does Not Listen to Commanders on the Ground
May 7, 2007:
Schiller Institute Letter to Governments and Parliaments Against the Global Warming Hoax
May 6, 2007:
Cheminade: France Has Lost a Battle; We Shall Win the War
May 6, 2007:
Cheney Will Push Israeli Strikes Against Iran
May 6, 2007:
The Queen's Caymans Respond to EIR Exposé
May 2, 2007:
New Arctic Ice Cap Story Is a Hoax
May 1, 2007:
LaRouche: `Right Now, the Test of Freedom, Is the Impeachment of Cheney'
April 30, 2007:
Warning from U.S. Expert on Somalia:
`A Level of Destruction ... Mogadishu Has Never Seen'
April 30, 2007:
LaRouche Youth Movement Was Crucial to Impeachment Resolution in California
April 30, 2007:
Murtha Again Says Impeachment Is One of the Options on the Table
April 30, 2007:
LaRouche Denounces New Imperial Scheme:
CFR Is Promoting a One-World Currency Dictatorship
April 30, 2007:
Louisiana Democrats' Committee Endorsed Kucinich `Effort To Impeach' Cheney
April 30, 2007:
LaRouche Denounces Steil's Call for Global Currencies As `Persian Model of Empire'
April 29, 2007:
Murtha Raises Possibility of Impeaching Bush and Cheney
April 29, 2007:
Impeachment in California Democratic Resolution:
LaRouche Youth Movement Led the Fight
April 24, 2007:
Midwest States Rail Project Would Create 57,000 Jobs, Generate Billions in Revenues
April 24, 2007:
Who Are Barak Obama's Biggest Supporters?
April 24, 2007:
Who Are Hillary Clinton's Biggest Supporters?
April 24, 2007:
Moscow Bering Strait Meeting Charts Megaproject, Hears From LaRouche and Hickel on War-Avoidance Through Economic Development
April 23, 2007:
White House Response to China ASAT Test Shows No Policy
April 23, 2007:
Kucinich Tuesday Press Conference on Impeaching Cheney
April 21, 2007:
Today's Environmentalists and the Legacy of Nazi Gardening
April 21, 2007:
Bering Strait Tunnel Project Is Big News in Russia
April 18, 2007:
Virginia Tech Killer Was a Massacre-Videogame User;
EIR Has Shown This in Past Multiple-Shooting Cases
April 16, 2007:
Behind George Soros's Fight With AIPAC
April 16, 2007:
Ecuador President Threatens To Expel World Bank for `Blackmail'
April 16, 2007:
China Endorses Germany's Initiative for Hedge Fund Control
April 16, 2007:
Cheminade, French LaRouche Movement Intervene in Presidential, Legislative Races
April 16, 2007:
`Atomic G-7' Emerged from Washington Meetings
April 14, 2007:
Moscow Anti-Globalists' Conference Gets Greetings from LaRouche
April 13, 2007:
Who Was Behind Notorious Gore-Barrick Gold LInk?
April 12, 2007:
Russian General Warning of Iran Attack, Also Citing LaRouche on Economics
April 11, 2007:
Strongest Russian Warnings on U.S. ABM Plans in Europe
April 11, 2007:
Biofuels Bubble Lowers U.S. Meat Production, Hits Plantings
April 11, 2007:
Mortgage Crisis Hits Securitizers, Realtor Forecasts Get a Bit More Real
April 11, 2007:
Ban the Green Party as Nazis, Says Berlin Newspaper
April 11, 2007:
Former Iraqi Minister Names Bernard Lewis, Leo Strauss As Intellectual Authors of Iraq Disaster
April 9, 2007:
Five GOP Congressmen Want White House Iraq Compromise
April 9, 2007:
Hedge Fund Speculation, Future Nuclear Demand Drive Uranium Price Boom
April 9, 2007:
General Ivashov: U.S. Continuing To Prepare for Attack on Iran
April 5, 2007:
Ukraine Government Standoff: Cheney's Intervention Is Noticed
April 5, 2007:
GOP Congressmen Visit Syria, in Break with Bush
April 3, 2007:
LaRouche Youth Movement's Anti-Gore Resolution Debated on California Radio
April 3, 2007:
Russian Government Warns About Iran Attack Threat
April 3, 2007:
EIR's `Loudoun Effect' Report Confirmed
As Upper-Income Mortgage CDOs Are Hit
April 2, 2007:
Biofuels Are `Climate Killers,' Says Munich Scientist
March 26, 2007:
LaRouche on the Subject of Chilean President Bachelet
March 25, 2007:
London `Friends of Dick Cheney and Al Gore' Behind New Slander of LaRouche
March 23, 2007:
Strategy of Tension in Germany: New BüSo Pamphlet Will Help Neutralize Its Game-Masters
March 23, 2007:
EIR Releases Stanislav Menshikov's `The Anatomy of Russian Capitalism'
February 26, 2007:
LaRouche Webcast March 7:
Implications of the Gore Hoax for International Policy
February 22, 2007:
Al the the IPCC Are Lying:
The Earth's True Carbon Dioxide Record Is Buried Under Gore
February 21, 2007:
A Moment of Truth Has Arrived
February 19, 2007:
Medicare For All Gains More Backers
January 21, 2007:
LaRouche Endorses Meeks's Call for
U.S. Congressional Dialogue with Iran's Parliament
January 20, 2007:
Hirsch Proposes Impeachment Trap To Stop Bush Nuclear Attack on Iran
January 5, 2007:
Plans Against Pound Sterling `A Strategic Issue,' Says LaRouche
January 1, 2007:
House Democrats Will Object To Seating Republican in Florida Dispute