Press Releases
and Other Items in 2016
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December 31, 2016:
Russia, Turkey Call for U.S. Participation in Syria Peace Process
December 31, 2016:
‘The Russians Are Coming’ Hysteria Continues from the Political Corpse in the White House and His Ghoulish Friends
December 31, 2016:
Former Astronaut Harrison Schmitt Advises, Just Give NASA the Money and Support To Go Back to the Moon
December 31, 2016:
TASS Reports Schiller Institute Tribute in Manhattan; Thousands of Emotional Responses on Schiller YouTube Channel
December 30, 2016:
Putin Disdains to Respond to Obama Provocation
December 30, 2016:
People’s Daily: Let China Invest, Engineer New U.S. Infrastructure
December 30, 2016:
Bolivia’s El Alto ‘Will be the Great City of the Future,’ Based on Russian-Built Nuclear Medicine Center
December 30, 2016:
Obama Denies Loan to Nation’s Only High-Speed Rail Project
December 30, 2016:
The World Mocks ‘Political Corpse’ Obama
December 29, 2016:
Putin Announces Syria Ceasefire Agreement; LaRouche Gives His Evaluation
December 29, 2016:
Bring Back U.S. Leadership in Nuclear Energy Based on ‘Atoms for Peace,’ Says Environmental Progress Group
December 29, 2016:
Projects That Are in Store Along the Silk Road for 2017
December 29, 2016:
EU Regulations Have Created Non-Performing Loans Crisis
December 29, 2016:
Ramos Named as Likely Coup Plotter, Yet Again, in Philippines
December 28, 2016:
Turkey and Russia Have Evidence of U.S.-Led Coalition Support for Islamic State
December 28, 2016:
Russia Ready To Re-establish Military Ties with NATO If NATO De-Escalates
December 28, 2016:
Philippines Congress To Investigate U.S. Color Revolution Plot
December 28, 2016:
James Rickards to Trump: It Is Glass-Steagall or Bust
December 27, 2016:
China’s Space White Paper Outlines Next Five Years’ Activities for Manned Exploration, Space Science, and International Cooperation
December 27, 2016:
ECB Declares War Against Italy; Demands More Blood from Population for Monte dei Paschi Bank
December 27, 2016:
Ohio Rep. Marcy Kaptur: Democrats Must Do ‘Soul-Searching’
December 27, 2016:
Italy: Prominent Call To Terminate the Euro
December 27, 2016:
Opposition Party Leader in Seoul Attacks THAAD
December 27, 2016:
Russia Will Install First Floating Nuclear Power Plant in Early 2017 on the Chukotka Coast
December 26, 2016:
Grushko Lambasts NATO for Creating an ‘Unreal World’ of Lies and Threats
December 26, 2016:
Konashenkov: Mass Graves Discovered in East Aleppo
December 26, 2016:
Gingrich: Obama Is in a ‘Desperate Frenzy’
December 25, 2016:
Zakharova: Obama Believes He Has the Right To Do Evil
December 25, 2016:
Former U.K. Ambassador to Syria Accuses Foreign Office of Lying about Syria
December 24, 2016:
Obama Administration Continues Its Homicidal Temper Tantrum
December 24, 2016:
China Tells West: Instead of Trade Wars over Steel, Mobilize the Economy!
December 24, 2016:
Argentine Scientists Draw a Line in the Sand—Science Is a Requirement for National Development
December 23, 2016:
Putin: Liberation of Aleppo Essential to Normalizing Syria
December 23, 2016:
After MPS Nationalization Decision, Unicredit Under Pressure
December 23, 2016:
Justice Suit Against Barclays Shows Again What Caused the Crash
December 23, 2016:
Putin: Today’s Democrats Have FDR Turning in His Grave; Welcomes Constructive Relations with New Administration, New Democrats
December 23, 2016:
China To Hold Summit of Silk Road Countries
December 23, 2016:
Turkish Daily Hürriyet: Putin Calling the Shots In the Middle East
December 22, 2016:
Russia Invites Saudis and Others To Join the Russia-Iran-Turkey Agreement on Syria
December 22, 2016:
Monte dei Paschi Bank Nationalization Likely Friday; Bondholders Will Be Burned
December 22, 2016:
New Eurasia Tunnel Opens in Istanbul
December 22, 2016:
China To Connect Its First High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor to the Grid in 2017
December 21, 2016:
Reps. Amash and Jones Demand Obama Provide Congress with Full Intelligence on Alleged Russian Interference in U.S. Election
December 21, 2016:
Plunge in MPS Bank’s Bonds Threatens Depositors and other Banks
December 21, 2016:
Kremlin Says Almost All Russia-U.S. Dialogue ‘Frozen’
December 21, 2016:
Head of Russian Railways Proposes High-Speed Cargo Trains from Europe to China
December 20, 2016:
Obama Threatened Military Attack over Alleged Russian Cyber Hacking of U.S. Election
December 20, 2016:
Russia, Turkey, Iran Eight-Point Policy Defending Syrian Sovereignty
December 20, 2016:
Big Bank Bailouts Are Back—But Big Enough?
December 20, 2016:
Exciting Progress Is Being Made in Fusion, Just Not in the U.S.
December 19, 2016:
Russian Ambassador to Turkey Assassinated in Ankara
December 19, 2016:
Dramatic New FOIA Revelations: FBI Still Probed New 9/11 Leads in 2012
December 19, 2016:
NATO-Russia Council Met in Businesslike Atmosphere
December 19, 2016:
Ethiopia Inaugurates Huge Gibe III Dam on the Omo River
December 19, 2016:
Fusion Research Advances: In South Korea, a 70-Second Plasma Operation; in Europe, a Successful Plasma Start-Up
December 18, 2016:
Former Defense Secretary Hagel Says Trump Is ‘On the Right Track’ with Russia
December 18, 2016:
Obama’s Other False Claim—Economic Betterment
December 18, 2016:
Monte dei Paschi Makes Dangerous Fuse Among Italian Banks
December 18, 2016:
House Intelligence Committee’s King Calls for Investigation of CIA Chief Brennan
December 17, 2016:
China to U.S.: ‘National Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity Are Not Bargaining Chips’
December 17, 2016:
Russian General Staff Says Aleppo Liberation Operation Is Over
December 17, 2016:
LaRouche Calls for Stopping Obama Before He Creates a ‘Bloody Mess’
December 17, 2016:
Former Intelligence Professional Mike Gravel Tells EIR: Charges Against Russia Are ‘Far-Fetched Ridiculous’
December 16, 2016:
Syria’s Dr. Shaaban: Liberation of Aleppo a Turning Point—Look to Russia, China for Leadership
December 16, 2016:
Putin and Abe Sign Impressive Array of Agreements, Auguring New Era of Cooperation
December 16, 2016:
South Korean Presidential Front-Runner Calls for Delay in THAAD Deployment
December 15, 2016:
Nuclear Threat Initiative Recommends Doing What Obama Refuses, To Prevent Nuclear War with Russia
December 15, 2016:
Some Preliminary Results of the First Day of the Two-Day Putin-Abe Summit
December 15, 2016:
Major U.S. Infrastructure Program Could Ease ‘Chinese Steel’ Problem
December 15, 2016:
A Report on Fusion Power Development
December 14, 2016:
What the Fed Rate Increase Means
December 14, 2016:
Wells Fargo Failure Shows Dodd-Frank’s Failure
December 14, 2016:
China Interested in Bioceanic Rail Route Through Bolivia
December 14, 2016:
U.S. Intelligence Agencies Don’t Agree on Election Hacking
December 14, 2016:
Is the U.S. Getting Ready To Tear Up the Montreux Convention?
December 13, 2016:
Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity on U.S. Election: All Signs Point to ‘Leaking,’ Not Traceable ‘Hacking’
December 13, 2016:
Schellnhuber Presents ‘Decarbonization’ for Germany’s G20 Agenda; Merkel Government Make Fools of Themselves
December 13, 2016:
Belt and Road Could Be a Windfall for Western Companies, Fortune Says
December 13, 2016:
Ex-FBI Agent Highlights Why Saudis Fear JASTA
December 12, 2016:
Syrian Army Declares Victory in Aleppo; Celebration in the Streets
December 12, 2016:
Chronology: The ‘Blame Russia’ Operation for Election Interference Is a British Fraud
December 12, 2016:
Sen. Rand Paul Promises To Block Any Nomination of John Bolton
December 12, 2016:
Galbraith: Russian Actions in Palmyra ‘A Benefit to Mankind’
December 11, 2016:
Shanghai Conference Discusses New Model of Development
December 11, 2016:
Italian Trade Unionist on National TV Urges, We Have To Reinstate Glass-Steagall!
December 11, 2016:
U.S. Presses South Korean Defense Ministry To Deploy THAAD Before Park Is Ousted
December 10, 2016:
Showdown on Italian Banking Crisis
December 10, 2016:
Bank of England’s Carney: First ‘Lost Decade’ since 1860s
December 10, 2016:
China and Japan Take Steps To Cooperate on Maritime Matters
December 9, 2016:
For Lack of a Mission: Drugs, ‘Deaths of Despair,’ and the Increase of Mortality in Obama’s U.S.A.
December 9, 2016:
China’s Global Times: Entice Trump with a Win-Win Approach
December 9, 2016:
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Introduces Bipartisan Bill To Prohibit U.S. Government Support for Mideast Terrorists
December 9, 2016:
Putin: ‘We Will Never Accept’ Obama’s Provocations and Threats
December 9, 2016:
Netherlands To Block EU-Ukraine Deal Unless Defense and EU Membership Are Off the Table
December 9, 2016:
Civilians Streaming out of Jihadi-held Aleppo
December 8, 2016:
More Bad U.S. Demographics News: Lifespans Falling
December 8, 2016:
U.S. Competitiveness Council: There Was No ‘Obama Recovery’
December 8, 2016:
China Pushes Ahead Toward Its Fusion Energy Test Reactor
December 8, 2016:
Trump Foreign Policy Advisor in Moscow
December 8, 2016:
Lavrov: Syrian Army Suspends Combat Operations in Aleppo
December 7, 2016:
Jihadis Reported To Be on the Verge of Surrender in Aleppo
December 7, 2016:
Trump Designates Friend of Pres. Xi—Iowa Gov. Branstad—as Ambassador to China
December 7, 2016:
Trump: No More Regime Change Wars
December 7, 2016:
Turkey Mediating between Russia and Syrian Opposition
December 7, 2016:
Trump Picks Gen. John Kelly To Head Homeland Security
December 6, 2016:
Thomas Hoenig States Support for Glass-Steagall at Washington, D.C., Paul Volcker Event
December 6, 2016:
Going Nuclear Will Alleviate Poverty and Create Jobs, Says Philippine Chamber of Commerce
December 6, 2016:
Law Expert Confirms EIR Exposure of Renzi’s Reform, To Make EU Law Equivalent to Italy’s Constitution
December 6, 2016:
Moscow Blasts Shameful Western Response to Bombing of Russian Hospital in Aleppo
December 6, 2016:
China Willing To Link Belt-and-Road with Economic Blueprints of Japan and South Korea
December 5, 2016:
Putin to NTV: ‘Attempts To Create a Unipolar World Have Failed’
December 5, 2016:
EU’s Syria ‘Plan B’ Won’t Work Without Belt and Road Initiative
December 5, 2016:
Italian Banks’ Referendum Reaction May Be Just Starting
December 5, 2016:
Joint Russian-Chinese Campaign for New Silk Road in Germany
December 5, 2016:
Marine Corps Commandant Neller: Gen. Mattis Tries To Win, First, Without Fighting
December 5, 2016:
2017 Intelligence Bill Would Establish New Cold War Committee
December 4, 2016:
Smashing Defeat of EU Oligarchy in Italian Referendum
December 4, 2016:
Senior Chinese Diplomat Proposes Trump Government Join China in Developing Belt and Road Initiative
December 4, 2016:
Illinois Law Will Prevent Nuclear Plant Shutdowns
December 4, 2016:
‘More Than Ever, the Republic Needs Scientists!’ Says French Lawmakers’ Resolution
December 4, 2016:
Financiers Warned Not To Be Too Glib; Trump Might Go for Glass-Steagall
December 2, 2016:
President-Elect Trump Says No Regime Change; U.S. Will Cooperate with Countries Fighting ISIS
December 2, 2016:
Schumer: Ready To Work with Trump, Fast, on $1 Trillion Plan
December 2, 2016:
In Obama’s America, Folks, This Passes for a ‘Strong’ Jobs Report
December 2, 2016:
The Defeat of the Jihadis in Syria Is Inevitable
December 2, 2016:
Lavrov: U.S. Applying Double Standards to Iraq and Syria
December 1, 2016:
China Asserts ‘Inalienable Right to Development’
December 1, 2016:
9/11 Families: Senators Graham and McCain Lie To Protect Saudi Terrorists
December 1, 2016:
Corriere della Sera Interviews Lavrov: Italy Loses on Sanctions but U.S. Wins
December 1, 2016:
Former Italian Prime Minister Dini Exhorts Trump To Recognize Crimea’s Referendum Rejoining Russia
December 1, 2016:
Russian De-mining Teams, Mobile Hospital on Way to Aleppo
November 30, 2016:
President Putin Addresses U.S.-Russia Relations, Other Vital Strategic Issues, at Primakov Readings International Forum
November 30, 2016:
Woolsey Has Kind Words for China, with a Clear Anti-Russia Thrust
November 30, 2016:
South African President Zuma Defeats Regime-Change ‘Coup’ Attempt against the BRICS, Run within His Party
November 30, 2016:
French Foreign Minister Announces Dec. 10 Meeting in Paris To Oppose Syrian Government Success Against Terrorists
November 30, 2016:
Rep. Tim Ryan’s Strong Challenge to Pelosi as Dem Leader
November 29, 2016:
Russia Will Talk Arms Control If NATO Stops Its Military Buildup
November 29, 2016:
City of London Tries Terror To Stop a ‘No’ Victory in Italy
November 29, 2016:
MEP Zanni Asks EU Commission, Mogherini To Investigate Ukrainian, Azov Closure of Vitrenko’s Party Office
November 29, 2016:
Russian Trade Relations with Norway and Finland Are Shifting, in Attempt To Return to Pre-Sanctions Levels and Better
November 29, 2016:
Putin Orders Field Hospitals to Syria
November 29, 2016:
Glass-Steagall Works in China; Volcker Rule M.I.A. on Wall Street
November 28, 2016:
Jihadi Resistance Collapses in North Aleppo
November 28, 2016:
Financial Times Worries of ‘Panic’ if Renzi Referendum Fails in Italy; Economist Says To Vote ‘No’
November 28, 2016:
Greece Is Not Going To Join ‘Cold War’ Against Russia
November 28, 2016:
Afghanistan Now Joins a Transport Link-up with Europe
November 28, 2016:
South Korean Opposition Plan for North Korea Based on Development
November 27, 2016:
Obama Rushes To Lay Mines for the Trump Presidency
November 27, 2016:
Tony Blair Back in the Crosshairs; MPs Go for Charges Against Him
November 26, 2016:
Helga Zepp-LaRouche Issues Call to Action
November 26, 2016:
Europeans Call for New Arms Talks with Russia
November 26, 2016:
Kiev Regime Provocation over Crimea
November 26, 2016:
China Daily: Demise of Trans-Pacific Partnership Means Rise of China-Backed Free Trade Agreement
November 25, 2016:
New China Policy Paper on Latin America and Caribbean: Win-Win Cooperation and ‘Expanding Common Interests’
November 25, 2016:
Russia Is Offering Nuclear Reprocessing Deal to Germany; Russian-German Raw Materials Forum Held in Düsseldorf
November 25, 2016:
Virginia Declares Opioid Epidemic a Public Health Emergency
November 25, 2016:
If Elected, French Presidential Pre-Candidate Fillon Says, He’ll Re-start Dialogue with Russia
November 25, 2016:
Impeachment of South Korea’s Park May End THAAD Deployment
November 24, 2016:
General Flynn Calls for Marshall Plan for Mideast and North Africa
November 24, 2016:
China and South Africa Deepen Cooperation and Party-to-Party Exchanges
November 23, 2016:
Two Systems Before the World: Steel
November 23, 2016:
NYU Prof.: Glass-Steagall Is What Can Replace Dodd-Frank
November 23, 2016:
Chas Freeman: U.S. Wrong To Treat China as Rising Military Power
November 23, 2016:
Syrian Observatory Admits Terrorists Blocking Civilians from Evacuating Aleppo
November 22, 2016:
Russian Expert Stephen Cohen: Advice to Trump on Reaching Détente
November 22, 2016:
Russia To Counter NATO Ballistic Missile Installations with Missiles In Kaliningrad
November 21, 2016:
APEC Steps Up Planning for China’s Proposed Free Trade Area of the Asia Pacific
November 21, 2016:
Putin the Statesman Meets Obama the Narcissist
November 21, 2016:
War Party Moving To Preempt Trump-Putin Reset
November 21, 2016:
Gabbard Surprises Establishment, Meets with Donald Trump Regarding Syria
November 21, 2016:
François Fillon, Pro-Russian Thatcherite, Wins First Round of French Right-Wing Primary, over Atlanticist Alain Juppé
November 21, 2016:
Duterte Okays Nuclear Power
November 20, 2016:
APEC Summit: ‘Face the Reality’ that the Global Center of Gravity Has Fully Shifted to China and Russia
November 20, 2016:
Britain’s Sunday Telegraph Worries Trump Could Adopt Glass-Steagall
November 20, 2016:
Lyndon LaRouche Radio Interview with Roger Stone
November 19, 2016:
China Welcomes U.S.A. under Trump To Join the AIIB
November 19, 2016:
South African President Jacob Zuma Strikes Back at Attempts To Destroy the BRICS
November 18, 2016:
The Hamiltonian Infrastructure Plan the U.S. Needs
November 18, 2016:
China, Russia Say No to Exclusion of Trump U.S. from Trade Pact
November 18, 2016:
Rep. Ted Lieu Puts Spotlight on U.S. Complicity in Saudi Killings of Yemeni Civilians
November 18, 2016:
Sen. Bob Graham: 9/11 Families’ Lawsuit Sends Message to Saudis that U.S. Will Hold Them Accountable
November 18, 2016:
Lavrov: U.S. Policy of Tensions with Russia Not Good for the American People
November 17, 2016:
Helga Zepp-LaRouche Presents a Policy Bombshell in Peru
November 17, 2016:
Ambassador Chas Freeman on the Future Under Trump
November 17, 2016:
Rep. Tim Ryan To Challenge Pelosi for House Democratic Leadership
November 17, 2016:
Fed’s Kashkari Bypasses Glass-Steagall for Capital ‘Solution’
November 17, 2016:
Moscow Seeking Ways To Reopen Syria Peace Negotiations
November 16, 2016:
China’s EAST Tokamak Achieves Longest Steady-State High-Confinement Operation
November 16, 2016:
House Democrats Hit Pelosi and Demand Election of Party Leader
November 16, 2016:
Xi Jinping to Ecuador: ‘Let Us Be Great Partners in South-South Cooperation’
November 16, 2016:
AIIB President Says Bank Is Ready To Finance Iran’s Infrastructure Projects
November 15, 2016:
Global Significance of Putin-Trump Discussion
November 15, 2016:
Nigeria Faces an Immediate Famine, Says President’s Office
November 15, 2016:
Russians Begin New Offensive Air Operation in Syria
November 15, 2016:
Russia-Japan Economic Plan To Be Presented at APEC Summit
November 15, 2016:
Italy Threatens Veto Against EU Budget
November 14, 2016:
President Xi Speaks with President-Elect Trump
November 14, 2016:
Xi Jinping Visit To Open a ‘New Area’ of Cooperation with Ibero-America
November 14, 2016:
Egypt Makes Further Preparation for Building Its First Nuclear Power Plant; Trainees Going to Russia Soon
November 14, 2016:
Recognition of Trump Victory Implications Sink In in Some Quarters
November 14, 2016:
Russian Foreign Ministry Official Says It’s Impossible To Restore Full Contacts of Russian, U.S. Military Under Obama
November 13, 2016:
No Trump Infrastructure Building Unless U.S. Joins the Silk Road
November 13, 2016:
Peskov, for Putin, Suggests Path to ‘a Kind of Détente’
November 12, 2016:
Trump: Fight ISIS in Syria, Not Assad
November 12, 2016:
South America ‘Should Actively Participate in the Belt and Road Initiative’
November 12, 2016:
Europe Needs a Rooseveltian New Deal
November 11, 2016:
Wall Street Insists: There Will Be No Glass-Steagall
November 11, 2016:
U.S. Does Need Infrastructure; But Trump Badly Needs Hamilton
November 11, 2016:
Former French PM Raffarin Calls Again on France To Join China’s One Belt One Road
November 11, 2016:
Hagel Calls on Next President for ‘Real Reset’ in Russia Relations
November 11, 2016:
Signing of Japan-India Nuclear Cooperation Agreement Opens Up Nuclear Reactor and Technology Transfer from Japan to India
November 11, 2016:
President Xi Jinping Honors Sun Yat-sen in Speech at Great Hall
November 11, 2016:
Americans’ Demand for Better Public Transport Expressed in the Nov. 8 elections
November 10, 2016:
Glazyev Comments on Trump Victory: Americans Don’t Want War
November 10, 2016:
Chas Freeman: Time for the U.S. To Fully Join the Belt and Road Initiative
November 10, 2016:
Progressive Democrats Lay Down Conditions for Collaboration with Trump
November 10, 2016:
Korean Source: The THAAD Is Probably Dead
November 10, 2016:
Scientists from Belt and Road Countries Gather in Beijing
November 8, 2016:
Glass-Steagall on Their Brain
November 8, 2016:
Focus on Wall Street Crimes Will Continue After Election
November 8, 2016:
ICRC: Jihadis Prevented Medical Evacuations from East Aleppo
November 7, 2016:
NATO Chief Promises Mass Defense Reinforcement Amid Tensions with Russia
November 7, 2016:
Hybrid Rice Can Increase Crop Yield, To Feed a Growing World
November 7, 2016:
Russia and China Sign Broad Array of Bilateral Cooperation Agreements
November 6, 2016:
Li Keqiang in Russia—Bringing ‘One Belt, One Road’ Together with the Eurasian Economic Union
November 6, 2016:
Konashenkov: The U.S. Has Not Lived Up to Any Pledges on Syria
November 5, 2016:
Thomas Hoenig Warns of TBTF Danger in Handelsblatt Interview
November 5, 2016:
First Chinese Train Arrives in Riga as Premier Li Sits Down with 16 East European Countries To Discuss the Belt and Road
November 5, 2016:
Russian Prime Minister Medvedev on Chinese Television on Linking Silk Road Project with Eurasian Economic Union
November 5, 2016:
Iran Signs Memorandum of Understanding with ITER Fusion Project
November 4, 2016:
U.S.-Russian Military Hotline in Syria Still Functions
November 4, 2016:
Japanese and Chinese Business Leaders Met in Beijing, Agreed To Cooperate on Belt and Road
November 4, 2016:
Peruvian and Bolivian Leaders Issue Declaration To Cooperate on Bi-Oceanic Railroad
November 4, 2016:
Push for Glass-Steagall in the Farm Belt
November 4, 2016:
NSA Expert Bamford: Blaming Russia for Hacking Is Like Iraq War ‘Groupthink’
November 3, 2016:
Russia and China Are Working Out a Deterrence, Says Luzyanin
November 3, 2016:
Greece Blocks EU Sanctions Against Iranian Bank
November 3, 2016:
Why the Run on Italian Bonds
November 3, 2016:
Productivity Continues Dropping in Obama’s ‘Recovered’ Economy
November 3, 2016:
Japanese and Chinese Companies To Strengthen Collaboration in Projects of Third Countries
November 3, 2016:
Retired General: U.S. Must Reopen Channels of Communication with Moscow
November 2, 2016:
Moscow and Tokyo Preparing To Sign Long-Awaited Peace Treaty
November 2, 2016:
China Scholar Warns of Bloodbath If U.S. Launches Preemptive Atack on North Korea
November 2, 2016:
U.S. Public Construction Zero Growth for a Decade—Hamiltonian National Bank Needed
November 1, 2016:
Azov and Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) Seize Progressive Socialists’ Office
November 1, 2016:
Voters in Must-Win Swing States Overwhelmingly Want Glass-Steagall
November 1, 2016:
UN Envoy Unveils Details of Yemen Peace Plan
November 1, 2016:
Head of Russian Security Council Lays Out ‘Vision of Global Security’
November 1, 2016:
Heroin Epidemic Wiping Out an Entire Generation of Children
November 1, 2016:
British Intelligence Chief Blathers about the ‘Increasingly Aggressive’ Russian Threat
October 31, 2016:
Helga Zepp-LaRouche Presents New Silk Road Paradigm at Peace Conference in Germany
October 31, 2016:
UN’s Syria Envoy Charges Jihadists with War Crimes in Eastern Aleppo
October 31, 2016:
Russian and Japanese Senior Lawmakers To Discuss Bilateral Ties
October 31, 2016:
China, Philippines ‘Friendly Understanding’ Now Official on Fishing in ‘Traditional’ Areas
October 30, 2016:
Nomi Prins: Hillary Clinton Will Do Wall Street’s Bidding
October 30, 2016:
Merkel Goes with Steinmeier, Seehofer against Sanctions, Ignores Her Rasputin
October 30, 2016:
NATO Rejected Proposal by Finnish President on Baltic Overflights, Putin Reveals
October 30, 2016:
Russian and Syrian Air Strikes Halted for 13th Day in Aleppo, But Rebels Escalate Attacks
October 29, 2016:
Petraeus Proposes Military Escalation in Syria, Counting on Russia To Back Down
October 29, 2016:
Trump’s Glass-Steagall Speech Revives Political Debate
October 28, 2016:
Terrorists Launch Attack in Aleppo, During Russian Air Strike Pause
October 28, 2016:
Head of Kissinger Associates Says U.S. Must Stop Trying To Isolate Russia
October 28, 2016:
Russian, Syrian, and Iranian Foreign Ministers Meet in Moscow
October 28, 2016:
President Putin’s Call to Action at the Valdai International Discussion Club
October 27, 2016:
The World Is on the Verge of a Third World War, Warns Former French Defense Minister Chevènement
October 27, 2016:
Trump Puts Glass-Steagall in the Thick of the Election Campaign
October 27, 2016:
Warnings of Obama-Clinton Drive for World War III
October 27, 2016:
Without the BRICS, the World Economy Will Experience 1929 All Over Again, Wrote Russia & India Report Analyst
October 27, 2016:
Unasur Leader: Bioceanic Railroad Will Integrate All of South America
October 27, 2016:
Who’s Carrying Out Mass Murder Against Civilians in the Middle East?
October 26, 2016:
Panic Across Europe Over ‘Contagion’ from Deutsche Bank and Monte dei Paschi Disasters
October 26, 2016:
Valdai Conference Debates ‘The Future in Progress: Shaping the World of Tomorrow’
October 26, 2016:
NATO Defense Ministers Meet on NATO Buildup Against Russia
October 26, 2016:
Gambia Withdraws from ICC—International ‘Caucasian’ Court
October 26, 2016:
Rudskoy: ISIS Militants Moving from Mosul to Eastern Syria
October 25, 2016:
Duterte Declares that U.S. Defense Pact Will Be Rescinded Eventually
October 25, 2016:
Draghi Calls for ‘Constitutional Reforms’ To Allow Bankers’ Fascism
October 25, 2016:
After Election, Expect Saudi Megabucks Effort To Repeal JASTA
October 25, 2016:
How Social Security Trust Got ‘Healthier,’ Beneficiaries Not So
October 24, 2016:
Stunning Photos Released of the Shenzhou-11 Docked to the Tiangon-2 Module
October 24, 2016:
Steinmeier Defends ‘No’ to New Russia Sanctions
October 24, 2016:
Brexit Time Bomb Is Ticking: British Bankers Warn of Financial Breakdown; Fear Grows of U.K. Constitutional Crisis and Breakup
October 24, 2016:
Obama Floods U.S. with Opioids, Kills DEA Enforcement Program
October 24, 2016:
Fighting Resumes in Aleppo After Rebels Blocked Civilian Exit
October 23, 2016:
People’s Daily: ‘China Will Never Allow the U.S. To Run Amok in the South China Sea’
October 23, 2016:
Obama’s ‘Victory’ in Afghanistan: Opium Production Up 43%
October 23, 2016:
Jihadis Blocking Delivery of Humanitarian Aid in Aleppo but Russia Is Blamed
October 22, 2016:
Schiller institute Holds Silk Road Conference in Lyon
October 22, 2016:
UN Panel: Saudi Bombing of Funeral Gathering a War Crime
October 21, 2016:
Schiller Institute Seminar in Essen: Germany’s Opportunities with the New Silk Road
October 21, 2016:
Kerry, Saudis Discuss ‘Fixing’ JASTA; Saudis Try To Mobilize ‘All Arabs’ against the Law
October 21, 2016:
U.S./Russian Military Focus on the Arctic
October 21, 2016:
Lavrov: Nusra Preventing Civilians from Leaving Aleppo
October 21, 2016:
New Fed Rules on Medicare Payments Will Drive Still More Physicians To Quit Treating Elders, Exit Doctoring Altogether
October 20, 2016:
Duterte in China—A Revolutionary Transformation
October 20, 2016:
‘Nuclear Ash’ Carter Has Dramatically Expanded Obama’s Nuclear War Threat in Asia
October 20, 2016:
Russian Officials Blast Obama and British for Fanning the Flames of War Worldwide
October 20, 2016:
Cohen: Russia Regards Biden’s Cyberwar Threat as Virtual Declaration of War
October 20, 2016:
Chas Freeman: Meet President Clump
October 20, 2016:
Fifth Eurasian Forum Opened in Verona, Italy
October 19, 2016:
‘The World Doesn’t Need World War III,’ Duterte Says
October 19, 2016:
Shenzhou-11 Docks Successfully with Space Lab
October 19, 2016:
German Study Embraces Hamiltonian Understanding of BRICS Infrastructure Investments
October 19, 2016:
German Linke Party: Confrontationism against Russia Leads to World War
October 19, 2016:
Putin and Erdogan Discuss Syria and Mosul Operations, Ash Carter Deployed To Run Interference
October 18, 2016:
Is Mosul Operation Intended To Send ISIS Fighters to Raqqa To Fight Assad?
October 18, 2016:
German Banks, Now Leaders in Derivatives Trading
October 18, 2016:
China: We Will Solve Philippines Fishing Rights as a Right to Life
October 18, 2016:
Normandy Four Summit To Take Place in Berlin
October 18, 2016:
Swedish Foreign and Defense Ministers Oppose Joining NATO
October 17, 2016:
If China Can Eradicate Poverty, What’s the Matter With Us?
October 17, 2016:
China Launches Manned Mission to its Space Module
October 17, 2016:
Majority of EU Foreign Ministers Against Sanctions on Russia Over Syria
October 17, 2016:
‘Putin and Abe Are Establishing Trust-Based Relations’
October 17, 2016:
Donetsk Militia Commander Murdered: Prelude to Resumption of War?
October 16, 2016:
BRICS Countries Are ‘Good Friends, Brothers and Partners’: An Institution To Be Proud Of, Say Group’s Leaders
October 16, 2016:
Russian Officials Take Seriously Cyber Attack Threat by Biden
October 16, 2016:
Return Deutsche Bank to Its Patriotic Roots in Rhineland Capitalism, Exhorts Focus Editor
October 16, 2016:
Architect of Euro and ECB Warns of Imminent Crash
October 16, 2016:
Duterte Will Start Three-Day Visit to China on Oct. 18
October 14, 2016:
Japan's Daisuke Kotegawa Tells EIR: Jail the Bankers and Implement Glass-Steagall
October 14, 2016:
LaRouche: The Orchestration of Rage Against Trump Will Not End the Rage against Obama and Hillary
October 14, 2016:
Moscow: U.S. Pursuing ‘Scorched Earth Policy‘ on U.S.-Russian Relations
October 14, 2016:
Obama NSC Meeting To Plot Next Syria Move
October 14, 2016:
Kerry, Lavrov Meeting in Lausanne on Syria, But No Breakthrough Expected
October 14, 2016:
British Pilots in Syria Could Start World War III
October 13, 2016:
Putin Calls for the Big Eurasian Partnership
October 13, 2016:
Rep. Lieu Warns of U.S. War Crimes in Supplying Arms to Saudis; New Report: Sana’a Funeral Strike Was a Made-in-U.S.A. Bomb
October 13, 2016:
Russian Ambassador Warns That Risk of Miscalculation Is Increasing
October 13, 2016:
Senator Bob Graham: Ample Evidence 9/11 Could Not Have Happened Without Saudi Support
October 13, 2016:
Negative Rates To Reach Six Percent?
October 12, 2016:
Deutsche Bank: European Central Bank Counted Money That Wasn’t There in Stress Tests
October 12, 2016:
Haiti Devastated by Hurricane Matthew: Obama’s Legacy of Death
October 12, 2016:
President Putin: The Obama Administration Rejects Dialogue, Delivers ‘Dictates’ Instead
October 12, 2016:
Kerry and Lavrov To Meet Saturday in Lausanne
October 12, 2016:
French Deputies: Hollande’s Russian Policy Made in the U.S. State Department
October 12, 2016:
Eastern German State Governments Oppose New Russia Sanctions
October 11, 2016:
Xiangshan Forum on International Relations: Only Development Can End the Chaos
October 11, 2016:
Russia: U.S. Global Missile Defense Scheme Is Preparation for War
October 11, 2016:
House of Commons ‘Debates’ a Nuclear War To ‘Protect Civilians’
October 11, 2016:
U.S. Journalist Pillories Anti-Russia, Pro-Terrorist Setup in Presidential Debate as Threat to Planet
October 11, 2016:
Wall Street’s Financial Control Board To Defend Financial Predators, Kill Puerto Ricans
October 10, 2016:
Obama in The Economist: Big Banks Are Good
October 10, 2016:
Glass-Steagall, and Jailing the Bank Criminals, Required to Break Banker Control of Government—Daisuke Kotegawa
October 10, 2016:
Gorbachev: United States and Russia Must Relaunch Nuclear Talks
October 10, 2016:
India May Propose BRICS Fund To Rebuild Syria at Oct. 15-16 Summit
October 10, 2016:
Kansas Cattlemen’s Association Board of Directors Issues Support for Glass-Steagall; Will Take It to Annual State Convention
October 7, 2016:
Russia Presses On with Diplomacy, Despite U.S. Provocations and Threats
October 7, 2016:
‘Don’t Intervene in Syria,’ Former NSC Specialists Urge Obama
October 7, 2016:
IMF Meeting Shows Global Financial Crisis ...
October 7, 2016:
China’s Tiangong-2 Space Module Turns On Its Scientific Instruments, Looking for Gamma Ray Bursts
October 7, 2016:
China Backs Bioceanic Rail Route through Bolivia, President Morales Announces
October 6, 2016:
Russia Issues Warning to U.S. Against Adventurism in Syria
October 6, 2016:
Obama War Threats to Russia Dangerous But Ineffective: LaRouche
October 6, 2016:
Wells Fargo Ripoffs Are Even More Widespread
October 6, 2016:
‘Enhanced Repos’ the Latest Corruption Exposed at Deutsche Bank
October 6, 2016:
Moscow Endorses de Mistura’s Withdrawal of Jabhat al-Nusra from East Aleppo
October 6, 2016:
Walter Jones Letter to Ryan: ‘Don’t Change JASTA!’
October 5, 2016:
LPAC Gives Orders to Congress: Get Back to Washington! Pass Glass-Steagall Now, Before the Blowout!
October 5, 2016:
Members of European Parliament Slam EU Commissioner Moscovici on Greek Bailout Program:
October 5, 2016:
Warmongers in Obama Administration Push for Military Action Against Syrian Government Prelude to War with Russia
October 5, 2016:
A Joyous Day in East Africa as the Ethiopia-Djibouti Rail Connection Is Inaugurated
October 4, 2016:
Die Welt: ‘Deutsche Bank Threatens U.S. Government with Systemic Collapse’
October 4, 2016:
Lavrov: U.S. Policy Threatens Strategic Stability
October 4, 2016:
QE Is Higher than Ever
October 4, 2016:
German Economic Minister: U.S. Should Drop Iran Sanctions
October 4, 2016:
Al-Nusra Front and Allies Shell Russian Embassy in Damascus
October 3, 2016:
Beijing-Tokyo Defense Ministers Meet: First Time in Four Years
October 2, 2016:
Deutsche Bank Not Alone in Leaking Liquidity Now
October 2, 2016:
China’s Lunar Missions To Be International, Space Official States
October 2, 2016:
Direct U.S.-D.P.R.K. Negotiations Proposed by Wilson Center
October 1, 2016:
Is the Liberation of Aleppo Near?
October 1, 2016:
Germany’s Wimmer: ‘U.S. Pulling us into Abyss of War in Middle East’
September 30, 2016:
Has Deutsche Bank Reached Its ‘Lehman Brothers Moment’?
September 30, 2016:
Deutsche Bank’s Share Price below €10: Investors Racing to the Exits
September 30, 2016:
Obama, Saudis Spew Out Filthy Lies about JASTA Vote
September 30, 2016:
Russia Will Take into Account U.S. Nuclear Saber Rattling
September 30, 2016:
China: Sharp Response to South Korea and Pentagon Announcement of New Site for THAAD Deployment
September 29, 2016:
JASTA Campaign Remains on the Offensive
September 29, 2016:
State Department’s Kirby Issues Threats and Ultimata Against Russia
September 29, 2016:
AIIB and ADB To Finance Infrastructure Projects in South Asia
September 29, 2016:
Lake Chad Leaders Bring Transaqua to UN General Assembly
September 29, 2016:
Duterte: No More Military Exercises with the U.S.
September 28, 2016:
Override of Obama’s JASTA Veto Opens Potential for Real Political Change
September 28, 2016:
9/11 families and Survivors Express Gratitude for Override
September 28, 2016:
Amidst Deepening Banking Crisis, Deutsche Bank Loudly Denies Reports of a Government Bailout
September 28, 2016:
Japanese Economist: How To Deal with the Collapse of Deutsche Bank and the Western Banking System
September 28, 2016:
Bloomberg Notices ‘Glass-Steagall Back in Washington’
September 28, 2016:
Russia Tells U.S. To Stop Cozying Up to Terrorists
September 27, 2016:
Patriots Mobilizing To Make JASTA Law
September 27, 2016:
Saudi Arabia Threatens U.S. Congress, Business, Banks
September 27, 2016:
U.S. May Provide Syrian Terrorists with MANPADs
September 27, 2016:
Deutsche Bank Will Draw the City of London Down with It
September 27, 2016:
Colombian Government Signs ‘Peace’ Deal with the FARC To Push Forward with Drug Legalization
September 27, 2016:
India and China Reach ‘Important Consensus’ in Their High-Level Dialogue To Fight Terrorism
September 26, 2016:
Senate JASTA Vote Set for Wednesday Morning; It’s American Patriots vs. Saudi $Sycophants
September 26, 2016:
Telegraph Reminds that JASTA Threatens ‘Londonistan’ Terrorism
September 26, 2016:
Obama Administration Use of Terrorism
September 26, 2016:
Deutsche Bank Falling; Debate over Whether To Bail Out and How
September 26, 2016:
Russia Will Accept No Further Unilateral Steps in Syria
September 25, 2016:
Former Employees File Class Action Suit vs. Wells Fargo
September 25, 2016:
Syrian Foreign Minister: We Believe in Victory
September 25, 2016:
Poroshenko Wants Special Status with NATO, Now
September 24, 2016:
UNCTAD Report Warns of Coming Blowout of $25 Trillion in Emerging Market Debt
September 24, 2016:
Duterte To Visit China and Japan in October
September 24, 2016:
Mobilization Underway To Override Obama Veto
September 23, 2016:
Obama Vetoes JASTA with a String of Lies
September 23, 2016:
Deutsche Bank Adopting Monte dei Paschi’s Formula for Insolvency?
September 23, 2016:
Hill Column Helps Focus the Wells Fargo Scandal on Glass-Steagall
September 23, 2016:
Ukrainian Cease Fire Effort Moving Forward
September 23, 2016:
No Agreement from ISSG Meeting, But Kerry and Lavrov Still Trying
September 22, 2016:
Hand-to-Hand Combat Heightens in Battle To Make JASTA Law, Now
September 22, 2016:
General Kujat: There Is a War in Washington Against the Cooperation John Kerry Organized with Russia
September 22, 2016:
FDIC Flags Deutsche Bank's Wild Leverage Ratio—But It's Not the Only One
September 22, 2016:
China Brought ‘G20/Win-Win’ World Development Perspective to the UN Institutions This Week; Hosted a Forum, and Released New Report
September 22, 2016:
Some Fightback in South Korea vs. THAAD
September 21, 2016:
Momentum Builds from 9/11 Families’ JASTA Rally in Washington. Obama’s Goose May be Cooked!
September 21, 2016:
Senate Debates Resolution To Formally Disapprove of U.S. Arms Sale to Saudis; Vote 71 to 25 To Table the Hot Measure
September 21, 2016:
World’s Largest Ship Elevator Completes China’s Three Gorges Project
September 21, 2016:
Arms Withdrawal Agreement Announced in Ukraine
September 21, 2016:
UN Official Walks Back on Evidence of Airstrike on Convoy, Basis of Blaming Russia; Meetings and Dialogue on Syria Continue
September 20, 2016:
Majority Leader McConnell: Senate Will Override Veto and Vote on Ending Arms Sales to Saudis
September 20, 2016:
Clock Is Ticking on JASTA fight
September 20, 2016:
Russia: No Sign of Bombs on the Aid Convoy—Al Nusra Offensive in Area
September 20, 2016:
Italy’s Prime Minister Renzi Tells Bundesbank Chief To Fix Deutsche Bank
September 19, 2016:
‘How Citi Stayed Open’ May Become Senate Hearings Question
September 19, 2016:
New Revelations on Saudi Terrorism and Barbarism
September 19, 2016:
Was U.S. Attack on Syrian Troops Really an Accident?
September 19, 2016:
Russians Affirm Putin’s Leadership in Duma Election
September 19, 2016:
Some 320,000 GermansTake to Streets in Germany against Obama’s TTIP
September 18, 2016:
Russia Charges Obama Administration with Defending ISIS, after U.S. Deadly Bombing of Syrian Troops
September 17, 2016:
China Responds Sternly to Japanese Defense Minister Announcement of Joint Japan-U.S. Patrols in South China Sea
September 17, 2016:
Congress Must Remain in Session To Pass Glass-Steagall and JASTA
September 17, 2016:
Zepp-LaRouche Issues Appeal to the United Nations General Assembly
September 17, 2016:
Sept. 20 Demonstrations Will Demand Obama Sign JASTA Bill
September 16, 2016:
Russians Offer 72-Hour Cease Fire Extension in Syria, Despite Lack of Cooperation From U.S.
September 16, 2016:
House of Commons Report on Libya War: Damning Evidence on Obama Behind Regime Change
September 16, 2016:
J’Accuse: Sen. Bob Kerrey Blasts Saudis for Trying to Stop JASTA and for Lying about 9/11 Evidence
September 15, 2016:
Russia-China Naval Exercise Underway in South China Sea
September 15, 2016:
Kerry on Syrian Agreement with Russia: What Alternative Is There?
September 15, 2016:
Fed Has Just Told Congress To Repeal Gramm-Leach-Bliley: Expert
September 15, 2016:
Steinmeier Pushes for Ceasefire in Ukraine
September 14, 2016:
DOJ Investigation of Too-Big-To-Manage Wells Fargo Underway
September 14, 2016:
Fed Recommendations to Congress Beg Glass-Steagall Act
September 14, 2016:
House of Commons Slams Libya Invasion; ‘Responsible’ Cameron Quits
September 14, 2016:
DOJ Investigation of Too-Big-To-Manage Wells Fargo Underway
September 14, 2016:
Times: Kerry Isolated in Administration on Syria Agreement
September 14, 2016:
Club of Rome Attack on New Silk Road Paradigm
September 13, 2016:
Schiller Conference Features Exposé of Lies About Syria
September 13, 2016:
Will Obama Actually Veto JASTA?
September 13, 2016:
Duterte Cancels Joint U.S.-Philippine Naval Patrols in South China Sea, and Turns to Russia, China for Military Arms
September 13, 2016:
Can Minsk II Be Revived Before War Erupts?
September 13, 2016:
Obama’s Shameless Behavior at G20 Denounced
September 12, 2016:
France’s Hollande: U.S. Response to 9/11 Expanded, Not Eliminated, Terrorist Threat
September 12, 2016:
Obama Deserves Impeachment Even Now, If He Vetoes JASTA Bill
September 12, 2016:
Philippines President Duterte: U.S. Military Must Leave Mindanao
September 12, 2016:
Western Talk of Russian ‘Expansionism’ is ‘Complete Rubbish,’ Putin Tells Bloomberg
September 12, 2016:
Tent Cities Grow in Major U.S. Cities, as Poverty, Homelessness Soar
September 6, 2016:
JASTA Fight Heats Up as Congress Returns to D.C; Wall Street, Bush Crowd Worried
September 6, 2016:
Advisory Committee of UN Human Rights Council Warns: Don’t Feed the Vulture Funds—They’ll Come Back for More
September 6, 2016:
Business Media Observe Obama’s Isolation in Asia Summits
September 5, 2016:
China Intention Succeeds at the G20
September 5, 2016:
CDC Director Warns: Federal Funds To Fight Zika Nearly Exhausted
September 5, 2016:
Duterte Message to Obama—The War On Drugs Will Continue—We Are No Longer Your Colony
September 5, 2016:
Obama Throws Cold Water on Syria Negotiations with Russia; Putin Contradicts Him
September 5, 2016:
Brooklyn Diocese Announces Sept. 11 Mass and Mozart Requiem with Schiller Institute Participation
September 4, 2016:
President Xi Opens Dialogue Among the Nations of the G20
September 4, 2016:
At BRICS Meeting before G20 Opening, Putin Lays Out Major Policies
September 4, 2016:
Maternal Death Rate in America Has Skyrocketed
September 4, 2016:
Liberal Interventionism Produces Only Chaos and War
September 3, 2016:
Lavrov Describes the Dying Western Empire, Blasts Geopolitics
September 2, 2016:
The Hindu Runs Helga Zepp-LaRouche Interview on Eve of G20
September 2, 2016:
Media Pick Up on Senator Graham’s Press Club Intervention
September 2, 2016:
Obama’s Declining Economy Falls Further on Eve of G20
September 2, 2016:
Putin Commends Kerry, Says U.S.-Russia Agreement Is Possible Soon, If U.S. Breaks from Jihadis
September 2, 2016:
‘Deutsche Bank Needs Radical Surgery’ —The Herrhausen Procedure
August 31, 2016:
Senator Bob Graham: Did Saudi Royals Make a Dirty Deal With Bin Laden for 9/11?
August 31, 2016:
Thatcher Clinched Al Yamamah Arms Deal for Britain
August 31, 2016:
European Space Agency To Build Lunar Village
August 31, 2016:
Philippines Is Reconsidering Nuclear Energy, Hosts International Conference on Nuclear Power in the Asia-Pacific
August 31, 2016:
CCTV Covers Bill Jones on Need for New Financial Architecture
August 30, 2016:
China Plans To Turn G20 from Crisis Mechanism into International Policy Coordinator
August 30, 2016:
Rep. Ted Lieu Leads Charge Against U.S. Arms Sales to Saudis
August 30, 2016:
Bruce Fein Calls for U.S. To Leave NATO
August 30, 2016:
Financial Press Shakes over Derivatives Blow-out
August 30, 2016:
TTIP Talks Sinking Fast
August 29, 2016:
Die Welt, Experts on Syria: Putin Changed the Whole Geometry
August 29, 2016:
Sept. 6-8 ASEAN Summit To Solidify China Ties, Role in Silk Road
August 29, 2016:
Imperial Trade Deals Being Rejected
August 29, 2016:
Rousseff Speaks in Her Own Defense at Impeachment Trial
August 29, 2016:
Americans for Financial Reform Campaign for Glass-Steagall
August 28, 2016:
Ringing Endorsement of China’s G20 Leadership from Russian Business Leader
August 28, 2016:
China and U.S. Non-Government Science Organization Deepen Cooperation
August 28, 2016:
Greek Prime Minister Tsipras Says EU Walking Over a Cliff
August 27, 2016:
CFR Magazine Features Call for U.S.-China Cooperation
August 26, 2016:
Did You Know Glass-Steagall Would Have Prevented AIG Blowout?
August 26, 2016:
Why China Insists a G20 Growth Commitment Is Urgent
August 26, 2016:
9/11 Families Produce Powerful Videos To Push for Passing JASTA
August 26, 2016:
UN Reports on Saudi Crimes in Yemen
August 26, 2016:
Schiller Institute Representative Addresses London Conference To Support Yemeni People
August 25, 2016:
Leading Republican Pushes Hard for Glass-Steagall
August 25, 2016:
QE Heading for $30 Trillion-Plus by End of 2016; Lending Ended
August 25, 2016:
Chairman of the Eurasian Economic Union Pays a Visit to Beijing
August 24, 2016:
Iran To Become Major Player in Silk Road Belt
August 24, 2016:
South Korea Advances Technology for Tritium Fusion Fuel Production
August 24, 2016:
Deutsche Bank and Hedge Funds Panic over Negative Interest Rates
August 24, 2016:
Putin, Merkel, Hollande To Discuss Ukraine on Sidelines of G20 Meeting
August 24, 2016:
Despite Tensions, Chinese, Japanese, and South Korean Foreign Ministers Meet and Commit to Future Collaboration
August 23, 2016:
Russian Thinktank Head: Russia and China Must Get the U.S. On Board for the Needed New Financial Order
August 23, 2016:
China Warns G20 Must End Monetarism’s Reign over World Financial and Economic System, Before Blowout
August 23, 2016:
Financiers Scrambling over Imminent Derivatives Blow-Out
August 23, 2016:
Campaign Escalates to Block Obama’s New Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia
August 23, 2016:
U.S. Military Tries To Declare a de Facto No-Fly Zone over Eastern Syria
August 22, 2016:
Turkey Accepts Interim Government with Bashar Assad
August 22, 2016:
Indian Envoy Akbar Visits Syria: The ‘Age of Destruction’ Should Give Way to the ‘Age of Re-construction’
August 22, 2016:
Drugs, Despair, Job Loss: Early Deaths Rise for U.S. White Women
August 22, 2016:
Business Group Lobbies for Opening the Philippines’ Mothballed Nuclear Plant
August 22, 2016:
Now in Theaters: ‘The Killing$ of Tony Blair’
August 20, 2016:
China and India To Utilize the G20 Framework To Enhance Cooperation to Fend Off International Speculation
August 20, 2016:
Putin Keeps Changing the Strategic Situation in Southwest Asia
August 19, 2016:
President Putin in Crimea: Russia Will Continue Relations with Ukraine Despite Kiev’s Provocations
August 19, 2016:
Russian Parliamentarian Calls for New ‘Non-NATO’ Anti-Terror Coalition To Wipe Out ISIS
August 19, 2016:
As IMF Said, Deutsche Bank ‘Exports the Most Risk’ to Bank System
August 19, 2016:
U.S. Farmbelt Productivity Hit: More Producers Struggle To Make Loan Repayments, as Land Values, Ag Income Drop
August 19, 2016:
Doctors Without Borders Removes Its Medics from Six Hospitals in Yemen Citing Danger from the Saudi/U.S. Coalition
August 17, 2016:
Another Warning that Deutsche Bank Is Near Blowout
August 17, 2016:
China’s Overseas Direct Investment Surges with Silk Road
August 17, 2016:
Lavrov, Kerry Continue Action Plans To Ensure Ceasefire in Syria
August 17, 2016:
German FM Steinmeier and Russian FM Lavrov Hold Cordial Meeting
August 16, 2016:
BIS, Financial Stability Board Warn Derivatives Clearinghouse Failures Could Bring Down International Financial System
August 16, 2016:
BRICS Has a Political Role To Play: Russian Foreign Minister
August 16, 2016:
China Pushing Growth Agenda for G20 Summit
August 16, 2016:
Stimson Center Calls for Withdrawal of Nukes from Europe, Turkey
August 16, 2016:
Shoigu: Active U.S.-Russia Engagement in Syria War on ISIS
August 16, 2016:
Ban Ki Moon Denounces Saudi Crimes: Another MSF Hospital Bombed
August 15, 2016:
New German-Russian Cooperation in Fusion Power Research
August 15, 2016:
Rand Paul Calls for Blocking Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia; Sen. Murphy Blames Obama for Saudi Crimes
August 15, 2016:
Wall Street’s Top Line of Attack on Glass-Steagall Is a Fraud
August 15, 2016:
Former JCS Vice Chair Calls for End to U.S. First Strike Doctrine
August 15, 2016:
Chinese Launching Bullet Trains on 12,000 Miles of Hi-Speed Rail
August 14, 2016:
China, India Prep for Upcoming G20 and BRICS Summits
August 14, 2016:
Maureen Dowd Nails Hillary Clinton as a New Dick Cheney
August 13, 2016:
New York Times Warns Bankers: Stall on Volcker May Build Support for Glass-Steagall
August 13, 2016:
Russians Releasing More Information about Ukrainian Sabotage Group
August 13, 2016:
Obama’s Ukraine Ambassador Pyatt Says Obama Preparing New Sanctions against Russia
August 13, 2016:
The Saudi War of Genocide In Yemen and U.S. Arms Sales
August 13, 2016:
We Need a Rational Debate about Nuclear Weapons and Deterrence
August 12, 2016:
Bandar’s Role Highlighted in New 9/11 Media Coverage
August 12, 2016:
Russia Responds to Ukraine’s ‘Crime Against the Russian State’ with Military Maneuvers, Warning of Break in Diplomatic Ties
August 12, 2016:
Centcom Senior Leaders ‘Cooked the Books’ on ISIS
August 12, 2016:
China, Philippines Prepare for Formal Talks on Cooperation
August 12, 2016:
Jornal do Brasil Brings LaRouche into Defense of Brazil
August 11, 2016:
Risk of War in Ukraine Jumps Up Further
August 11, 2016:
Ryabkov: Risk of NATO-Russia War Is Rising
August 11, 2016:
Ramos Invited to Beijing
August 11, 2016:
China Issues Major Program for Innovation and Scientific Discovery
August 10, 2016:
Wall Street Mobilizes To Stop Glass-Steagall
August 10, 2016:
U.S. Special Forces Getting More Deeply Involved in Libya War
August 10, 2016:
Ukraine Hotspot Primed for Blowup
August 10, 2016:
Wilkerson Revelations Open Up Cheney for Criminal Prosecution
August 9, 2016:
43 House Democrats and AFL Urge Kerry To Denounce Brazil Coup
August 10, 2016:
Putin and Erdogan Move To Promote Cooperation on All Issues
August 8, 2016:
Petition Circulating To Demand Congressional Vote on Glass-Steagall
August 8, 2016:
European Stock Index Delists Deutsche Bank, Crédit Suisse
August 8, 2016:
U.S. Air Force Secretary Voices Anti-Russia Hysteria
August 7, 2016:
Leading German Economist Says Emergency Deutsche Bank Takeover Needed Now
August 7, 2016:
EIR report: QE Savages Real Economy
August 7, 2016:
It’s Al-Qaeda That Obama Now Openly Backs in Syria
August 7, 2016:
Philippine-China Talks Begin—‘Start with Things We Agree On’
August 7, 2016:
South Africa Elections Show Zuma’s Great Strength—and Weakness
August 6, 2016:
Tensions Approaching Boiling Point in Ukraine
August 5, 2016:
Elizabeth Warren: Glass-Steagall—‘Support for It All Around the Country’
August 5, 2016:
Putin To Be ‘Guest of Honor’ at G20 Summit in China
August 5, 2016:
LaRouche Advises on Mustering Action for the ‘Four Laws’
August 5, 2016:
Latest U.S. Employment Figures Show Collapse of Production
August 4, 2016:
Bank of England Takes Desperate Measures for European Banks
August 4, 2016:
Russia Charges U.S. Media Covering Up Terrorist Atrocities in Syria
August 3, 2016:
Call for Ending Europe’s ‘Universal Banking Model’
August 3, 2016:
Obama’s New Libya War Exposed as Another War Crime
August 3, 2016:
Crédit Suisse, Deutsche Bank Kicked Off Top European Stock Index
August 3, 2016:
French Pro-Russian Opposition on the Move
August 3, 2016:
Kerry Backs Away from ‘Plan B’ for Syria
August 2, 2016:
LaRouche: ISIS Threat to Putin Could Have Strategic Fallout
August 2, 2016:
European Banks Under Acute Stress After the ECB Stress Tests; LaRouche Stresses Going for National Self-Defense
August 2, 2016:
Academics Run Real Stress Test, Find Banks Need $1 Trillion TARP!
August 2, 2016:
Wall Street: Glass-Steagall Will Hit Hard
August 2, 2016:
China and Russia To Deepen Anti-Terror Cooperation
August 1, 2016:
RAND Corporation Report: ‘War with China—Thinking Through the Unthinkable’
August 1, 2016:
Biggest Banks Jettison Customers, Become Investment Banks
August 1, 2016:
Russia Invites NATO Officials to Moscow for ‘Constructive Dialogue’ on Avoiding Conflicts
August 1, 2016:
ISIS Video Threatens President Putin’s Life and Calls for Jihad in All of Russia
August 1, 2016:
Russia’s Ambassador to UN Issues Dire Warning on Ukraine
July 31, 2016:
New Call for Smashing Assad Comes from Clinton’s Camp—Jeremy Bash in London’s Telegraph; Pressure on Obama To Act Now
July 30, 2016:
Stephen Cohen—It’s Not Trump, It’s World War III
July 30, 2016:
Stress Tests Cheat on Reality
July 31, 2016:
General Kujat for a Marshall Plan for Syria
July 29, 2016:
Helga Zepp-LaRouche in Beijing for T20 Summit
July 29, 2016:
Russian and Chinese ‘Strongly Condemn’ U.S. THAAD Deployment in South Korea after Moscow Meeting
July 29, 2016:
EIR Participates in Whistleblower Symposium on 9/11
July 29, 2016:
Wall Street in Non-Stop Freak-Out over Glass-Steagall in Party Platforms and Prospects
July 28, 2016:
Is the Battle for Aleppo Now a Turning Point in the Syria War?
July 27, 2016:
Deutsche Bank Turning into a ‘Zero Bank’
July 27, 2016:
Putin Urges International Cooperation To Fight Terrorism, a Global Threat
July 27, 2016:
Is NATO Trying To Extend Its Control of Black Sea Airspace Through Bulgaria?
July 27, 2016:
Kerry Echoes Wang Yi in Meetings in Manila Bilateral Talks, Turn a New Page
July 27, 2016:
The Economist Issues a Threat to Erdogan
July 27, 2016:
After Child Is Beheaded, Syrian UN Envoy Demands U.S.-Coalition Stop Funding So-Called Rebel ‘Moderates’
July 26, 2016:
Glass-Steagall Moves to the Forefront Internationally
July 26, 2016:
Obama Administration Brawl over Russia/Syria Policy at Break Point
July 25, 2016:
The Increasing Force of Glass-Steagall
July 25, 2016:
Signs of Crash in U.S. Debt Bubbles
July 24, 2016:
G20 Talk ‘Growth’ But Don’t Create It Like China and India
July 24, 2016:
Lavrov Slams NATO’s Expansionism, as Russian Military Tests Iskander Ballistic Missile
July 24, 2016:
After NATO Provocations, U.K. General Again Demands War with Russia
July 24, 2016:
China Will Pursue Its Dual Track on the South China Sea
July 23, 2016:
Helga Zepp-LaRouche: After Nice, Würzburg, and Munich, Cooperation with Russia Is Even More Urgent
July 23, 2016:
Helga Zepp-LaRouche Renews Call for Banning Violent Videos
July 22, 2016:
Middle East and North African Crises Were Results of West’s Bull-in-a-China-Shop Actions, Says Lavrov
July 22, 2016:
Ten Senators Call On Obama To Cancel Nuclear Cruise Missile; Adopt a ‘No-First-Use’ Policy for Nuclear Arms
July 22, 2016:
Matthew Lynn: The Euro Policy Killed Italian Banks
July 22, 2016:
U.S. Farm Prices for Beef and Milk at Crisis Lows; Farmers Seek Emergency Measures, But Within a Defunct System
July 22, 2016:
U.S.-Russia-UN Meeting on Syria Set for July 26 in Geneva
July 22, 2016:
Li Keqiang Urges World Economy Leaders To Collaborate To Deal with Financial Fluctuations; Jack Lew Says, No Need
July 20, 2016:
Impact of Congressional HSBC Exposure: Senior Bankers Charged
July 20, 2016:
Kerry: U.S. and Russia Have Understanding of Where We’re Going in Syria
July 19, 2016:
Surprise! Glass-Steagall Comes Back To Confront Wall Street
July 19, 2016:
Florida Bulldog Points to Yet Another Classified U.S. Intelligence Report on Saudi Royal Family Ties to Terrorism
July 19, 2016:
European Court of Justice Supports Bail-In
July 19, 2016:
Turkey Arrests Pilots Who Shot Down Russian Warplane, as Erdogan Says He Is Ready To Cooperate with Iran
July 19, 2016:
Filipino General: Joint Development of South China Sea Could Make Manila a Starting Point of the Maritime Silk Road
July 18, 2016:
Italian PM Renzi May Be Going Ahead with Bank Bailout
July 18, 2016:
Funding of China’s‘ Belt and Road’ Projects Estimated at $1.2 Trillion
July 18, 2016:
Confirmed: Glass-Steagall in Republican Platform
July 18, 2016:
War over 28 Pages Red Hot. Time To Strike!
July 18, 2016:
War Party Goes Berzerk Again Against Germany’s Foreign Minister Steinmeier
July 16, 2016:
Jacques Cheminade, French Presidential Candidate: Stop Terrorism at Its Source
July 15, 2016:
Release of 28 Pages a Strategic Victory; Now a New Investigation
July 15, 2016:
52 House Members Have Signed On To Co-Sponsor JASTA
July 14, 2016:
Declassify All or Part of the 28 Pages
July 14, 2016:
Foreign Policy Expert: All Leading Powers, Including the U.S., Have Ignored Hague Rulings
July 14, 2016:
Philippine President Duterte: ‘War Is Not an Option’ Deploys Former President Ramos to China for Talks
July 14, 2016:
Kerry in Moscow To Talk Cooperation While Saboteurs Run Rampant in Washington
July 13, 2016:
Former Australian Diplomat: NATO Playing a Dangerous Game
July 13, 2016:
Carden: NATO Worried About Aggression? Better Look at Ukraine!
July 13, 2016:
Philippines Leaders: Start China Cooperation Now
July 12, 2016:
Zepp-LaRouche: Deutsche Bank Must Be Rescued, for the Sake of World Peace!
July 12, 2016:
HSBC Escaped U.S. Money-laundering Charges After U.K. Warned of ‘Global Financial Disaster’
July 12, 2016:
Perry: Risk of Nuclear Catastrophe Higher than Ever
July 12, 2016:
Russia Responds to NATO Summit: ‘The Confrontational Course Towards Russia Is Futile and Even Dangerous’
July 12, 2016:
Hague Tribunal Finding Feeds Obama’s Would-Be War in South China Sea
July 12, 2016:
The Illinois General Assembly Passed H.R. 1092, ‘American Recovery Program,’ on June 30
July 11, 2016:
Europe on the Edge of a Full-Scale Financial Blowout
July 11, 2016:
China’s Intent To Broaden Economic Ties with EU and ASEAN
July 11, 2016:
French Diplomats Mobilized To Calm War Danger
July 10, 2016:
Platform Committee Passes Glass-Steagall
July 10, 2016:
Deutsche Bank Officer Says ‘Europe Is Extremely Sick,’ Demands Bailout Poison
July 10, 2016:
Chinese Minister Warns: Global Economy’s Condition Is ‘Grim’
July 10, 2016:
German General Kujat: Russia Is a Strategic Partner, Not a Target for Escalation under the Pretext of ‘Deterrence’
July 10, 2016:
Global Times Warns of Consequences of U.S.-R.O.K. THAAD Deployment
July 9, 2016:
Blowout Coming Soon, Warns a Leading Asian Economist
July 9, 2016:
Hollande Says Russia Is a Partner, Not a ‘Threat’
July 8, 2016:
For War and Terrorism: Erinnyes Are Just Getting Started on Blair
July 8, 2016:
Chinese Reporting of South China Sea Issue Continues To Cover EIR
July 8, 2016:
European Banks Are ‘On the Brink’; Some May Be Over It
July 7, 2016:
Try Blair for Nuremberg Crime of ‘War of Aggression’
July 7, 2016:
Leading Chinese Diplomat Warns of War Danger in South China Sea
July 7, 2016:
This Bank Collapse Is Global
July 6, 2016:
EIR Featured Prominently in Washington Press Conference on South China Sea
July 6, 2016:
Bank of England Head Carney Hits the Panic Button, Announces Emergency Measures To Flood the System with Liquidity
July 6, 2016:
Chilcot: Blair’s Iraq War Was Unnecessary
July 6, 2016:
Some in Congress Ready To Release 28 Pages; ‘It May Come to That’
July 6, 2016:
U.K. Parliament Committee Urges NATO-Russia Dialogue
July 6, 2016:
Russia Continues To Lay Down Heavy Political Covering Fire in Run-Up to NATO Summit
\July 6, 2016:
India’s First River Diversion Completed in One Year
July 6, 2016:
ISIS Ramadan Rampage Could Have Been Stopped
July 5, 2016:
Former NATO General Kujat Warns of Catastrophe
July 5, 2016:
Stoltenberg Previews Agenda of NATO Summit
July 4, 2016:
German Government Source: No ‘More Europe’ and Juncker Out
July 4, 2016:
Chilcot Report To Appear July 6
July 4, 2016:
Steps to Rapprochement Between Turkey and Russia, Could Herald Change in Russo-European Relations
July 3, 2016:
U.S. Conference of Mayors Denounces Obama’s Nuclear War Provocations
July 3, 2016:
City of London Forms Panic Committee
July 2, 2016:
Russia’s Envoy to OSCE Protests the European Protection of Terrorist Mastermind Chatayev
July 2, 2016:
NATO-Russia Council To Meet on July 13
July 2, 2016:
Brexit Aftermath: Dead Cat Bounce and Another $1 Trillion in Bonds Now Have Negative Interest Rates
July 1, 2016:
Schiller Institute Conference Calls for Lifting Sanctions against Syria and Russia
July 1, 2016:
U.S. and Russia Negotiating Closer Military Cooperation vs. Islamic State and Nusra Front
July 1, 2016:
Putin: If Finland Joins NATO, Russia Will Have To Respond; Russian, Finnish Leaders Talk of Dialogue, Trust
July 1, 2016:
Canada Joins Obama’s War on Russia
July 1, 2016:
Saudis Continue Their Campaign of Lies with New ‘38 Pages’ Document To Counter ‘28 Pages’
July 1, 2016:
Leader of Istanbul Terror Was Wanted by Russia, Protected in Europe
June 30, 2016:
Russia’s Military Measures in Response to NATO’s Buildup
June 30, 2016:
BIS: Bank Credit at Zero Growth Everywhere But Asia
June 30, 2016:
IMF Declares Deutsche Bank the [Trans-Atlantic] World’s Most Systemically Dangerous Bank
June 30, 2016:
Sen. Graham Denounces Continuing Obama Administration Stall on 28 Pages
June 30, 2016:
Rodrigo Duterte Inaugurated as Philippine President, Declares Adherence to Lincoln and FDR
June 29, 2016:
‘Creating a Common Future for Mankind and a Renaissance of Classical Culture’
June 29, 2016:
Russian Diplomat: NATO Causing Confrontation with Russia
June 29, 2016:
Sen. Elizabeth Warren Introduces Derivatives Protection Act
June 29, 2016:
How Long Has Paris, Brussels Bomber Worked for the British?
June 28, 2016:
Incoming Philippines Defense Minister: Fighting Terrorism More Important Than Confronting China
June 26, 2016:
Putin-Xi Press Conference Reaffirms Commitment to Their Joint One Belt, One Road/Eurasian Economic Union as Global Alternative
June 26, 2016:
In Its Annual Report, Bank for International Settlements Warns of an Impending Financial Crisis
June 26, 2016:
As People Rejoiced, the Panama Canal Reopened Wider and Deeper
June 25, 2016:
Sweden and Finland Agree: They Are Not Threatened by Russia
June 24, 2016:
16th Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit Highlights Russian, Chinese Leadership
June 24, 2016:
Russian Parliament Issues Warning on NATO Military Buildup
June 23, 2016:
Cohen: U.S. an ‘Existential Threat’ to the World
June 21, 2016:
Steinmeier Defended, Germany Opens Up Against NATO War
June 21, 2016:
Obama, NATO Are Threatening General War Based on an Admitted Lie
June 21, 2016:
U.S. Industrial Economy Collapsing, Fed Gives Up on ‘Growth’ Myth
June 21, 2016:
Congress’s Financial Control Board for Puerto Rico Violates UN Resolutions
June 21, 2016:
Russians Are Laughing at Obama’s Latest ‘Brilliant Failure’: the Successful St. Petersburg Economic Forum
June 20, 2016:
Will NATO Start World War III over a Cyber Attack?
June 20, 2016:
Russia and China Preparing High-Tech Cooperation at Summit
June 20, 2016:
Glass-Steagall Reality Challenges Fed ‘Symposium’
June 20, 2016:
Sen. Graham: 9/11 Came from Top of Saudi Power Pyramid
June 20, 2016:
Another Minsk II Summit in the Making
June 19, 2016:
German Foreign Minister Criticizes NATO’s Military Maneuvers in Eastern Europe which Could Worsen Relations with Russia
June 19, 2016:
Feinstein and Tauscher Slam Plans for New Nuclear Weapon
June 19, 2016:
Brits’ Tory Flagship Daily Sunday Telegraph Endorses Brexit
June 19, 2016:
U.S. in New Naval Provocations against China
June 17, 2016:
Putin Presents Vision for Peace and Development at SPIEF
June 17, 2016:
Two-Day, June 25 and June 26, Manhattan Project Event
June 17, 2016:
St. Petersburg: Will Italy Be Pace-Setter To Shift EU-Russia Relations?
June 17, 2016:
Another Sign of the Blowout Coming—Worse than 2008
June 17, 2016:
Barak: Time to Come Soon to ‘Topple’ Netanyahu; Exposes Hidden Agenda of ‘One-State’ from ‘Jordan River to the Sea’
June 16, 2016:
The St. Petersburg Forum and the World of the Near Future
June 16, 2016:
Russia Becomes World’s No. 1 Grain Exporter, Leaving U.S. and Canada Behind
June 16, 2016:
House Votes Up Half-Trillion for War; Votes Down a New AUMF To Make It Constitutional
June 16, 2016:
Obama Anti-Russian Policy Endangering the Nation
June 15, 2016:
U.S. Is the Enabler of Wahhabi Jihadi Terror
June 15, 2016:
Major U.S. News Media Keeping Even Antiwar Activists Ignorant of the War Danger
June 15, 2016:
Xi Jinping Launches a Week-Long Silk Road Tour
June 15, 2016:
Former British and French Prime Ministers Speak Out for China’s ‘Belt and Road’
June 15, 2016:
Fed Gives Up; Yellen Getting Closer to Helicopter Money
June 14, 2016:
Release of 28 Pages on 9/11 Becomes the Strategic Linchpin Against Terror
June 14, 2016:
China’s Chang’e-4 Mission Will Land at the South Pole Aitkin Basin, on the Far Side of the Moon
June 13, 2016:
Former German Chancellor Schröder Tags NATO Exercises on Russia’s Border a ‘Very Serious Mistake’
June 13, 2016:
Subject of Debate: Enact Glass-Steagall or Raise Banks’ Requirements?
June 13, 2016:
Russia’s Hypersonic Answer to NATO’s Missile Defense Scheme
June 13, 2016:
Russia, South Korea Forge Closer Ties for Developing the Far East
June 12, 2016:
CIA Chief ‘Expects’ 28 Pages To Be Released Soon; Fallback Coverup Is Planned
June 12, 2016:
Hot Debate over Nicaraguan Interoceanic Canal
June 12, 2016:
European Parliament Members’ Open Letter: We Need Russia; End Sanctions
June 12, 2016:
Algerian Prime Minister: Military Intervention In Libya Won’t Solve Anything—Development Required
June 11, 2016:
Americans’ Impoverishment, Federal Reserve Version
June 11, 2016:
UN/U.S. Military in South Korea Threatens Chinese Fishing Boats
June 10, 2016:
House Passes Puerto Rico ‘Rescue’ Bill, But Only Creditors Will Be Rescued
June 10, 2016:
Friedrich Ebert Foundation Scholar: NATO Missile Defense Will Backfire Badly against Europe
June 10, 2016:
Iran, Russia, and Syria Declare a Decisive Battle Against All Terrorist Groups
June 10, 2016:
Frantic Saudis Threaten UN over Yemen Child Deaths Report; Make Lying Claim They Are Stopping Jihadi Funding
June 10, 2016:
Washington Times Ad Blasts U.S. Media for Crude, Soviet-Style Propaganda Against Russia; Demands Open Debate
June 9, 2016:
Dilma Rousseff Suggests that Fear of the BRICS Is Behind Her Impeachment
June 9, 2016:
NATO ‘Is About To Make the Biggest Mistake in Its History;’ Warnings against the Drive into World War III
June 9, 2016:
China’s Xinhua Gives Prominant Coverage to Butch Valdes and Kit Tatad—Cancel Hague Arbitration, Cancel EDCA
June 8, 2016:
Spiegel in Last-Minute Warning: NATO Exercises ‘Going Too Far’
June 8, 2016:
San Francisco Seminar with LaRouches Poses Alternatives: Join the Silk Road, or Nuclear War
June 8, 2016:
French Senate Votes ‘Gradual Relief’ of Sanctions vs. Russia; Follows French National Assembly’s Vote in April
June 8, 2016:
Will Fed Soon Join Suicidal Negative-Interest-Rate Parade?
June 8, 2016:
System Breaking? Two Huge Banks Cut Ties with Central Banks
June 8, 2016:
British Media Weigh in To Protect Saudi Terror Role, While German Press Finally Break the Story
June 7, 2016:
Former Reagan Official: Make Glass-Steagall the Law of the Land
June 7, 2016:
Italian Chamber of Deputies President Calls for ‘Marshall Plan for North Africa’
June 7, 2016:
Grushko: NATO Lives in Surrealistic Reality
June 6, 2016:
British Freakout, Demand JASTA Be Blocked
June 6, 2016:
Asia-Pacific Region Should Be an ‘Inclusive Big Platform for Cooperation,’ Says Xi Jinping
June 6, 2016:
UN Blacklists Obama/U.K. ‘Saudi-led Coalition’ in Yemen for Murdering Children
June 5, 2016:
China Delivers Strong Rebuke to Carter at Shangri-La
June 4, 2016:
Ash Carter Calls for New NATO in the Asia-Pacific
June 4, 2016:
Ongoing Media Coverage of Jobs Crash in May
June 4, 2016:
UN Human Rights Expert Warns European Institutions that Their Austerity Policies Violate Human Rights
June 4, 2016:
Russians Insist on No Delay of Syria Talks
June 4, 2016:
Gorbachev Slams the ‘Cult of Force’
June 3, 2016:
Pravda Interviews Virginia State Senator Richard Black on Syria: NATO Is ‘A Very Profound Threat to World Peace’
June 3, 2016:
Head of European Space Agency Discusses the Moon, Mars, and Defense of the Earth
June 3, 2016:
U.S. Labor Force Shrinks, Dollar Drops, Japan Hit
June 2, 2016:
German Media Breakthrough on 28 Pages Exposé of Saudi Backing for 9/11 Killers
June 2, 2016:
Kujat Warns Against NATO Intervention into Syria, AWACS Aimed at Russia
June 2, 2016:
‘This Era Is Presenting China and India a Great Opportunity,’ says China’s Premier Li Keqiang
June 1, 2016:
Listen to Putin’s Plain Talk on War Danger
June 1, 2016:
Leading U.S. China Scholar and Official Thai Advisory Board Promote Kra Canal
June 1, 2016:
‘We’re Not Accustomed to Death Rates Rising on National Scale’
June 1, 2016:
OECD Productivity Study Proves Economist Lyndon LaRouche’s Long-Term Thesis
June 1, 2016:
‘Take On Wall Street’ Campaign Pushes Glass-Steagall into Presidential and Congressional Campaigns
May 30, 2016:
Is NATO Exercising Its Way into Confrontation with Russia?
May 30, 2016:
African Nations Are Anxious To Be Part of the New Silk Road
May 29, 2016:
China and India Will Both Play a Vital Role in Promoting Asia’s Infrastructure Development, Says China’s Global Times
May 29, 2016:
‘Will Deutsche Be the Next Lehman Brothers?’ Financial Column Asks
May 29, 2016:
Ashton Carter Lashes Out at China, Moves the World Closer to Nuclear Confrontation
May 29, 2016:
Russia Doesn’t Want War, But Is Preparing for It
May 27, 2016:
Xinhua Ridiculed the G-7 Fantasies, Calls for the Members To Join the Real World
May 27, 2016:
‘London Is the World Center of Drug Money Laundering’
May 27, 2016:
More Warnings of War From American and Russian Voices
May 27, 2016:
Setting Up the SCO Development Bank Is on the Agenda, Says Kazakh Foreign Minister
May 27, 2016:
LaRouche PAC To Host Memorial Day Conference
May 26, 2016:
Indian President Calls for Rejuvenating a ‘People-Centric’ Partnership between China and India
May 26, 2016:
China Defense Minister Proposes Joint China-ASEAN Military Exercises in the South China Sea
May 26, 2016:
Lavrov: U.S. Still Not Ready for Combat Coordination with Russia Against Terrorists in Syria
May 26, 2016:
Glass-Steagall Amendment To Be Voted in Italian Senate Finance Committee
May 24, 2016:
Lavrov: Russia Will Coordinate with U.S. To Liberate Raqqa
May 24, 2016:
Iranian President Declares May 23 To Be the ‘Day of Chabahar’
May 24, 2016:
Italy’s Abruzzi Regional Council Approved Glass-Steagall Draft Legislation
May 24, 2016:
Saudis in a Panic over 9/11 and 28 Pages
May 23, 2016:
Obama To Release Sanitized Kill List from 2009 to Present
May 23, 2016:
Al-Monitor Calls on U.S. To Accept Russian Proposal for Joint Bombing Campaign against ISIS and Nusra Front
May 23, 2016:
Obama CMS Plan Would Kill Patients with Cuts in Medicare Drug Payments
May 22, 2016:
Russia to U.S.: Join Us Fighting Terror in Syria, Or We Will Do It Unilaterally
May 22, 2016:
Obama Leaves ‘Hiroshima Decision’ on His Table
May 22, 2016:
50- and 100-Year Government Bonds Are a Sign of Europe’s Endless Zero Growth
May 21, 2016:
Stern Magazine: ‘This is Why the West Needs “Far Away Brother Putin”’
May 21, 2016:
Retired Four-Star Generals Warn: Greatest Threat to U.S. Is Economic Crisis
May 20, 2016:
9/11 Families Lash Out at Saudi Campaign of Lies
May 20, 2016:
NATO About To Start Next Phase of Libya War
May 20, 2016:
Shoigu Delivers Putin’s Latest Syria Flank
May 20, 2016:
Israeli Defense Minister Ya’alon Resigns as Netanyahu Blows Up New Effort for Peace Talks with Palestine
May 20, 2016:
New York State Legislators Pushing for Glass-Steagall
May 19, 2016:
Obama Still Stalling on 28 Pages
May 19, 2016:
Inter-Linking of Indian Rivers ‘A Top Priority,’ Says Water Resources Minister
May 19, 2016:
House Bill for Puerto Rican ‘Debt Relief’ Is an Obscenity
May 19, 2016:
Belt and Road Summit in Hong Kong
May 17, 2016:
Closing in on the Saudi-9/11 Connection
May 17, 2016:
Chinese Communist Party Paper Firmly Rejects Talk of New Cultural Revolution
May 17, 2016:
Vienna Meeting Agrees To Strengthen Syria Cessation of Hostilities into a Ceasefire
May 17, 2016:
‘U.S. Missile Defense in Eastern Europe: How Russia Will Respond’
May 17, 2016:
The World of Negative Interest Rates Is ‘Economic Death’
May 17, 2016:
Another Operating Nuclear Plant Is Slated for Closure
May 15, 2016:
Putin and Abe To Follow Up Their ‘Highly Successful’ Meeting
May 15, 2016:
Steinmeier: Opposition to Russia Sanctions May Stop Them in July
May 13, 2016:
‘Will the 28 Pages Turn Into 80,000 in Saudi 9/11 Connection?’
May 13, 2016:
Russia-ASEAN Summit Will Discuss Regional Security Issues
May 13, 2016:
Putin: We Will Need To Neutralize NATO Ballistic Missile Defense Installations
May 13, 2016:
Oil Price Crisis: A Tale of Two Paradigms
May 13, 2016:
General Kujat: NATO Should Not Produce a New Arms Race
May 13, 2016:
Russia Completes Energy Bridge to Crimea Before Time
May 13, 2016:
Removal of Dilma Is ‘A Coup by Another Name,’ Says The Hindu
May 12, 2016:
Rep. Gwen Graham and Rep. Walter Jones Demand Declassification of 28 Pages from House Floor
May 12, 2016:
Brazilian Senate Approves Impeachment of Rousseff; Interim Government Assumes Power to Cheers from Wall Street
May 12, 2016:
Italian M5S Parliamentarians Push for Glass-Steagall at European Parliament Event
May 10, 2016:
Minneapolis Fed President: Pay Attention to Important Issues, Not Interest Rates
May 10, 2016:
German Daily Reports that Putin Has Outflanked NATO
May 10, 2016:
At Least One Sane Pair of Voices for U.S.-Russian Partnership
May 10, 2016:
Russian Steps To Overcome U.S. Missile Defenses
May 7, 2016:
Hedge Manager Druckenmiller Says Crash Coming
May 7, 2016:
‘Deeply Disturbing’ Debt Leverage Far Above Lehman Levels
May 7, 2016:
Evidence of New IMF Letter: Greece and Next Puerto Rico Defaults Likely To Coincide
May 6, 2016:
Demands for Release of the 28 Pages Escalate; Pressure Mounts To Pass Justice Against State Terrorism Act
May 6, 2016:
Puerto Rico Will Default Again on July 1, Governor Announces: ‘The Money Isn’t There’
May 6, 2016:
April Jobs Report Shows Shrinking U.S. Economy
May 6, 2016:
Italy Investigating Deutsche Bank for Its Role in 2011 Italian Debt Crisis
May 5, 2016:
Russian Orchestra Concert at the Ancient Amphitheater in Palmyra—Powerful Sign of Hope for the Future
May 5, 2016:
‘Alternative for Italy’ Founded in Rome, But Likeness Ends with Name
May 3, 2016:
Backlash Builds Against Obama-Brennan 9/11 Coverup
May 2, 2016:
Joint Estonia-NATO Military Exercise Begins on Russia’s Border
May 2, 2016:
Puerto Rican Governor Announces: Human Beings Come Before Debt Payment
May 2, 2016:
U.S. Manufacturing Sector Continues To Collapse
May 2, 2016:
Tech Bubble the Next One To Burst
April 29, 2016:
Kaine Contradicts Obama Policy: It’s Wrong to Send U.S. Troops to Syria, Without Syrian Government Invitation
April 28, 2016:
Sen. Bob Graham: FBI Lied on the 28 Pages
April 28, 2016:
France’s National Assembly Votes To Lift Russian Sanctions
April 28, 2016:
Russia Warns It Will Respond to Further NATO Escalation
April 28, 2016:
Bolivia Prioritizes Its Alliance With BRICS Nations to Ensure Real Development
April 28, 2016:
Virginia State Senator Dick Black in Syria; He Aims to Change U.S Syria Policy
April 27, 2016:
Obama’s Zero-Growth and Zero-Future Economy
April 27, 2016:
China Clearly Supporting Russia on Oil
April 26, 2016:
Obama Launches New Destabilization of North Africa
April 26, 2016:
The United States Is Invading Syria
April 26, 2016:
U.S. Mayors: Cost-Cutting on Services and Infrastructure Kills People
April 26, 2016:
Syria Planning Reconstruction Conference, Reaching Out to the BRICS and Other Friendly Countries
April 26, 2016:
Germany’s and Austria’s Traditional Political Party System Crumbling
April 25, 2016:
White House Lies ‘Any Day Now,’ In Order To Stall and Crush the Release of the 28 Pages
April 25, 2016:
China Daily Repeats Warning About Military Aggression: We Are ‘Ready for Anything’
April 25, 2016:
It Is Al Nusra Escalating the Fighting in Aleppo
April 25, 2016:
Maritime Silk Road Is Coming to the Southeast Coast of Africa
April 24, 2016:
Document 17 and the Battle for the Truth About 9/11
April 24, 2016:
Former New York City Police Commissioner Kerek: Release of 28 Pages ‘Could Topple House of Saud’
April 24, 2016:
Former Sen. Bob Graham: Obama Must Declassify 28 Pages, But How About the 80,000 Documents Respecting Sarasota, Florida?
April 23, 2016:
Moscow Security Conference Convenes This Week
April 23, 2016:
Chinese Train Reconnects French City of Lyon with ‘Mythical Silk Road’
April 23, 2016:
China Highlights Mars, Space Station Plans, for National Space Day
April 22, 2016:
There’s No Stopping the Campaign to Free the 28 Pages
April 22, 2016:
Grushko: The Problem Is NATO Expansion
April 22, 2016:
Americans Are Killing Themselves at Increasing Rates, New Data Shows
April 21, 2016:
Obama Launches a New Effort To Turn ASEAN Against China
April 21, 2016:
The General Kujat versus The Secretary Stoltenberg: After the NATO-Russia Council Meeting
April 19, 2016:
Newly Released Documents Further Detail Obama’s Collusion with 9/11 Sponsors
April 19, 2016:
Attali: London, and Not Panama, Is the Biggest Depravity
April 19, 2016:
Corporate Default Wave Completely Concentrated in Trans-Atlantic
April 19, 2016:
Putin and Obama Discuss Syria
April 18, 2016:
Reps. Jones, Lynch, and Massie Urge Obama To Release 9/11 Papers Before His Trip to Saudi Arabia
April 18, 2016:
Terry Strada Interview on CNN April 18: Massive Evidence of Saudi Support for 9/11 Terrorists and Jihadis Today
April 18, 2016:
Guardian’s Larry Elliott: Helicopter Money Coming Soon
April 18, 2016:
Impeachment Moves Bankers’ Coup Forward in Brazil
April 18, 2016:
Syria Peace Process Unraveling; Is Obama’s Plan B Next?
April 18, 2016:
China: We Are Prepared for Obama’s War; We Can Draw a ‘Red Line’ To Make This Clear to Washington
April 17, 2016:
Saudis Are Threatening, But It’s Obama Covering for British/Saudi Use of Terrorism
April 17, 2016:
Flood of Corporate Defaults in U.S. and Europe
April 17, 2016:
China’s ‘Win-Win’ Economic Outlook Presented to French Elite
April 17, 2016:
Brazil Lower House Votes for Impeachment
April 16, 2016:
Russian Foreign Ministry: U.S. Walking on Brink of Nuclear War
April 15, 2016:
Carter Continues Provocations Against China; Visits U.S. Aircraft Carrier in South China Sea
April 15, 2016:
Regulators’ ’You Flunk’ Letter to JPM Chase Was Strongest Warning
April 15, 2016:
China Is Still Where ‘Folks Make Stuff;’ And the U.S.?
April 15, 2016:
Hearings on Farm Crisis This Week in Washington, D.C. and Europe; Producing Food is no Longer Worth It!
April 15, 2016:
Puerto Rico Bill at an Impasse as GOP Demands More Looting Right
April 14, 2016:
Peabody Coal, Two Other Fuel Firms Declare Bankruptcy; U.S. Power Sector Sinks, Junk Energy Debt Soars
April 13, 2016:
Three Strikes Should Mean Out: Banks’ ‘Living Wills’ Fail Again
April 13, 2016:
Glass-Steagall to be at Forefront of New York Primary Fight
April 13, 2016:
AIIB Chief Notes Role of Bank as ‘Inspiration’ for Others
April 13, 2016:
President Putin—Working Together in Space To Better Understand Each Other on Earth
April 13, 2016:
Lavrov Opposes Internationalization of South China Sea Dispute
April 13, 2016:
Russian UN Ambassador Churkin Demands U.S. Stop Turkey from Sending Terrorists to Syria
April 12, 2016:
N.Y. Senator Gillibrand Ups the Ante on Obama, Demands Release of 28 Pages Now!
April 12, 2016:
NYC Public Radio Promotes FDR’s Glass-Steagall
April 11, 2016:
China Press Coverage of April 7 Schiller Institute Conference
April 11, 2016:
Unexpected Crisis on Obama’s Final Saudi Visit Agenda
April 11, 2016:
New Documentation of U.S. Breakdown: Death Rate Soaring for Mid-Age White Women, Rural Areas
April 11, 2016:
A Nervous Day of Secret Federal Reserve Meetings
April 11, 2016:
Fujimori’s Daughter Wins Largest Vote in First Round of Peru Presidential Election, Beating Soros
April 8, 2016:
TASS Publishes Zepp-LaRouche Interview on New Monetary System, Bering Strait Tunnel
April 8, 2016:
Glass-Steagall Debate in the Campaign and in the Fed
April 8, 2016:
Italian Government Crushes Glass-Steagall Issue in Senate Vote
April 8, 2016:
NATO-Russia Council To Meet in Next Two Weeks, NATO Secretary-General Announces
April 8, 2016:
Sunday: 60 Minutes To Report on 28 Pages Said To Link 9/11, Saudi Arabia
April 8, 2016:
Panama Papers Expose Hits Agents of British Empire
April 6, 2016:
‘Trilateral’ Economies Wait for the Crash
April 6, 2016:
Feinstein Challenged Morality of Nuclear Weapons
April 6, 2016:
Austrian President: Anti-Russia Sanctions Hurt Both Parties
April 6, 2016:
‘Break Up Wall Street’ Loose Again; Dem Debate ‘Could Be Fun’
April 4, 2016:
Cheminade Announces for the Presidency on France: ‘My Ideas Scare the French Political Caste’
April 4, 2016:
Senator Warren Restates, Sharpens Call for Glass-Steagall
April 4, 2016:
China Plans To Build the ‘Nuclear Silk Road’
April 3, 2016:
Obama Is Escalating the Drive for War on China and Russia, and Must Be Removed from Office, Now!
April 3, 2016:
Germany To Sponsor a Germany-U.S.-Russia Parliamentary Meeting
April 3, 2016:
Former Finance Minister Varoufakis: Stop ‘Greece’s Fiscal Waterboarding by an Incompetent, Misanthropic Troika’
April 3, 2016:
Russia: Third Force Behind Nagorno-Karabakh Flare-Up? Clearly Erdogan
April 1, 2016:
Russian Economist Glazyev: ‘Now the U.S. Is Unleashing Another World War’
April 1, 2016:
Breedlove Continues Pushing NATO-Russia Confrontation
April 1, 2016:
Obama Nuclear Summit Increases the Danger of Nuclear War
April 1, 2016:
Development Minister Gerd Müller Promotes High-Productivity ‘Green Revolution’ for Africa
March 31, 2016:
A Unified Mission for the Exploration of Space Is the Pathway to Peace for All Mankind
March 30, 2016:
U.S. Defense Department to China: You’ll have to Accept our THAADS in South Korea—But Trust Us
March 29, 2016:
Presidents Xi and Zeman Sign Strategic Accord—Czech Republic Seen as ‘Gateway’ for One Belt, One Road into Europe
March 29, 2016:
Battle for Brazil Escalates as Brazilian VP’s Party Leaves Government Coalition; Russia Weighs In
March 29, 2016:
Chatham House Pushes ‘Permanent Confrontation’ Against Russia
March 29, 2016:
Syrian Christian Leaders: Western Geopolitics Have Killed Thousands with Endless Wars, While Backing Saudi Terrorists
March 28, 2016:
Ryabkov: Russia Want To Reconvene NATO-Russia Council But Only on Fair Terms
March 28, 2016:
Where American Productivity Has Gone under Obama
March 28, 2016:
Water Production Success by Atmospheric Ionization
March 27, 2016:
EIR Participates in Moscow Economic Forum
March 27, 2016:
China and Czech Republic Plan To Expand Central Europe’s Participation in New Silk Road with Xi Visit
March 27, 2016:
Kerry, Peskov Speak of U.S.-Russian Relations
March 23, 2016:
EIR Seminar in Frankfurt on New Silk Road for Mideast and Africa
March 23, 2016:
Agora Erasmus Statement on Brussels Bombings
March 22, 2016:
Former ECB Chief Economist: Helicopter Money Means Bankruptcy
March 22, 2016:
Ecuador’s President Is Right: New ‘Plan Condor’ Is Underway Against South America
March 22, 2016:
Boao Forum’s Annual Conference in Hainan Begins Discussing Asia’s Future Vision
March 20, 2016:
Italy: Senator Leads Rally for Expropriated Savers, Demands Glass-Steagall
March 20, 2016:
UN Says Saudi-Led Forces May Have Committed International Crimes in Yemen
March 17, 2016:
Egyptian Transportation Ministry Sponsored Launching of Arabic Version of EIR World Land-Bridge Report
March 16, 2016:
Brazil Fights Back Against Bankers’ Coup: Former President Lula Named to Cabinet; Brits Go Wild
March 16, 2016:
Senate Dems Announce Bills To Aid Puerto Rico, But Fail To Mention Glass-Steagall
March 16, 2016:
China’s First Female Astronaut Describes the Coming Breakthroughs in Space Technology
March 16, 2016:
Russia Successfully Uses Accelerator-Based Neutron Source for Cancer Therapy
March 15, 2016:
Putin Changes History Again with Syria Withdrawal Announcement
March 15, 2016:
U.S. Credit Card Debt Approaching $1 Trillion. Will Subprime Auto Loans Be the Next To Blow?
\March 15, 2016:
Americans Are Dying Faster
March 14, 2016:
Austrian School Fascists Lead Campaign To Overthrow Brazilian President
March 15, 2016:
High-Speed Rail Goes Forward in Asia, Backward in Trans-Atlantic
March 13, 2016:
Germany Has Become Less Governable after ‘Super Sunday’ Elections
March 13, 2016:
U.S. Carrier Strike Force Arrives in South Korea
March 12, 2016:
ISIS Earns ‘Hundreds of Millions’ Annually from Drug Trade, Says Russia Anti-Drug Chief Ivanov
March 12, 2016:
Europe’s Mars Orbiter and First Lander Poised for Take-Off
March 11, 2016:
AIIB, Not Obsessed with Free Market, Will Be More Open and Inclusive
March 11, 2016:
De Mistura: Syria Talks To Begin in Geneva on March 14
March 11, 2016:
FRAUD! Federal Judge Protects Saudis, but Orders Iran to Pay $10.5 Billion to 9/11 Victims and Chubb Insurance
March 11, 2016:
Lavrov, Wang Yi Press Conference: U.S. Must Not Deploy THAADS in South Korea
March 10, 2016:
European Central Bank Announces Insane New Quantitative Easing: LaRouche Says This Won’t Stand: Cancel the Thievery!
March 10, 2016:
U.S. Surrounding China with Bombers
March 9, 2016:
World’s Oil Producers To Meet on Supply ... in Moscow
March 9, 2016:
China’s Future Space Station and Space Telescope Outlined
March 8, 2016:
NATO Expands Cooperation with Turkey Even As Turkey Reveals Itself To Be Run by Fascists
\March 8, 2016:
Russia Prosecuting the Peace in Syria as Vigorously As It Prosecuted the War
March 7, 2016:
British Intelligence Hitman Crows that Brazil Crisis Marks End of the ‘BRICS Fantasy’
March 7, 2016:
Turkish Opposition Leader Accuses Erdogan of Planning a Coup
March 6, 2016:
Russia Continues To Organize Syria Cessation of Hostilities
March 6, 2016:
Over 300 People Attend Anti-Saudi Conference in Washington, D.C.
March 5, 2016:
China Will Make New Strides in Coming Year, Premier Reports to NPC
March 4, 2016:
February Deindustrialization Report: Biggest One-Month Wage Drop on Record
March 4, 2016:
Oil Debt Blowout Will ‘Get a Lot Worse Before It Gets Better’ for Wall Street
March 4, 2016:
European Parliamentarians Tour Hill Asking for Glass-Steagall
March 4, 2016:
We Need Cooperation with Russia, Not Its Destabilization
March 4, 2016:
Turkish Opposition To Sue Government for ‘Aiding Terror’
March 4, 2016:
The U.S. Is Militarizing the South China Sea, Chinese Official Says
March 4, 2016:
Korea War Danger Escalates
March 3, 2016:
Libya: Another British Mess in the Making?
March 3, 2016:
Millions More Refugees Will Come, If There Is No Economic Development
March 3, 2016:
South Korea Joins in Egyptian Development Explosion
March 3, 2016:
China To Build 30 Nuclear Plants Along the Silk Road
March 2, 2016:
Helga Zepp-LaRouche Spoke at the Raisina Dialogue in India
March 1, 2016:
In Washington, German Foreign Minister Steinmeier Quotes FDR, Calls for Open Borders, Mideast Marshall Plan
March 1, 2016:
Syria Ceasefire Holding, Despite Saudi Objections
March 1, 2016:
The Appropriate Name for Human Rights Is Development, Say the BRICS Nations
March 1, 2016:
Puerto Rican Legislator: Cease Debt Payments and Reject a Wall Street-Run Financial Control Board
March 1, 2016:
China’s Global Times Points To Why India Refuses Joint Patrol with the U.S. in the South China Sea
February 29, 2016:
Iranian Elections: A Victory for Rouhani-Rafsanjani Forces
February 29, 2016:
Kotegawa: Massive Stimulus, Jail the Bankers, Shut Down Wall Street
February 28, 2016:
EIR Announces Publication of Arabic Edition of ‘The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge’
February 28, 2016:
China Puts Silk Road at Center of Mideast Development Prospects at Valdai Club Discussions
February 28, 2016:
Former Bank of England Governor Mervyn King Warns: ‘Without Reform of the Financial System, Another Crisis Is Certain’
February 28, 2016:
China Releases Schedules for Upcoming Manned and Related Orbital Space Missions
February 27, 2016:
Egypt Inaugurates New Canal at East Port Said
February 27, 2016:
The Russians Are Moving Decisively and Rapidly To Implement a Truce in Syria
February 25, 2016:
China Readies Its First Retrievable Science Satellite for Launch
February 25, 2016:
European Parliament Votes Up Saudi Arms Embargo
February 25, 2016:
Zepp-LaRouche Addresses Silk Road Panel in Seattle
February 25, 2016:
Lew and Lou Give Opposed G-20 Messages; U.S. Denies Bank Problem
February 25, 2016:
Russia Moves Quickly To Begin Implementation of the Truce Agreement
February 25, 2016:
Bullard Says Wall Street Banks Should Be Broken Up
February 24, 2016:
The Economist Goes Berserk Against Kerry-Lavrov Syria Efforts
February 24, 2016:
Financial Control Board for Puerto Rico Would Create ‘Government Of, By, and For the Hedge Funds’
February 23, 2016:
Kerry, Wang Agree Diplomacy Must Shape U.S.-Chinese Relations
February 23, 2016:
Russia, United States Upset British Gameboard; Reach Agreement for Syrian Ceasefire
February 23, 2016:
Chinese Railway Project Saves Lives in Ethiopia
February 23, 2016:
Obama Under Fire From Governors, Dem Senators, Police, Medics for FDA’s Fostering Opioid Addiction and Death
February 22, 2016:
Were These U.S. Facts Reported of China, Wall Street Journal Would Hyperventilate ‘Crash’
February 21, 2016:
Biden Says He Was For It After He Was Against It: Glass-Steagall
February 19, 2016:
Russia Seizes Upper Hand in Syria as U.S. Flounders in Syria, Says Stars & Stripes
February 19, 2016:
Commodity Debt Is Subprime Debt in Financial Meltdown
February 18, 2016:
German Industry Demands End to Sanctions, Russia Must Be Part of Solving Middle East Crisis
February 18, 2016:
Russia’s UN Ambassador Churkin Details How Turkey Is Recruiting and Harboring Terrorists
February 18, 2016:
Chinese Scientist on New Results in Gravitation Waves
February 17, 2016:
China Prepares for War over Korea
February 17, 2016:
‘We’re Insolvent,’ Puerto Rican Officials Declare; Debt Moratorium on the Table
February 15, 2016:
No International Support for Turkish Cross-Border Shelling into Syria; Biden Called Prime Minister Davutoglu To Stop It
February 15, 2016:
Syrian, Kurdish Forces Closing Off Aleppo, Syrian Forces Moving Towards Raqqa
February 15, 2016:
Vickers: U.K. Banks Vulnerable to Global Shock; Others Put Faith in Bail-In
February 15, 2016:
Eyewitness: Sirhan Sirhan Did Not Kill Robert Kennedy
February 12, 2016:
Calls in South Korea, U.S. for Preemptive Strike on North
February 12, 2016:
Yellen Looks Down into Trap Door of Deflationary Collapse
February 11, 2016:
South Korea Being Destroyed by Capitulation to Obama’s War on China
February 11, 2016:
Neocons Embrace Obama's Effort To Turn ASEAN Against China
February 10, 2016:
Derivatives Spread the Panic
February 9, 2016:
Obama’s Budget Request Slams Fusion and NASA, Again
February 9, 2016:
Obama Plotting a Warlike Situation in East Asia Using the North Korean Rocket Launch as a Pretext
February 8, 2016:
Panic Surges over U.S., European Economic, Banking Meltdown
February 8, 2016:
Gen. Barry McCaffrey Warns of Dangerous Consequences of Obama’s Deal with the FARC Cartel
February 7, 2016:
Kerry Blames Opposition for Collapse of Geneva Talks
February 6, 2016:
Bank for International Settlements Warns of Imminent Debt Blowout
February 5, 2016:
With Colombia Deal, Obama Moves from Legalizing Pot to Legalizing Cocaine
February 5, 2016:
French Banks Up to Their Ears in Bad Oil and Gas Loans
February 5, 2016:
China’s EAST Tokamak Moves Closer to Reaching Fusion
February 4, 2016:
Crédit Suisse Posts First Full-Year Loss Since 2008: CEO Suffers from Hysteria
February 3, 2016:
The West Fears Qualitative Improvement in Russian Military
February 3, 2016:
‘Deutsche Bank in Free Fall,’ Warns Handelsblatt
February 1, 2016:
Hillary’s Biggest Financial Backer Is a British Wall Street Agent
February 1, 2016:
China Warns of U.S. Nuclear War Threat
January 31, 2016:
Kesha Rogers: ‘Launch U.S. Space Program as Science Driver,’ Shut Down Wall Street and Barack Obama Genocide Drivers
January 31, 2016:
China Is ‘Opening Up’ Its Lunar Missions, Releasing Data and Engaging the Public
January 31, 2016:
International Scientists Mobilize Against the Zika Virus
January 28, 2016:
Brazilian President Declares War on Zika; Calls on Ibero-America, Caribbean To Mobilize in Regional Effort
January 28, 2016:
Corporations Are More Overleveraged than in 2008 Before Crash; One of Top Global Commodities Companies in Serious Trouble
January 27, 2016:
U.S. General Slams Drug Legalization
January 27, 2016:
U.S. European Command Wants More Troops To Target Russia
January 27, 2016:
Senate Democrats Urge Debt Restructuring for Puerto Rico
January 27, 2016:
Polish MEP: NATO Came to Russia’s Borders
\January 27, 2016:
Caterpillar Retail Sales Have Never Been Worse: With No Industrial Equipment, Can No Industry Be Far Behind?
January 26, 2016:
Helga Zepp-LaRouche Speaks at National Press Club
January 26, 2016:
Italy, Iran Open New Phase in Bilateral Relations
January 22, 2016:
China Will Sell Saudi Arabia 4th-Generation Nuclear Power Technology
January 22, 2016:
Xi Visit the Best Hope for the Mideast, Zepp-LaRouche Tells Sputnik Radio
January 20, 2016:
Xi Jinping Offers ‘Win-Win’ Collaboration to Arab League Through the One Belt-One Road Policy
January 20, 2016:
Why the Washington Post’s Campaign Against Glass-Steagall?
January 20, 2016:
Former BIS Economist: Financial Crisis Now Worse Than 2007
January 20, 2016:
First State Hearing on Glass-Steagall in 2016
January 19, 2016:
Xi Jinping Article in Saudi Paper Calls for ‘Win-Win’ Cooperation on the New Silk Road Policy
January 19, 2016:
NATO Militarization of the Baltics: The Stone in Russia’s Shoe
January 18, 2016:
Obama to Flint, Michigan: Drop Dead
January 18, 2016:
Usual Liar Washington Post Lies in an Unusual Way
January 18, 2016:
President Xi Jinping Addresses Official Opening of AIIB
January 18, 2016:
Russia Will Work on Nuclear Technology for Planetary Defense
January 18, 2016:
Investigation Launched into Flint Water Contamination
January 18, 2016:
Gulf Countries Instigated Anti-Damascus Uprising in 2011 Using al-Qaeda, Says Indian Ambassador
January 18, 2016:
Vintage Tremonti: Move ECB Office to Nuremberg
January 15, 2016:
Latest Stats on U.S. Collapse: Obama’s Speech Was One Big Lie
January 15, 2016:
170 Economists and Financial Experts Back Sanders’ Policy on Glass-Steagall
January 15, 2016:
Hagel Blasts Obama’s ‘Assad Has To Go’ Mentality
January 15, 2016:
Former U.S. Defense Secretary Perry Calls for New Diplomacy with North Korea
January 14, 2016:
President Xi Takes New Silk Road to Iran and Saudi Arabia
January 14, 2016:
China Firms Up Its Plan To Land on the Far Side of the Moon
January 13, 2016:
Swedish and Finnish Governments Jointly Decide To Block NATO Applications
January 13, 2016:
Russia To Deploy New Nuclear Forces in Western Russia
January 13, 2016:
China Joins the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
January 13, 2016:
Revolt Against ‘Deporter-in-Chief’ Just Hours Before State of the Union
January 12, 2016:
British Step Up Bail-In Genocide, as Markets Crumble
January 12, 2016:
Unrest about Bail-In Spreading, Compelling German Press To Play the Issue Down
January 11, 2016:
Zepp-LaRouche Calls for New Paradigm at Defense Secretaries Forum
January 11, 2016:
Nearly $30 Billion Oil Debt Blew Out in 2015, at Increasing Pace
January 11 2016:
What Obama’s ‘Job Creation’ Has Done to American Workers
January 11, 2016:
In Bild-Zeitung Interview, Vladimir Putin Addresses British Geopolitical Attacks on Germany
January 11, 2016:
German Justice Minister Maas Asserts Cologne Attacks Were Pre-planned
January 9, 2016:
Major Jump in Congressional Support for Releasing the 28 Pages
January 9, 2016:
Organization for Prevention of Chemical Weapons Asserts Those Used in Syria Not Linked to Damascus Government
January 8, 2016:
Puerto Rican Governor Again Hits Wall Street Control of Congress; Demands Immediate Bankruptcy Relief
January 8, 2016:
Financial Blowout: It’s Not China, It’s London
January 8, 2016:
Bail-In has Shut Down European Bond Markets
January 8, 2016:
Will Germany Take the Point for the West To Get Serious about the Saudis?
January 8, 2016:
Former Italian Chief of Staff General Arpino: Only Obama can Believe that the Russians are Losing
January 4, 2016:
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Continues Jabs at Obama, Warning of Nuclear War Threat
January 4, 2016:
What’s Underneath the Monday Crash Tremors
January 4, 2016:
China Is Making Progress Toward the First Commercial High-Temperature Nuclear Reactor
January 1, 2016:
‘The EU’s Banking System Will Crash’: What About Wall Street?
January 1, 2016:
The White House Has Backed Off for Now on New Iran Sanctions
January 1, 2016:
Putin Approves New National Security Policy