Press Releases
and Other Items in 2011
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December 30, 2011:
Former Fed Governor Blasts Illegal Bailout of Europe Banking System
December 30, 2011:
Medvedev Is Unique: He Tells the Truth about the World Depression
December 30, 2011:
British-Saudi Drive for Religious War in High Gear
December 30, 2011:
British Writing Obama’s Script for Syrian Trigger for World War III
December 25, 2011:
British-Controlled Monajed Is Source of All the Press Accounts of How Many Syrians Assad Supposedly Killed
December 25, 2011:
London Directs Terrorist Acts in Syria through Jordan and Turkey
December 24, 2011:
Russia Undermines Operations To Topple the Syrian Government
December 22, 2011:
EIR Interviews Colonel Wilkerson:
Our Nation needs an ‘Alert and Knowledgeable Citizenry’ To Avoid Imperial Wars and Keep a Future-Looking Economy
December 23, 2011:
Col. Lawrence Wilkerson to EIR: We Need an ‘Alert and Knowledgeable Citizenry’ To Avoid Imperial Wars
December 22, 2011:
U.S. Top Brass Stand Firm against Nuclear War;
Remove Obama Now, While There’s Still Time To Prevent It
December 21, 2011:
Colonel Wilkerson Speaks Out in Defense of Constitution
December 21, 2011:
The Russians Work To Derail ‘Libyan Scenario’ in Syria
December 21, 2011:
The British Hand Behind the War Drive against Iran, and Beyond
December 21, 2011:
LaRouche Movement in Full Mobilization To Stop ‘Nuclear Holocaust’
December 17, 2011:
LaRouche PAC Basement Team Webcast:
Metaphor: The Substance of the Universe
December 16, 2011:
Stop the Nuclear Holocaust!
December 14, 2011:
New Basement Webcast Coming Up Dec. 17
December 14, 2011:
Obama Administration Lowers Threshold for Strike on Iran
December 14, 2011:
How Hillary Was Set Up
December 9, 2011:
Russian Minister: We Have Warned Israel Not To Attack Iran
December 9, 2011:
LaRouche PAC To Air Lyndon LaRouche in Live Address Dec. 11
December 9, 2011:
Social Security Trustee Blasts Obama Attack on Funding
December 8, 2011:
Was It Hillary’s Error?
December 7, 2011:
British Agent Gorbachov Tries To Escalate Attack on Russia
December 1, 2011:
LaRouche on Alex Jones: We’re at the Edge of Thermonuclear War
November 30, 2011:
LaRouche PAC-TV Goes Live, Streaming 16 Hours per Day
November 29, 2011:
Russian Military in Pre-War Mode: Medvedev Defends Russia, but Offers Missile Defense Cooperation
November 29, 2011:
Lavrov Calls for End to Ultimata against Syria
November 29, 2011:
‘Draft Hillary’ Movement Taking Shape To Dump Obama Now
November 28, 2011:
U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff on War-Avoidance Mobilization
November 27, 2011:
Medvedev’s Nov. 23 Address to the Nation: A Stark, Measured Statement of the Grave Strategic Reality
November 25, 2011:
Former Iranian Diplomat: British Empire Is Behind Policy of Conflicts and War
November 25, 2011:
Lyndon LaRouche: The British Empire’s World War III Plan Must Be Stopped This Weekend
November 24, 2011:
LaRouche, LaRouche PAC Basement Address Conference at Russian Foreign Ministry University
November 23, 2011:
Helga Zepp-LaRouche Issues Appeal ‘On the Eve of World War III’
November 23, 2011:
52 Congressmen Now Seek AG Holder’s Resignation
November 23, 2011:
Chinese Reaction to Obama: Potential ‘Disaster’
November 21, 2011:
Statement by Lyndon LaRouche: Status of Obama Crisis
November 17, 2011:
Russian Chief of General Staff Makarov Warns Regional Armed Conflicts Could Escalate into Nuclear War, Involving Russia
November 17, 2011:
The Revolt of the Generals against Iran War
November 17, 2011:
LaRouche PAC To Host First-Ever ‘Basement’ Webcast November 19
November 15, 2011:
Dr. Hans Blix Tells EIR There Is No Basis for Attacking Iran
November 14, 2011:
LaRouche: To Stop World War III Obama Must Be Removed from Office Now
November 10, 2011:
Deafening Drumbeat for War against Iran
November 10, 2011:
Russia and China Issue Clear Warnings against Hit on Iran
November 8, 2011:
Retired CENTCOM Commander Warns of Iran Strike by Israel
November 1, 2011:
LaRouche: The Only Way To Stop World War II Is To Remove Obama from Office Now
November 1, 2011:
U.S. Military ‘Surge’ in the Gulf
November 1, 2011:
Somalia Permanent War Quagmire Deepens
November 1, 2011:
Neo-Cons Pushing World War III via Syria Regime-Change Fantasies
November 1, 2011:
Prof. Francis Boyld Offers To Draft Bill To Impeach Obama
October 25, 2011:
More Evidence Obama Ordered Qaddafi Assassination
October 25, 2011:
Susan Rice’s Boldfaced Lies To Cover for Obama’s Murder Spree
October 24, 2011:
Retired Military Officers Oppose Obama’s Police-State Measures
October 24, 2011:
LaRouche: ‘Nero’ Obama Is Going for Fascism; Will Patriots Defeat the Cowards, and Oust Him in Time?
October 24, 2011:
LaRouche Video Keynotes Conference at Russia’s Dubna University
October 24, 2011:
Obama Created Conditions for Bestiality in Libya
October 19, 2011:
LaRouche: Pass Glass-Steagall Now, Or You’re Doomed
October 18, 2011:
LaRouche Amplifies Warning of Fascist Coup in U.S.
October 14, 2011:
If We’d Passed LaRouche’s HBPA, There Would Have Been No ‘Housing Crisis’
October 14, 2011:
The Secret Coup Apparatus in the U.S.
October 14, 2011:
EIR’s Treason in America Released in Kindle Edition
October 13, 2011:
Is the So-Called Iran Plot Part of Britain’s Planned Coup?
October 13, 2011:
Russian-Chinese Collaboration Focuses on High-Tech, Rail Corridors
October 11, 2011:
LaRouche: Act Now To Stop Imminent Fascist Coup in the U.S.A.
October 7, 2011:
Former French Prime Minister Comes Out for Glass-Steagall
October 7, 2011:
‘Occupy Wall Street’ Mass-Strike Process Embracing Glass-Steagall
October 6, 2011:
LaRouche PAC Interview with Rep. Walter Jones:
‘Tell Congress To Restore Glass-Steagall’
October 3, 2011:
LaRouche Special Address: Build the Trans-Pacific World Now!
October 2, 2011:
Al-Awlaki Assassination Raises the Question: Is Obama Insane?
September 29, 2011:
LaRouche To Address the World on LaRouche PAC-TV, 8:00 p.m. September 30
September 29, 2011:
World Leaders Go for Remake of 1923
September 25, 2011:
Lyndon LaRouche Congratulates Vladimir Putin:
Notes ’First Step on Road to New Pacific-Centered Recovery’
September 22, 2011:
Leading Narcissism Expert Warns about Obama
September 22, 2011:
LaRouche: We Can Only Save Mankind with Higher Energy-Flux Densities
September 22, 2011:
Who Is Retarding Momentum for Glass-Steagall?
September 20, 2011:
‘Obama Is Going Down, Fast’
September 20, 2011:
Trans-Atlantic Titanic: It’s Every Man for Himself
September 15, 2011:
Geithner’s Plan To Bail Out London’s European Banking System Will Destroy the United States: LaRouche Demands: No More Bailouts!
September 15, 2011:
LaRouche: Forge a U.S.-Russia-China Agreement for Global Recovery
September 13, 2011:
Kucinich v. Obama: Obama Has Arrogated the War Powers of the British King to Himself in Violation of the U.S. Constitution
September 12, 2011:
New Advocates of Glass-Steagall Step Forward
September 11, 2011:
LaRouche PAC-TV Issues ‘The Real Story of 9/11’
September 9, 2011:
North Carolina AFL-CIO Calls for Glass-Steagall, H.R. 1489; Three New House Sponsors
September 7, 2011:
LaRouche Makes Emergency International Address
September 7, 2011:
Lyndon LaRouche International Emergency Presidential Address
September 7, 2011:
Disastrous Ruling by German Supreme Court
August 27, 2011:
All-Out NATO Assault on Libya Exposes Obama Lies, Senate Cowardice
August 26, 2011:
Battle Royale over Mortgage-gate Settlement Plan: The Whole Bankrupt System Is at Stake
August 24, 2011:
LaRouche Issues Seven-Point Program for Recovery
August 19, 2011:
Siberian State Holds Conference on Northern Eurasian Infrastructure and Bering Strait Crossing
August 18, 2011:
Kentucky State Senator: These Are Incendiary Times
August 16, 2011:
Kentucky State Senator Tells Obama To Step Down
August 8, 2011:
Why Congress Is Stupid: Congressional Research Service Circulates Trash on Glass-Steagall
August 8, 2011:
A Trans-Atlantic Call for an Emergency Solution to the Global Breakdown Crisis
August 7, 2011:
Lyndon LaRouche Special LPAC-TV Interview:
The Pact of the Human Soul
August 4, 2011:
LaRouche: We Will Fight To Overturn This Treason
August 4, 2011:
Italian Prosecutors Raid Rating Agencies
August 2, 2011:
Congress Ratifies Obama’s Hitler Coup
August 2, 2011:
House Treasonously Supports Obama’s Fascist Coup
July 28, 2011:
Dangerous Moves Toward War Against Iran
July 28, 2011:
Glass-Steagall versus the Debt-Ceiling Fraud
July 28, 2011:
GAO Preliminary Audit Provides Case for Bernanke, Geithner, and Obama To Go to Jail
July 26, 2011:
LaRouche Webcast: Throw Obama Out, Destroy Green Movement
July 26, 2011:
Highlights of LaRouche Webcast Dialogue
July 26, 2011:
Obama-Boehner Dog and Pony Show Dooms U.S.A.
July 26, 2011:
LaRouche Warns of New ‘9/11 Incident’ in Drive to Dictatorship
July 26, 2011:
LaRouche: Jail Bernanke, Geithner, and Obama Now for Massive Theft and Loan Fraud
July 26, 2011:
Obama's Newest Executive Order Declares ‘National Emergency;’
Demand Grows To Get Him Out of Office
July 26, 2011:
More Motion on Glass-Steagall
July 21, 2011:
Complete LaRouche July 21 Webcast:
Either Obama Goes, or Your United States Goes;
Throw Obama Out of Office Today
July 19, 2011:
LaRouche To Give July 21 Webcast:
‘There Are No Options, Only Solutions’
July 15, 2011:
Building Bipartisan, Grass-Roots Support for Glass-Steagall
July 13, 2011:
Bernanke Feeds the Panic, Announces QEIII;
Only Glass-Steagall Can Stop It
July 12, 2011:
LaRouche Issues Emergency Statement on European Crisis
July 12, 2011:
LaRouche Webcast: Mark Your Calendar for July 21
July 12, 2011:
Coverup Breaking in Saudi Role in 9-11
July 12, 2011:
The Euro Reaches the End of the Line
July 8, 2011:
LaRouche: A Nationalist Bloc Is Emerging
July 8, 2011:
Obama Declares Fascist Intent Against Social Security
July 8, 2011:
New Signs of Momentum for Glass-Steagall
July 5, 2011:
Schiller Conference Devoted to ‘Rescuing Civilization from the Brink’
July 5, 2011:
IAM President Greets Schiller Conference
July 2, 2011:
Congressman Takes On Obama’s Drive for ‘Monarchy’
July 2, 2011:
Is an Israeli Strike on Iran Coming This Summer?
July 2, 2011:
Motion for Glass-Steagall Accelerates
June 27, 2011:
Obama Sends ‘Agent of a Foreign Power’ To Defend His
Assault on the Constitution
June 24, 2011:
LaRouche Exposes Plan for U.S. Dictatorship
June 23, 2011:
LaRouche Issues New General Forecast
June 23, 2011:
Glass-Steagall Gains More Support
June 21, 2011:
Obama White House Caught Planning Massive Dirty Operations Against LaRouche
June 20, 2011:
Robert Reich Calls for Glass-Steagall and Public Investment Strategy for Italy
June 20, 2011:
Obama Faces Growing Threat of Impeachment over Libya War Violations
June 16, 2011:
LaRouche: Obama Is Now Facing His Watergate
June 16, 2011:
More Congressmen Sign On to Glass-Steagall
June 14, 2011:
New Jersey State AFL-CIO Votes Support for Glass-Steagall Bill H.R. 1489
June 14, 2011:
Three State Attorneys General in Serious Investigations Against Mortgage Fraud
June 13, 2011:
Russians Take Aim at Drug Legalizers
June 13, 2011:
Merkel Faces Revolt, Including from the Constitutional Court
June 7, 2011:
LaRouche: We Demand Emergency Food-Price Controls Now!
June 3, 2011:
Kaptur Demands Glass-Steagall Be Restored; Hits De-Reg, Not Fanny & Freddie, as Cause of Financial Collapse
June 3, 2011:
Kaptur, at House Budget Hearing, Urges Return to Glass-Steagall Standard Through H.R. 1489
June 1, 2011:
Two New Glass-Steagall Co-Sponsors as of May 31
June 1, 2011:
Obama’s Joplin Lies Demand His Removal
June 1, 2011:
New York Attorney General Goes for the Jugular
June 1, 2011:
LaRouche: Glass-Steagall by July 3!
June 1, 2011:
German Nuclear Suicide Decisions Arouses Furor
June 1, 2011:
Bank of America, Citibank Desperate for Funds
May 27, 2011:
LaRouche Issues Emergency Message on Glass-Steagall Mobilization
May 27, 2011:
New Sponsors Sign On to H.R. 1489
May 27, 2011:
Glass-Steagall Bill Picks Up More Support
May 25, 2011:
The Implications of the Strauss-Kahn Arrest
May 24, 2011:
IEA Denounces German Government’s Anti-Nuclear Power Drive
May 24, 2011:
Arrest of Strauss-Kahn Marks Crucial Shift
May 24, 2011:
Bailouts Are Over; Inter-Alpha Banks and Their Monetary System Going Down
May 24, 2011:
Congressional Website Lists Two New Co-Sponsors for H.R. 1489
May 18, 2011:
Behind the Strauss Kahn Soap Opera: A War Is Raging Over the Collapse of the EMU
May 18, 2011:
Crisis in the British Monarchy
May 17, 2011:
Swedish LaRouche Movement Delivers a Message to Green Fascist Confab
May 17, 2011:
Murder of Princess Diana Is Back in the Headlines
May 16, 2011:
Mainstream German Press Picks Up Attack on Schellnhuber
May 13, 2011:
UN Issues Genocidal Assault on Population
May 13, 2011:
Glass-Steagall Bill Gains More Support
May 11, 2011:
Senator Shelby Regrets Obama’s Refusal To Hold Pecora-Style Investigation
May 11, 2011:
Glass-Steagall: The Only Solution to the Crisis
May 9, 2011:
Obama Is Giving Desperate States the ‘Haiti Treatment’
May 9, 2011:
Major U.S. Union Endorses Glass-Steagall
May 6, 2011:
Zepp-LaRouche Issues International Call To Condemn the WBGU
May 6, 2011:
LaRouche ‘Glass-Steagall and Defeating Satan Are the Same Thing!’
May 2, 2011:
Obama Basking in Osama Demise
May 2, 2011:
The Real Authors of 9/11 Are Still at Large
April 26, 2011:
LaRouche PAC Expands Fight for Glass-Steagall Passage
April 25, 2011:
Why Doesn’t Obama Tell His California Supporters the Truth?
April 25, 2011:
LaRouche: ‘Don’t They Know that Bernanke Is Crazy?’
April 24, 2011:
A Reminder to Associates (from Lyndon LaRouche)
April 21, 2011:
New Interviews on Earthquake Forecasting on LaRouche PAC-TV
April 21, 2011:
Iceland Parliamentarian to the World: ‘If We Can Do It, You Can Do it!’
April 20, 2011:
LaRouche ‘If You Do Not Push Glass-Steagall Through Congress, There’s No Way You Can Save the United States’
April 14, 2011:
LaRouche To Hold Webcast April 19
April 13, 2011:
Glass-Steagall Reintroduced in Congress
April 12, 2011:
LPAC-TV Posts Interview You Won’t Want To Miss, on the Science of Forecasting Earthquakes
April 12, 2011:
Mass Strike Rejects Bailouts, Austerity in Europe
April 12, 2011:
Angelides Testifies Before European Parliament
April 7, 2011:
LPAC-TV Exposes U.S. Government Lies on Rise of Great Quakes
April 7, 2011:
LaRouche on LPAC-TV: Refusal To Invest in Earthquake Forecasting Is a Crime Against Humanity
April 1, 2011:
Tsunami Deaths and Damages Could Have Been Avoided, Italian Scientist Tells EIR
March 30, 2011:
LaRouche: To Protect Our Nation from the Galaxy’s Challenge to Our Existence, Obama Must Be Remofed from Office
March 29, 2011:
Obama Lied, and Is Drawing U.S. into a New Vietnam
March 29, 2011:
Sane Nations Are Rejecting Anti-Nuclear Hysteria
March 28, 2011:
Decision To Cancel NASA Seismic-Tracking Radar Satellite Was Made Top-Down
March 17, 2011:
LPAC Weekly Report: Defeat the Green Fascist—Your Life Depends On It
March 15, 2011:
New LaRouche PAC-TV Release: ‘The Rim of Fire’
March 13, 2011:
LaRouche Praises Japan for Courageous, Sane Response to Catastrophe
March 10, 2011:
Bad Banks Now Go to Hell
March 3, 2011:
LaRouche: The Mass Strike Calls for Real Solutions; Dump Obama, Reinstate Glass-Steagall
March 3, 2011:
Sinn Féin: ‘Our Chance To Redeem the Republic’
March 2, 2011:
LaRouche Webcast To Be Held March 10: Ireland and America
February 24, 2011:
LaRouche: The People Have Rejected the Dead System; Now They Need Positive Leadership, Like That of FDR
February 24, 2011:
Sinn Féin Organizes for Referendum To Stop Bailout
February 23, 2011:
European Commission, Trichet Refuse To Curb Food Speculation
February 22, 2011:
LaRouche Democratic Slate Issues National Statement:
The Global Mass Strike Demands Glass-Steagall
February 22, 2011:
Denmark: Parliamentary Majority Wants Angelides-Style Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission
February 19, 2011:
LaRouche To Hold Webcast March 10
February 18, 2011:
Indonesia Fights Globalized Agro-Food Speculators
February 18, 2011:
Cairo Comes to the United States
February 18, 2011:
EIR’s Hoefle: It’s the Deivatives, Stupid!
February 15, 2011:
Paul Farrell: ‘Fed Dictator Bernanke Needs To Be Toppled’ To Implement Glass-Steagall
February 15, 2011:
Obama, Worst Republican President, Targets Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid
February 15, 2011:
Egyptian Transition Moves Forward, But Economic Crisis Deepens
February 11, 2011:
LPAC-TV Releases Must-See Video: ‘FCIC Report: The Moral Test’
February 10, 2011:
LaRouche: ‘Anyone Who Opposes Glass-Steagall Is Actually Criminally Insane’
February 10, 2011:
The IMF Board Must Resign Due to Incompetence!
February 9, 2011:
Wall Street Deployed Neo-Cons To Attack the FCIC Report Before It Was Released!
February 9, 2011:
The Danish Bank, a Bank ’Too Big To Fail,’ Is On the ’Failing’ List
February 8, 2011:
Repeal of Glass-Steagall Is Center-Stage in Angelides Report; Wall Street Apologists Go Berserk, Lie
February 8, 2011:
China Drought Threatens Wheat Belt, Raising International Food Alerts; Globalists Salivate
February 4, 2011:
Is Bernanke About To Be Dumped?
February 4, 2011:
Angelides: Takedown of Glass-Steagall Allowed the Creation of the ‘Shadow Banking System’
February 2, 2011:
Sinn Féin Campaign Shows There Is a Better Way
February 2, 2011:
LaRouche: The Angelides Report Tells the Truth;
Now, It's Time To Defend the Nation with Glass-Steagall
February 2, 2011:
GOP Steps Up Push or Deal with Obama To Carry Out Catfood Commission Diktats
February 1, 2011:
LaRouche: Obama's Targeting of Mubarak Will Blow Up the Region
January 31, 2011:
LaRouche on 'Russia Today' TV News:
Egypt Upheaval Is Symptom of Global Collapse
January 27, 2011:
In Wake of FCIC Report, LPAC Says:
LaRouche Was Right; They Were Wrong!
January 26, 2011:
LaRouche Delivers State of the Union Address
January 26, 2011:
The Fed Is Also Bankrupt
January 26, 2011:
GOP Congressmen Seek Repeal of IPAB
January 26, 2011:
Euthanasia Promoters Forced To Retreat in France
January 20, 2011:
South Korea Accepts North's High-Level Offer of Military Talks
January 19, 2011:
Australian Catholic Biships Attack Revival of Nazi Euthanasia
January 18, 2011:
Futures Markets Gambling To Give U.S.A. New Rounds of Food Shocks
January 18, 2011:
China Condemns U.S. Policy of Drowning World in Liquidity As Hyperinflationary
January 17, 2011:
`To the Tunisian People, After the Fall of Ben Ali'
January 16, 2011:
The January 22 Address (Notes):
The State of the Union: A.D. 2011
January 14, 2011:
Sec. 1233 T-4 Euthanasia Regulation Cover-Up: What Are They Hiding?
January 8, 2011:
LaRouche Denounces Media Fraud Following Arizona Shootings:
Berwick, Blair, Obama, and Hitler
January 8, 2011:
LaRouche To Deliver True `State of the Union':
Will We Keep This Republic?
January 5, 2011:
Obama Backs Down: A Victory in the World-Wide Fight Against T4 Euthanasia
January 5, 2011:
Publio Fiori Calls for a New Roosevelt for Italy
January 5, 2011:
Gerry Adams: `No Irish Citizen Is Responsible for Paying Off Allied Irish Bank's Debts'
January 4, 2011:
LaRouche Democratic Call Emergency Meetings on NAWAPA, Glass-Steagall, and Ousting Obama
January 4, 2011:
LaRouche Democratic Candidates Set To Escalate Campaign on NAWAPA
January 4, 2011:
Next LaRouche Webcast January 22