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Press Releases
and Other Items in 2002

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December 22, 2002:
LaRouche Warns of Sharon War Plans

December 15, 2002:
Korea and World Peace

December 10, 2002:
LaRouche To Deliver State of the Union Address on Jan. 28

December 3, 2002:
Attacks on Brazil's Enéas Carneiro Come from Desperadoes Trying To Preserve the Bankrupt World Financial System

December 1, 2002:
New Books To Be Released in Portuguese and Spanish on
LaRouche Doctrine for the Americas

November 19, 2002:
Mexico's Top Daily Newspaper Interviews LaRouche

November 13, 2002:
Is Your Clergyman or Congressman a Moonie Sex-Cultist?

November 11, 2002:
`Health-Care Enron' Scandal Erupts: Exposes D.C. General Shutdown Corruption

November 9, 2002:
LaRouche Calls for Launching of `Super-TVA':
Candidate Pushes Emergency Infrastructure Jobs

November 1, 2002:
He Called It As He Saw It

October 31, 2002:
EIR Issues LaRouche Special Report on Science and Infrastructure

October 8, 2002:
Pro-Globalization Forces Go Down to Smashing Defeat in Brazil

October 4, 2002:
The United Nations Must Declare:
The President of the United States Is Insane

September 25, 2002:
Italian Parliament, Citing LaRouche, Passes Resolution for New World Financial Architecture

September 8, 2002:
The Pollard Affair Never Ended!

August 28, 2002:
Sharon in 9/11 War Provocation?

August 24, 2002:
LaRouche and López Portillo Address Meeting in Guadalajara To Define Way Out of International Financial Crisis

August 24, 2002:
LaRouche: The Debt Must Suffer, Not the Debtors

August 24, 2002:
LaRouche on Presidents Vicente Fox, and José López Portillo

August 24, 2002:
LaRouche: Fujimori Acted As a Patriotic President

August 16, 2002:
Helga Zepp-LaRouche: Fight the Flood Catastrophe with Lautenbach Plan

August 12, 2002:
LaRouche Interviewed Aug. 9 on Argentine National Radio Station

July 30, 2002:
`Time To Go, Joe'

July 26, 2002:
The Electable LaRouche

July 14, 2002:
The Real Corruption: McCain and Lieberman

July 17, 2002:
Caution: Beware Frantic Argentine Soros Hack Horacio Verbitsky

July 2002:
Leading Turkish Political Magazine Published Article by LaRouche

July 8, 2002:
Lyndon LaRouche, A New Type of American Presidential Candidate
(translation of article appearing in the UAE newspaper Al-Khaleej)

July 5, 2002:
LaRouche: Denuclearize Mideast; Sharon Threatens Global Nuclear War

June 27, 2002:
Ashcroft Eroding U.S. Constitutional Rights:
Testimony by EIR to the House Judiciary Committee

May 20, 2002:
The Case for D.C. General Hospital

May 20, 2002:
LaRouche Endorses Spannaus, Hits Democrats' `Self-Inflicted Wounds'

May 17, 2002:
An Urgent Memorial Day Message:
Lyndon LaRouche Webcast on May 28

May 13, 2002:
Spannaus: Don't Let Falwell and Robertson Destroy Israel!

May 1, 2002:
After Erfurt: We Need an International Protocol to Ban Violent Videos

April 29, 2002:
In the Wake of the Erfurt Tragedy:
Return to Classical Education, Now!

April 29, 2002:
In the Wake of the Erfurt Tragedy:
Return to Classical Education, Now!

April 19, 2002:
On the Anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

April 15, 2002:
LaRouche to Discuss `The Middle East Blow-Back Effect' on May 1 Webcast

April 14, 2002:
LaRouche Interviewed by Al-Jazeera

March 13, 2002:
Who Is Telling Lies About LaRouche?

March 13, 2002:
Counterintelligence: The American Family Foundation

March 12, 2002:
Sept. 11 Coup Plot Analysis Discussed Throughout Iran

March 5, 2002:
Counterintelligence: Bodman and Achelis Foundations

March 2, 2002:
Peace Between Two Presidents:
Open Reply from Lyndon H.LaRouche, Jr.
to White House Press Spokesman Ari Fleischer

March 1, 2002:
Wall St. Dirty Tricks Hit LaRouche Campaign

March 1, 2002:
Counterintelligence: Thomas `Pop' Watson

February 22, 2002:
LaRouche Says Give Colombia Logistics and Intelligence Help, Not U.S. Troops

February 8, 2002:
McCain's Big-Noose Party (statement by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.)

February 8, 2002:
Stop Kidding Us Over Enron! (statement by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.)

February 6, 2002:
New Special Report to Identify `Universal Fascist' Coup Plotters

January 31, 2002:
111 Israeli Reservists Refuse to Serve in the Occupied Territories

January 30, 2002:
Götterdämmerung in Palestine, by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

January 28, 2002:
Israeli Defense Forces Use Nazi Warsaw Ghetto Methods

January 19, 2002:
Some of the Banks Raided in Argentina Have Links to Drug Money Laundering

January 16, 2002:
Bush's Arms Control Team: Whom Do They Really Work For?

January 6, 2002:
Lyndon LaRouche to Address Nation Jan. 24: `Continue the American Revolution'
(Paid for by LaRouche in 2004)

January 4, 2002:
LaRouche: No Stability in Argentina Until a National Banking System Is Created to Issue Directed Credit for Job Creation

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