Press Releases
and Other Items in 2010
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December 30, 2010:
EIR Was First To Expose Definitive Truth of Obamacare's Nazi Features
December 29, 2010:
Susan Rice Leads British Effort To Dismember Sudan: Dump Her!
December 29, 2010:
Hyperinflationary Process Proceeds; Denial Persists; Reality Will Out
December 28, 2010:
Obama To Implement Hitler Program by Fiat
December 27, 2010:
LaRouche PAC Launches `Operation Strike Back'
December 26, 2010:
Next, After This Day, Comes the End of Your Year:
Thg Day After Christmas
December 15, 2010:
EIR Features LaRouche Dialogue with Russian Edior and Friends on `The `Cultural Imperative of Russian-American Cooperation'
December 15, 2010:
LaRouche Democrats Declare Candidacies for Congress
December 9, 2010:
LaRouche: A Crisis by Christmas, or My Solution
December 8, 2010:
Judge Tosses Kronberg Case; Cites Abuse of Federal Court
December 6, 2010:
LaRouche PAC NAWAPA Drive Expands, Generating Excitement for Action Now
December 6, 2010:
LaRouche: On the Urgent Need for a Hamiltonian Credit System
December 3, 2010:
The Mighty Wurlitzer Implodes:
British Legal Attacks Against Lyndon LaRouche Exposed As Frauds
November 30, 2010:
Duke of Kent & `9-11': Some Things Just Leak Out
November 30, 2010:
LaRouche Warns Against Turning Netanyahu Loose
November 30, 2010:
The Crucial Strategic Issue of This Moment:
A Lot of Plain Facts
November 22, 2010:
The British Assassinated Yet Another U.S. President, John F. Kennedy, 47 Years Ago Today
November 22, 2010:
Leading Italian Paper: LaRouche's Proposal or Glass-Steagall `Looks Prophetic'—Time To Get the Full Story
November 19, 2010:
It Is Tantamount to War! Sink the Inter-Alpha Group
November 19, 2010:
Will NATO Summit Approve Expanded British Drug War?
November 17, 2010:
Brits Demand End of Sovereignty—For Ireland and the World
November 16, 2010:
LaRouche: Treatment of Rangel Is `Pure Injustice,' Will Lead to Ungovernability
November 16, 2010:
A Voice of Sanity from Haiti to Americans
November 10, 2010:
LaRouche Announces Campaign To Destroy Rand Paul:
`No Concession to That Fascist!'
November 10, 2010:
LaRouche's Marching Orders to Patriots:
The Third American Revolution Must Occur Now!
November 6, 2010:
LPAC Video Exposes Obama Synthetic Personality Through His Fraudulent Autobiography, Written by Weatherman Bill Ayers
November 6, 2010:
Narcissism Expert Sam Vaknin Plumbs Obama's Psyche and the Apocalypse He Will Produce If He Remains President
November 6, 2010:
LaRouche Nov. 6 Webcast:
After Nov. 2 Election: Last Chance To Avoid a Global New Dark Age
November 3, 2010:
No Statistical Pattern, But a Lot of Hate!
November 1, 2010:
LaRouche To Deliver Nov. 6 International Webcast:
After Nov. 2 Election: Last Chance To Avoid a Global New Dark Age
October 25, 2010:
LaRouche Demands Obama Mobnilize the U.S. Military To Prevent Genocide in Haiti
October 23, 2010:
Obama's Refusal To Act Leads to Haiti Cholera Epidemic
October 21, 2010:
Next LaRouche Webcast November 6
October 21, 2010:
LaRouche: Don't Wait Until After the Elections!
October 21, 2010:
Dope, Inc. Is Back in Print!
October 20, 2010:
LPAC Presents the Darién Gap Project: The Last Hurdle to the LaRouches' Global Eurasian Land-Bridge Program
October 17, 2010:
LPAC-TV's Latest NAWAPA Video: Interviews with Experts—How To Build It
October 11, 2010:
LaRouche: `Foreclosure Swindle Demands Implementation of Measures I Proposed in July-August 2007'
October 6, 2010:
LaRouche: Use 25th Amendment To Remove Obama Now
October 5, 2010:
New LaRouche PAC Feature Video Explodes the Lie of `Fixed Nature'
October 4, 2010:
Rice Pushes Referendum To Ignite Sudan War
October 1, 2010:
Sleepers, Awake!
The Situation Is Not Yet Quite Hopeless!
September 28, 2010:
LaRouche PAC's Latest NAWAPA Video:
Building the Supply Lines Which Will Feed Development to the Bering Strait
September 27, 2010:
LaRouche Sends Greeting to Moscow-Area University Conference
September 27, 2010:
LaRouche Candidates Escalate Campaign To Keep Congress in Session, To Pass Glass-Steagall
September 23, 2010:
LaRouche on LPAC-TV: Congress Must Stay in Session, To Ram Through FDR's Original Glass-Steagall
September 18, 2010:
LaRouche PAC Video Explores Large-Scale Development for Africa
September 15, 2010:
Lyndon LaRouche Sept. 24 International Webcast: `The New Economy'
September 15, 2010:
Lyndon LaRouche: Barney Frank Is All Used Up; Now We Go All-Out for Glass-Steagall
September 14, 2010:
LaRouche PAC Video Proves Barney Frank Is Opposed to Scientific Progress and the JFK Tradition
September 13, 2010:
Rachel Brown: Why Barney Frank Opposes Glass-Steagall and Scientific Progress
September 13, 2010:
LaRouche PAC-TV Shocker:
Why the Inter-Alpha Group Fears Re-Adoption of Glass-Steagall
September 13, 2010:
LaRouche PAC Exposes Debate Lies of Barney Frank
September 9, 2010:
LaRouche on `Historic' Rachel-Barney Debate:
`She Destroyed Him and the Credibility of His Policy'
September 7, 2010:
Rachel Brown To Take On Barney Frank in Debate
September 7, 2010:
LaRouche PAC Releases Feature Film on the Fight To Restore Glass-Steagall
September 1, 2010:
A Leaf from FDR's Book: And It Will Be Good
August 30, 2010:
LaRouche PAC Releases Upgraded Version of the Interactive NAWAPA Tour Map
August 30, 2010:
August 5: An Extraordinary International Dialogue with Lyndon LaRouche
August 27, 2010:
LaRouche Outlines Perspective for Jobs from NAWAPA
August 20, 2010:
LaRouche PAC Team Announces Release of Interactive Animated Map of NAWAPA
August 19, 2010:
LaRouche: The Dumping of This President Is Fairly in Process
August 19, 2010:
Geithner Announces Another Hyperinflationary Bailout
August 19, 2010:
Former Congressional Black Caucus Chair Defends Waters and Rangel
August 19, 2010:
Obama Administration Has Death Panels in Action
August 12, 2010:
Wall Street Is Not Dying; It is Dead!
Please Don't Be Silly!
August 12, 2010:
Like Nero and Hitler: Obama Is a Failed Personality
August 11, 2010:
Obama's `Ethics Czar' Was Spy Against Anti-Apartheid Groups, NAACP, Congress
August 9, 2010:
The Fed Continues Hyperinflation, Showing It Has Lost Control of the Crisis
August 9, 2010:
Behind Soaring `Religious' Tensions: The British Fundamentalist Game
August 9, 2010:
LaRouche Has the Three-Point Program or Survival
August 9, 2010:
Putin Is Right To Withhold Wheat Exports, Says LaRouche
August 2, 2010:
LaRouche: `Patriots Will Rally Behind Rangel and Waters!'
July 28, 2010:
Obama White House, DNC in Suicide Pact To Oust Rangel
July 28, 2010:
LaRouche: NAWAPA and Glass-Steagall Are Life-and-Death Issues
July 28, 2010:
LaRouche: `Obama Deserves Credit for Destroying Democratic Party't
July 27, 2010:
Why Have the Traitors Targetted Charlie Rangel?
July 23, 2010:
LaRouche Blasts Obama's Revival of `Jim Crow'
July 22, 2010:
LaRouche: This Summer Is the `Last Chance' To Get Obama Out, and Get On with Glass-Steagall and a Recovery
July 21, 2010:
Obama Sinking—the End-Game Is On
July 16, 2010:
Elite Russian Magazine Features LaRouche's 1995 Speech to Duma
July 16, 2010:
British Royals Behind New Depopulation Scheme
July 16, 2010:
LaRouche Unveils a New Forecasting Project
July 12, 2010:
End-Game Is On: Getting Out in Time!
July 7, 2010:
LaRouche Announces the Role He Will Play in a Post-Obama Administration
July 6, 2010:
Charge Raised in Russia: Gorbachov and Khrushchov Were Steered by British Intelligence
July 2, 2010:
U.S. Workforce, Localities in Process of Disintegration
July 2, 2010:
LaRouche: The Next Two Weeks Are Crucial, for Better or for Worse
July 2, 2010:
Historic Webcast by Zepp-LaRouche and Cheminade
July 2, 2010:
Is AIG About To Go Bust?
June 28, 2010:
LaRouche: To Fulfill the Mission of the United States, We Must Remove from Office Now!
June 28, 2010:
Obama Muscles Bank Protection Bill Through Conference Committee, But Not Unemployment Extension
June 28, 2010:
Brits Know Another Blowout Is Imminent
June 24, 2010:
Anti-British Russian Official Speaks Out
June 24, 2010:
McChrystal Dismissal Underscores the Reality:
This President Is Finished
June 24, 2010:
Italian Finance Minister Warns of Blowout
June 22, 2010:
An Extraordinary International Dialogue with Lyndon LaRouche
June 21, 2010:
Top U.S. Expert Explains How To Use Nuclear Device To Seal BP Well
June 17, 2010:
More International Support for Glass-Steagall Restoration
June 17, 2010:
Glass-Steagall Fight Heats Up
June 15, 2010:
Growing Support for Glass-Steagall, Anti-Derivatives Measure
June 15, 2010:
Moscow: Shut Down Afghan Dope Flows
June 15, 2010:
LaRouche Tells Germans To Prepare for Mass Strike
June 9, 2010:
Leading Russian Paper Publishes Interview with LaRouche
June 9, 2010:
Blanche Lincoln Victory Reflects Anti-Wall Street Popular Mood
June 7, 2010:
LaRouche Answers a Supporter Who Opposes Nationalizing BP
June 6, 2010:
Israeli Massacre at Sea Was Pre-Planned and Premeditated
June 5, 2010:
Hungary Is Next in the Barrel; It's Getting Crowded in There
June 3, 2010:
Israel Can't Get Away with the `Holocaust Victim' Routine Any More
June 3, 2010:
Next LaRouche Webcast Set for June 26
June 3, 2010:
A Growing Movement To Put BP into Receivership
June 1, 2010:
Russia Presses for Military Action Against Afghan Drugs
June 1, 2010:
Dramatic Changes in Germany in Face of the Financial Blowout Crisis
May 27, 2010:
U.S. Population Goes into Angry Revolt Against the Mustachioed President
May 26, 2010:
Germany Moves Against British Empire, Plans To Forbid All Naked Short Sales
May 25, 2010:
How the British Bastards (and Obama Bastards) Think: The Case of BP
May 25, 2010:
LaRouche PAC Calls for Cities, States To Demand Glass-Steagall
May 22, 2010:
LaRouche: Obama's Sabotage of Glass-Steagall Puts His Impeachment Up-Front!
May 21, 2010:
A Trillion Dollars Later, the Banking System Is Still Careening Towards Cardiac Arrest
May 21, 2010:
Muscardini Files Glass-Steagall Resolution in European Parliament
May 21, 2010:
Chancellor Merkel Just Did It in Germany, but We're Not Allowed To Do It Here!
May 20, 2010:
LaRouche Issues Emergency Call: Get Serious; Shut Down Derivatives, Put Glass-Steagall in Place
May 18, 2010:
German Short Sell Ban: Well Done!
May 18, 2010:
Italy: Glass-Steagall Fight Breaks Into the Major Media
May 18, 2010:
Helga Zepp-LaRouche: Urgent Appeal to American Patriots on Glass-Steagall
May 17, 2010:
LaRouche's EIR Puts White House Up Against the Wall on Glass-Steagall Legislation
May 14, 2010:
Your Survival Depends on the Passage of Cantwell-McCain's Glass-Steagall
May 13, 2010:
Cantwell Expects Glass-Steagall Amendment To Become Law
May 12, 2010:
`Firewall' Video Refeatured on LPAC Website, To Fight for Glass-Steagall
May 11, 2010:
LaRouche: Obama Out To Kill Glass-Steagall, While Pushing Weimar Hyperinflation
May 10, 2010:
The Brutish Bastards Are At It Again!
May 7, 2010:
LaRouche at Webcast: Fight To Pass the Glass-Steagall Amendment, Or You're Wasting Your Time
May 7, 2010:
LaRouche: Ram Glass-Steagall Amendment Through the Senate Now!
May 7, 2010:
European Blow-Out Makes Glass-Steagall Urgent, Now!
May 6, 2010:
With Obama Opposed, Glass-Steagall Heads to the Senate Floor
May 6, 2010:
Brazil Enters Hyperinflationary Blow-Out Phase
May 5, 2010:
U.S. Housing Headed for New Collapse; Foreclosures Everywhere
May 5, 2010:
Momentum for Glass-Steagall in the United States
May 5, 2010:
The Eurozone Embraces Suicidal Brüning Policy
May 5, 2010:
LaRouche Addresses Diplomats on Solution to Economic Crisis: Global Glass-Steagall
May 4, 2010:
Senate Hearing: `If You Do What Goldman Sachs Did, You Go to Jail'
April 29, 2010:
EIR To Publish Exclusive Interview with Anti-Euro Professor
April 28, 2010:
LaRouche on Eurozone Meltdown: Get the Passengers Off the Boat; You Cannot Bail This Thing Out
April 23, 2010:
Goldman Sachs Scandal Could Play a Positive role in Europe, Toward Re-enacting Glass-Steagall
April 21, 2010:
Reich Takes Dodd To Task: Glass-Steagall Is Necessary
April 21, 2010:
More Evidence for Obama Impeachment:
Opium Explosion Is Destroying the Children of Afghanistan
April 21, 2010:
More Hearings, Call for Criminal Investigation on How Goldman Sucks
April 21, 2010:
National LaRouche Campaign: Smash Goldman Sachs, Implement the LaRouche Plan
April 21, 2010:
Drumbeat for Crippling Sanctions, Military Attack Against Iran
April 19, 2010:
Morgan Chase, Bank of America Flunk Glass-Steagall Test
April 15, 2010:
Obama Signals Commitment To Back Military Strike on Iran
April 15, 2010:
Euthanasia Think Tank Controls Obama's Bioethics Commission
April 15, 2010:
Next LaRouche Webcast Set for May 8
April 12, 2010:
Thai Monarchy Retreats To Fight Another Day
April 12, 2010:
LaRouche Warns: Polish Plane Crash Fuels Threat of a British Hit on Obama
April 11, 2010:
Will the British Puppet Government in Thailand Move for a Bloodbath?
April 9, 2010:
LaRouche Was Right: Obama `Health Care' Is Genocide for Everybody
April 8, 2010:
Some U.S. Military Leaders Clearly Want a War on Drugs
April 8, 2010:
Greenspan Humiliated—It's a Start
April 8, 2010:
The British Are Getting Their Wish: Depopulation
April 5, 2010:
Obama Administration Blasted for `Unitary Executive' Practices
April 2, 2010:
LaRouche: Obama Is Committing Treason With His Afghan Drug Policy
March 29, 2010:
LaRouche Reiterates Danger of Assassination Attempt on Obama
March 29, 2010:
LaRouche: Look to British Intelligence Behind the Moscow Bombings
March 29, 2010:
Bill Clinton Urges Immediate Aid To Avert High Death Toll in Haiti
March 29, 2010:
Brutal British Health-Care Cuts Show What Is in Store for U.S.A.
March 22, 2010:
Obama Heads for Political Suicide, Obsessed by LaRouche Call for His Impeachment
March 22, 2010:
LaRouche on Passage of Obamacare: Start from the Fact It's Fascist
March 22, 2010:
British Imperialist Outlines Destiny in Hell
March 22, 2010:
BüSo Kicks Off Election Campaign with Conference on Reindustrialization of Germany
March 18, 2010:
Obama Follows London Marching Orders—Over the Cliff
March 18, 2010:
LaRouche Is Obama's Greatest Fear
March 18, 2010:
LaRouche Outlines How To Save the Shattered World Economy
March 11, 2010:
Putin Headed for Strategic Visit to India
March 11, 2010:
Obama Continues on Political Suicide Track
March 11, 2010:
British Apoplectic Over Hillary Clinton's Dealings with Argentina
March 10, 2010:
EIR Releases Plan for Emergency Relocation To Save Haitians from Obama's Genocide Policy
March 2, 2010:
The Ides of March Is Coming:
Pro-Impeachment Democrat Wins Nomination in Texas
March 2, 2010:
Obama and Inter-Alpha Must Go: Global Glass-Steagall Now!
March 1, 2010:
Next LaRouche Webcast: `The Ides of March 2010'
February 28, 2010:
The Ides of March 2010
February 27, 2010:
Dubai Hit Was Calculated To Start New Mideast War
February 27, 2010:
Haiti Is No Natural Disaster
February 26, 2010:
Haitians Forced Back to Rubble To Die, Because of Obama Refusal To Act
February 25, 2010:
Spain May Sink the Euro, Says Wall Street Journal; Barclays Downgrades Banco Santander
February 25, 2010:
Nero Obama to GOP: Capitulate to My Nazi Health Bill, Or I'll Ram It Through Without You
February 24, 2010:
Obama Says No to Emergency Evacuation of Haitians to High Ground; Impeachment Is the Answer
February 24, 2010:
German High Court Confirms Duggan Death a Suicide:
Ruling Exposes British Lies Against LaRouche
February 22, 2010:
25 Years After LaRouche, AAAS Hears Call for Test-and-Treat Program To Stop HIV/AIDS
February 22, 2010:
Haiti: LaRouche Demands Urgent U.S. Action To Prevent Rainy Season Devastation
February 22, 2010:
Africa Report: Purpose of British-Run ICC: Destabilize Africa
February 22, 2010:
Brazil Carry Trade, Rothschild, and the BRIC
February 20, 2010:
Anglo-Israeli `Doomsday' War Scheme Reported Imminent
February 18, 2010:
Obama's New Commission Is an Impeachable Offense
February 17, 2010:
Balladur Demands Bankers' Dictatorship for All of Europe
February 15, 2010:
As Euro System Disintegrates, EU Finance Ministers Present No Solution
February 12, 2010:
LaRouche PAC Presents New Video:
Mars Colonization Is the Key to the New Economics
February 12, 2010:
Apollo Astronaut Hits Cancellation of Moon Program As Unconstitutional
February 12, 2010:
What's Behind the Toyota Bashing?
February 10, 2010:
LaRouche Warns Europe on Eve of EU Summit:
Don't Make the U.S. Mistake of Bailing Out Wall Street;
High-Gain Creditors Like Banco Santander Have To Take the Hit
February 9, 2010:
LaRouche: Santander Crash Signals Collapse of British System
February 9, 2010:
Saving the Planet Now!: A Global `Glass Steagall'
February 4, 2010:
Rice-ists Strike Again in Africa
February 3, 2010:
Why Obama Must Be Impeached
February 3, 2010:
LaRouche PAC Releases `Destruction of NASA' Video,
Just As Obama Kills Manned Space Flight
February 2, 2010:
Bankers' Dictatorship Demanded for Europe
January 29, 2010:
Euro Sovereign Debt Crisis Expands
January 29, 2010:
Blair: It Was British, Not U.S. Policy, To Link Iraq to 9/11; He Targets Iran Next
January 28, 2010:
Congressional Investigation of AIG Putting Geithner and Bernanke on Hotseat
January 28, 2010:
A Crucial Slant on the David Kelly Case
January 27, 2010:
Tremonti: Geithner Rejected a New Bretton Woods Treaty
January 27, 2010:
Congress Attacks Geithner for Role in AIG Bailout
January 26, 2010:
British Out To Destroy Sovereignty of World's Nations, Including the United States
January 20, 2010:
Will Nero Now Murder Seneca?: The Charade Is Ending
January 19, 2010:
EIR Exclusive: Plans Made for Cross-Africa Rail Line
January 18, 2010:
LaRouche Outlines Health Program: Build on Conyers' Approach
January 17, 2010:
Senate Debate on Unconstitutional Deficit Commission Set To Begin Jan. 20
January 17, 2010:
Russian Nuclear Expert Wants More New Technology Cooperation with India
January 13, 2010:
Letter to Obama Urgently Recommends Accelerated U.S. Nuclear Energy Development
January 13, 2010:
Movement for Nuclear Power Continues To Grow
January 12, 2010:
LaRouche: If You Want Health Care, AIG Must Be Destroyed
January 8, 2010:
Yemeni Official: Abdulmutallab Was Recruited in London
January 8, 2010:
Harry Reid on Secret Negotiations on Nazi Health Bill:
Don't Worry About Transparency, `It's a Done Deal'
January 6, 2010:
LaRouche: More Than Ever, Maintain President Obama's Security
January 6, 2010:
Obama Seeks To Ram Through Nazi IMAB Board
January 6, 2010:
The Case of Obama:
Tantamount to Treason
January 4, 2010:
LaRouche Webcast Jan. 30, 2010
January 4, 2010:
London Tries To Change the Agenda—to Terror
January 4, 2010:
A Major Eurasian Push for Nuclear Power Development
January 4, 2010:
Watch for LaRouche Youth Congressional Campaigns To Shape National Agenda