Press Releases
and Other Items in 2009
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December 31, 2009:
To What Are You Loyal?
December 29, 2009:
Exposed: Harry Reid Responsible for Unconstitutional, Fascist `Perpetuity' Clause in Senate Health Bill
December 29, 2009:
Only Four Powers Cooperation Can Avoid
Middle East Trigger for World War III
December 28, 2009:
LaRouche: Obama's Health Bill Is Unconstitutional Attack by British
December 26, 2009:
Three New LaRouche PAC Videos To Spur Mobilization
December 24, 2009:
LaRouche Demands Resignation of Gutless Harry Reid
December 22, 2009:
Intensify Obama Security Screen, Says LaRouche
December 20, 2009:
Russian Railways Chief Puts World Rail Network on the Agenda
December 19, 2009:
LaRouche Declares Victory in Wake of Copenhagen
December 17, 2009:
British Empire's Genocide Agenda in Trouble
December 14, 2009:
Real Climate Scientists Fire Salvos Against the Greens
December 14, 2009:
Lord Monckton Charges Eco-Dictatorship
December 14, 2009:
The Greek Crisis Is a Euro Crisis
December 14, 2009:
Who Stripped Berlusconi's Security?
December 14, 2009:
French Economist Allais Supports LaRouche Plan
December 11, 2009:
Congressmen Begin To Move for Glass-Steagall
December 11, 2009:
Lord Monckton Warns the Queen
December 10, 2009:
Who Inserted the British Climate Change Hoax Into U.S. National Strategy?
December 7, 2009:
Obama Follows WWF Orders on Climate Agenda
December 3, 2009:
LaRouche's Dec. 3 Webcast: The Real Changes Are Coming
December 3, 2009:
The Copenhagen Horror Show Is in Disarray
December 3, 2009:
Anti-Copenhagen Conference Website Launched
December 1, 2009:
The Era of Sovereign Defaults Is Here
November 27, 2009:
The Birth of the `Global Warming' Hoax
November 23, 2009:
UN's `Cut the World Population' Report Based on Prince Philip's Nazi IPCC
November 23, 2009:
Viscount Monckton on Climategate: They Are Criminals
November 23, 2009:
LaRouche's Dec. 3 Webcast: The Real Change Is Coming
November 23, 2009:
Eugenics Advocate Daniel Callahan: The U.S.A. Must Be Crushed
November 19, 2009:
Economists Give Cover to Obama's Hitler Health Plan
November 16, 2009:
Medvedev, APEC Meeting Reflect Four-Power Shift
November 16, 2009:
Zepp-LaRouche Takes On EC Dictatorship
November 11, 2009:
Mammogram Decision Spotlights Obama Health Care Genocide
November 9, 2009:
After Unprecedented Armtwisting, House Passes Nazi Health Care
November 6, 2009:
A Shocking Defeat for Obama
November 6, 2009:
GM Stabs Obama in the Back, Wrecks German-Russian Deal
November 4, 2009:
Economist Vitrenko To Run for President of Ukraine
November 3, 2009:
It's Not Disease That's Destroying Ukraine—and the World;
It's the British Empire
October 31, 2009:
Next LaRouche Webcast: November 11, 2009
October 29, 2009:
An Important Letter about LaRouche to President Medvedev
October 29, 2009:
Zepp-LaRouche Webcast: The Beginning of a New Financial System
October 27, 2009:
Reverberations of the LaRouches' Intervention at Rhodes Conference
October 27, 2009:
Schiller Institute Launches Initiative for the LaRouche Plan
October 20, 2009:
Three Powers Take Steps Forward
October 20, 2009:
Why Get Rid of Rangel? To Pass Obama's Fascist Budget-Slashing Scheme
October 20, 2009:
Obama to Doctors: Either You Support My Death Bill, Or Take 21% Pay Cut
October 14, 2009:
October's Fascist Downshift: Now Comes Hitler Health
October 5, 2009:
The Scandal Behind the White House Olympics Bid
October 4, 2009:
LaRouche: After the Olympic Corruption Scandal—No Closed-Door Deals on the Health Bill!
September 29, 2009:
Sudan Presidential Advisor to EIR re: LaRouche Development Proposal, and Relations with the United States
September 22, 2009:
British Try To Steamroll Obama into Expanded War in Afghanistan
September 22, 2009:
Helga Zepp-LaRouche Addresses German Engineers
September 21, 2009:
London Paints Charts Upside-Down
September 16, 2009:
Surprise British Document Release Exposes Pre-Unification Plot Against Germany
September 16, 2009:
LaRouche Blasts Bernanke's Incompetence
September 8, 2009:
Africa Demonstrates that Helga Zepp-LaRouche Is Right:
`Green Revolution' Methods Can Double Rice Production
September 8, 2009:
MedPAC Study Undermines Dartmouth Lies—But EIR Has the Full Story
September 8, 2009:
Baucus Wears Obama's Moustache: Senate Health-Care `Reform' Legislation Is Murderous
September 4, 2009:
Interview: Leo Kramer: 1.5 Million People Suffering in Gaza
August 28, 2009:
Indian Scientists Call UN Glacier Retreat Claim Unscientific
August 28, 2009:
UN Military Commander: `Darfur No Longer at War'
August 27, 2009:
Is the Democratic Party Already Dead?
August 21, 2009:
Veterans Administration Already Promotes Life Not Worth Living
August 21, 2009:
The Murder of David Kelly Continues To Make News In Britain
August 20, 2009:
China's Global Times Carries LaRouche Warnings of October Blowout
August 20, 2009:
Blair Circles React to LaRouche Breakout
August 19, 2009:
LaRouche Addresses Diplomats:
Mass Strike Is Opportunity To Create New Monetary System
August 12, 2009:
A Mass Strike Is Taking Over the United States
August 12, 2009:
Second Zepp-LaRouche Webcast Scheduled
August 7, 2009:
Bill Clinton's Korea Breakthrough Stirs Obama's Wrath
August 7, 2009:
To Understand the October Crisis, Study LaRouche's Updated Triple Curve
August 7, 2009:
Next LaRouche Webcast
August 7, 2009:
It's the U.S. Population that Rejects Obama's Nazi Health Policy
August 4, 2009:
Ezekiel Emanuel's Fascist Thinking Exposed
August 4, 2009:
LaRouche Endorses Emergency Aid for States
August 4, 2009:
LaRouche's Aug. 1 Webcast: `The Fall of the House of Windsor'
July 30, 2009:
Obama's Health-Care Blitz Stalled
July 28, 2009:
U.S. Drug Czar Flouts Soros Crowd
July 28, 2009:
Peterlini Bill for New Bretton Woods Passes Italian Senate
July 28, 2009:
LaRouche Demands Bankruptcy Reorganization Now
July 27, 2009:
Two Months to the Ides of October
July 27, 2009:
`Hitler Health' Increasingly the Issue in U.S. Health Debate
July 27, 2009:
LaRouche Issues Emergency Notice
July 25, 2009:
August 1 LaRouche Webcast: Installing an Anti-British-Imperialist World Economy
July 22, 2009:
LaRouche Declares Obama `Impeachable'
July 21, 2009:
Zepp-LaRouche Launches Chancellor Candidacy in Germany
July 7, 2009:
IAM Chief Buffenbarger:
Return to the Method of FDR and Harry Hopkins To Create Jobs
July 7, 2009:
Will German Constitutional Court's Limits Prove Fatal to the Lisbon Treaty?
July 7, 2009:
British-Saudi Nexus Behind New `Arc of Crisis' Destabilization
July 7, 2009:
Obama Administration Ignores Appeals from Public Health Departments, As Flu Pandemic Spreads
July 5, 2009:
Steps Toward Britain's Anti-Dollar Agenda
July 2, 2009:
The Fraud of the Obama Stimulus: No Jobs
June 6, 2009:
London Pushes To Dump Dollar, at Russian Economic Forum
June 6, 2009:
LaRouche: A Scary Strategic Assessment
June 2, 2009:
Obama Administration Calls for Slashes to Medicare and Medicaid To Balance the Budget!
May 25, 2009:
Billionaires' Plan for World Genocide Exposed
May 8, 2009:
Summers Has Provoked a Backlash
May 6, 2009:
Is Summers Crowd Out To Get Rid of Hillary?
May 6, 2009:
President Obama Is Being Brainwashed by Nazi Doctors
May 5, 2009:
LaRouche Addresses Connecticut University Crowd on `Moving Beyond Colonialism in the Middle East'
April 17, 2009:
New `Pecors Hearings' Target: The Slush Fund of the Summers Gang
April 17, 2009:
Italian Minister to G8: `Let's Throw Finance Out of Agriculture'
April 12, 2009:
Volcker: The Economic Equivalent of Obama's Blackberry
April 11, 2009:
ASEAN+6 Summit Cancelled as Thailand Breaks into Chaos
April 10, 2009:
Pace of Trade Collapse Exceeds That of 1929
April 10, 2009:
Will IMF `World Currency' Roll Over the Congress?
April 10, 2009:
Rate of U.S. Hospital Closings Is Now at the Stage of a Public Health Emergency
March 23, 2009:
LaRouche Calls for Ousting Larry Summers, Endorses Galbraith Critique
March 23, 2009:
LaRouche Denounces Latest Bailout Plan as Just One More Keynesian Fascist Swindle That Could Bring Down Obama's Presidency
March 23, 2009:
Key Colombian Institutions Turn to LaRouche
March 22, 2009:
Taking a Close Look at Larry Summers
March 18, 2009:
LaRouche: `They're Stealing! Stop Them from Stealing!'
March 16, 2009:
Urgent Call to G20 Governments:
Remove Malloch-Brown from the London G20 Financial Conference Proceedings
March 10, 2009:
British Ask: `Will Obama Forgive Britain for Torture of His Grandfather?'
March 10, 2009:
Climate Change Conference: Genocidal Global Warming Policies Will Kill Hundreds of Millions
March 6, 2009:
Obama Orders Urgent War on Drug Cartels
March 6, 2009:
Localities Pick Up the Pace on the Drive for the HBPA
March 4, 2009:
White House Targets U.K. Tax Havens: Obama, Brown Clash Over Offshore Taxes
March 2, 2009:
LaRouche: The United States Cannot Tolerate, for Any Reason, the ICC Indictment of Sudanese President Bashir
March 2, 2009:
EIR Releases New Study on `Britain's Dope, Inc.:
Marker for Humanity's New Dark Age'
March 1, 2009:
Lyndon LaRouche: The Israeli Leadership Is Suicidally Insane
February 28, 2009:
Guinea Cracks Down on Dope, Inc. to Consternation of London
February 27, 2009:
Warrant Against Sudan President Is a Fraud Intended To Weaken Government
February 18, 2009:
Bloomberg Gives Anti-FDR Shlaes a Platform
February 18, 2009:
LaRouche: Don't Permit an ICC Crime Against Africa
February 14, 2009:
McCaffrey Blasts Dope Legalizers, Calls for U.S.-Mexico Collaboration
February 13, 2009:
Tremonti Under the Spotlight: But the Figure at the Center Is LaRouche
February 4, 2009:
U.S. Policy Shift on Zimbabwe Would Isolate Empire
February 4, 2009:
The Homeowners and Bank Protection Act of 2007
February 1, 2009:
LaRouche: Justice After Gaza Atrocity Demands Netanyahu's Defeat
February 1, 2009:
Neocons in Full Mobilization Against FDR Policies
January 31, 2009:
African Leaders: Lilft Sanctions Against Zimbabwe Now!
January 31, 2009:
UNODC Head Again Warns About Drug Money
January 31, 2009:
Debate over Afghan War Breaks Out in U.S. Congress
January 29, 2009:
LaRouche Comments on Davos: It's `Run Amok'
January 27, 2009:
UN Office of Drugs and Crime: Drug Trade Cash Saved Banks
January 27, 2009:
LaRouche Demands Pelosi Resignation for Her Role in the Bailout Robbery
January 26, 2009:
LaRouche: Don't Nationalize the Banks' Toxic Assets
January 22, 2009:
LaRouche in Dialogue with Russians, Obama's Economic Advisors
January 22, 2009:
LaRouche on Afghan Policy: No Troops; Stop the Drug Trade!
January 20, 2009:
Wake-Up Call to Economists: The Whole System Is Bankrupt, Put It in Bankruptcy
January 20, 2009:
LaRouche: Stop London's Fraudulent Bail-Out Schemes
January 20, 2009:
LaRouche: Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Channels Keynesian Fascism
January 20, 2009:
British Financial Media Confess They Are Hooked on Hyperinflationary Junk
January 20, 2009:
It's Time To Bury the Media Lies: LaRouche Uniquely Saw This Crisis Coming
January 19, 2009:
LaRouche: Use Citibank Breakup To Rebuild National Banking System
January 16, 2009:
Hankel Endorses LaRouche Call for New Pecora Commission
January 15, 2009:
LaRouche Calls for Hi-Tech War on Drugs, Centered on Economic Development
January 14, 2009:
LaRouche Drafted the Policy To Get Out of This Crisis—There Is No Way Around It!
January 14, 2009:
LaRouche: Israel Is Committing Sykes-Picot National Suicide
January 13, 2009:
LaRouche Demands New Pecora Commission To Probe Wall Street Financial Crimes
January 10, 2009:
Are Cheney and His London Backers Pushing Broader War in Southwest Asia?
January 7, 2009:
LaRouche: `It's No Longer a Gaza Strip Conflict; This Thing Is Not Going To End'
January 6, 2009:
New York Times Echoes LaRouche's Call for a `New Pecora Commission'
January 2, 2009:
Gen. McCaffrey Calls for Combined U.S.-Mexico Fight Against Narcoterror
January 2, 2009:
Israeli Peace Activist Fears Israel May Launch Disastrous Ground Offensive Into Gaza Within 24 Hours