Press Releases
and Other Items in 2012
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December 26, 2012:
LaRouche: Obama’s in a Corner—Move To Impeach Him Now
December 26, 2012:
Warnings of a Derivatives Blowout in 2013
December 21, 2012:
Obama Administration Support for Jihadis Raised in Benghazi Hearings
December 21, 2012:
Putin Raises a Crucial Question: Wasn’t Libya a Mistake?
December 19, 2012:
Congressmen Release Open Letter to President Obama:
Congress Alone Must Decide on Questions of War
December 18, 2012:
An Updated Fact Sheet: To Stop World War III, Oust President Obama for His Alliance with al-Qaeda in Libya and Syria
December 18, 2012:
Rep. Walter B. Jones (R-N.C.) To Address Press Conference on Syria
December 13, 2012:
LaRouche PAC Videos Make Case for Impeachment:
‘Obama Is the New Osama’
December 9, 2012:
A Fact Sheet: President Obama Is In Bed with al-Qaeda in Libya and Syria
December 4, 2012:
LaRouche PAC Releases Blockbuster:
‘How Andrew Jackson Destroyed the United States’
November 26, 2012:
A New Paradigm for the Survival of Civilization
November 12, 2012:
Policy Message: Hyperinflation Now Strikes!
November 7, 2012:
‘A Day That Will Go Down in Infamy’
November 2, 2012:
LaRouche Slams Obama and Romney at the National Press Club
November 1, 2012:
Scientist Antonino Zichichi Warned of Nuclear War in Middle East, at Last August’s Erice Seminar
October 30, 2012:
Lyndon LaRouche To Hold D.C. Press Conference Nov. 2:
Benghazi 9/11—Obama’s Impeachable Crimes
October 25, 2012:
Bank of England’s Haldane Call for Glass-Steagall Again
October 25, 2012:
Russian Officials Warn of World War III Threat
October 25, 2012:
Benghazi Atrocity Is Blowing Up on Obama
October 25, 2012:
James Baker III Endorses Glass-Steagall
October 9, 2012:
Belarus Foreign Minister in EIR Interview, Calls for ‘Spirit of 1945’ To Confront War Danger and the Dark Side of Globalization
October 9, 2012:
EIR Releases Special Report on ‘Obama’s War on America: 9/11-Two’
October 5, 2012:
Labor Department Provides Obama ‘October Surprise’ Employment Figures
October 5, 2012:
Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates: Iran Strike a Catastrophe
September 30, 2012:
Lyndon LaRouche Webcast Announcement: The Friday Project
September 27, 2012:
LaRouche PAC: Obama Crew Covered Up Assassination of Ambassador Stevens
September 24, 2012:
Washington Press Conference Hears Warnings: Congress Must Reassert Its Constitutional War Power Now!
September 20, 2012:
Rep. Walter Jones and Retired Military To Hold Press Conference on H.C.R. 107
September 20, 2012:
Military Maneuvers Keep Middle East on Edge
September 20, 2012:
Zepp-LaRouche Webcast Sept. 22—An Alternative to Hyperinflation and Thermonuclear War
September 20, 2012:
Without Glass-Steagall, Financial Crisis Will Soon Re-Emerge, Says Hoenig
September 13, 2012:
Lyndon LaRouche: Learn the Lessons of Libya: Remove Obama from Power Now!
September 3, 2012:
‘Unsurvivable’: This LaRouche PAC Video Shows You Why Obama Must Be Removed from Power Now
August 31, 2012:
Rep. Walter Jones to President Obama: ‘Abide by Our Constitution’
August 28, 2012:
LaRouche PAC to American Patriots: Zero Tolerance for Mass Killer Obama
August 21, 2012:
Russia and China Respond to Obama Threat: We Will Defend National Sovereignty
August 21, 2012:
Israeli Editor Points to Obama Role behind Netanyahu’s Planned Iran Attack
August 15, 2012:
Israeli Journalist Calls for Obama To Stop Israeli Attack on Iran
August 15, 2012:
Russia’s Lavrov Challenges the West on Syria
August 15, 2012:
Even FAO Wants To End the Biofuels Insanity
August 15, 2012:
China Says U.S. Is Opening a ‘Pandora’s Box’ in Syria
August 10, 2012:
Obama and the Timetable for War
August 1, 2012:
Simon Johnson Scares Senators on Euro Derivatives Powderkeg
August 1, 2012:
Geithner’s Treasury Department Permits U.S. Funding of al-Qaeda-linked ‘Rebels’ in Syria
August 1, 2012:
Jack Blum Calls for HSBC To Be Shut Down and Its Leadership To Be Prosecuted
July 30, 2012:
Der Spiegel Editor-in-Chief Calls for Banking Separation
July 27, 2012:
Turkey’s and Obama’s Syria Policy on Verge of Collapse
July 27, 2012:
London Shift Toward Glass-Steagall Hits the U.S.A.
July 26, 2012:
Geithner Caught Condoning Criminal Libor-Rigging
July 25, 2012:
Two Weeks To Save the Nation: The Single National Program To Save the United States
July 23, 2012:
Feinstein Points to White House As Source of National Security Leaks
July 23, 2012:
LaRouche: Obama Must Be Impeached To Stop Threat of Thermonuclear War
July 21, 2012:
Russians Reassert Putin Doctrine
July 21, 2012:
Obama’s Bandar 9/11 Perfidy
July 21, 2012:
Pro-Glass-Steagall Faction in London Blasts Dope Cartel Bankers
July 19, 2012:
Baltimore-Led Federal Lawsuit Hits Wall Street and British Banks for Libor Crimes
July 19, 2012:
Obama Administration Won’t Condemn Killers of Syrian Security Officials
July 19, 2012:
Libor Probe Expands to Four Large Banks
July 19, 2012:
British Faction Takes Step Forward in Push for Glass-Steagall
July 19, 2012:
Criminal Libor-Rigging Involved in Debt and Looting Across Massachusetts
July 18, 2012:
HSBC Under Investigation for Drug Money Laundering
July 16, 2012:
Levin Press Briefing Reconfirms: HSBC Still World’s Biggest Dope Bank
July 13, 2012:
LaRouche Calls for Mobilization To End Libor Crime, Demands Criminal Prosecutions and Glass-Steagall To Stop Mass Murder
July 13, 2012:
There’s a Broad Candidates’ Movement for Glass-Steagall—Let’s Get It into Action
July 12, 2012:
HSBC Under Multiple Investigations for Drug Money Laundering
July 12, 2012:
Record 1,000 U.S. Counties Declared Agriculture Disaster Areas; Farmer, Food Supply Intervention Urgent
July 11, 2012:
Russian Chief of Staff in U.S.A. for Talks
July 11, 2012:
German Economists Mobilize Against ESM
July 7, 2012:
Top British Bankers Shift for Glass-Steagall
July 5, 2012:
The London Turn-About: The Once-in-a-Lifetime Option
July 2, 2012:
The System Itself Is Corrupt: The Case of LIBOR
July 2, 2012:
Viktor Ivanov Invokes Glass-Steagall Principle, Calls for New Global Financial Architecture
July 2, 2012:
Eight Anti-ESM Complaints Already Filed at German Court
July 2, 2012:
In War-Avoidance Move, Senior U.S. Officials Contradict Turkey’s Claim that Downed Jet Was in International Space
June 29, 2012:
The Great Conundrum
June 26, 2012:
Geithner and Bernanke Demand New Mega-Bailout of Europe
June 19, 2012:
Volcker Confesses to $2 Trillion Swindle of the American People
June 19, 2012:
Dangerous Stalemate Between London’s Obama and Russia
June 19, 2012:
Glass-Steagall Rings Through Congressional Malaise
June 18, 2012:
Appeal to Governments and Parliaments: Glass-Steagall Now!
June 8, 2012:
Putin Remains Adamant: No Regime Change in Syria
June 6, 2012:
Diane Sare Post-Election Statement: Civilization Depends on Us Succeeding
June 6, 2012:
Obama Tightens the Military Ring Around China
June 6, 2012:
EIR Releases Emergency Program for an ‘Economic Miracle in Southern Europe, the Mediterranean Region, and Africa’
June 1, 2012:
Spain’s Unpayable Trillion-Dollar Hole Calls the Question
June 1, 2012:
U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Mobilize To Stop World War III
June 1, 2012:
Rep. Walter Jones Escalates Fight To Uphold the Constitution
May 31, 2012:
Italian Earthquake Researcher: We Can Forecast Quakes
May 30, 2012:
Kesha Wins Again!
May 22, 2012:
NATO Ignores Russian Warning, Goes Ahead with BMDs
May 22, 2012:
Could JP Morgan Chase Be on the Hook for $30 Billion?
May 22, 2012:
EIR To Release Global Showdown Special Report
May 22, 2012:
Gordon Brown Sees ’Unstoppable Runs,’ Pleads for Gigantic Global Bailout for Eurozone Banks
May 22, 2012:
Watch Out for the Blair Comeback!
May 22, 2012:
Argentina To Take Lead against Green Fascism
May 19, 2012:
Lyndon LaRouche To Appear on Alex Jones Show
May 18, 2012:
New York Judge Stays Enforcement of NDAA Detention Rule
May 18, 2012:
Russian Prime Minister Medvedev Warns that Violations of National Sovereignty May Lead to ’Nuclear War’
May 18, 2012:
Fight over Glass-Steagall Again Comes to the Fore
May 18, 2012:
Anti-Euro Sentiment Is Sweeping Italy
May 16, 2012:
JP Morgan Loss Sparks Outcry for Glass-Steagall
May 16, 2012:
Theodorakis Issues Call for Unity of All Patriotic Forces To Fight for Greece
May 15, 2012:
HSBC Caught Laundering Mexican Dope Cartel Money; How Much of It Went to Obama’s Campaign?
May 15, 2012:
General Cartwright: We Need To Not Demonize China, and We Need More Dialogue with Russia on Missile Defense
May 15, 2012:
World Wildlife Fund ‘Living Planet Report 2012’ Demands Dead Human Population
May 15, 2012:
Senator Webb against Wars without Congressional Consent
May 11, 2012:
Rep. Walter Jones (R-N.C.) To Appear on This Week's LaRouche Show:
Defending the Constitutional Powers of Congress
May 3, 2012:
Dempsey: Don’t Get Caught in the Thucydides Trap
May 2, 2012:
Localities Begin To Sign On to LaRouche PAC Resolution
April 30, 2012:
Helga Zepp-LaRouche Calls for Reconstruction Program for Mediterranean Region
April 30, 2012:
Terrorist Suicide Bombers Rock Damascus as Britain Activates ‘Plan B’ for Syria
April 29, 2012:
Royal Society Promotes British Monarchy’s Agenda of Fascism and Genocide
April 29, 2012:
‘What If They Gave a Convention, and No One Came?’
April 28, 2012:
French and German Economists Call for Abandoning the Euro
April 25, 2012:
War Danger Grows with Obama’s Expanded Naval Deployment
April 25, 2012:
Helga Zepp-LaRouche Webcast on Crisis of Europe
April 24, 2012:
EIR Interviews Former UNODC Head Antonio Costa on Drugs in the World Banking System
April 23, 2012:
New LaRouche PAC Mobilization for Glass-Steagall, National Banking, and NAWAPA
April 23, 2012:
Confirmation Hearing for Derek Chollet, Pusher of War on Syria
April 21, 2012:
Lega Starts Mass Organizing for Glass-Steagall as Political Parties Disintegrate in Italy
April 21, 2012:
LaRouche: Obama Threatens the Extermination of Israel
April 21, 2012:
Even in Bleak Annual Survey, IMF Doctored the Data
April 20, 2012:
Cheminade Launches Final Call: Vote for a Pantagruel against the Panurges in Politics!
April 15, 2012:
Cheminade Focuses French Presidential Election on Fighting the Global Financial Oligarchy
April 14, 2012:
LaRouche PAC Releases NAWAPA XXI Special Report: Reviving the Economy, Creating Jobs, and Restoring Public Credit
April 4, 2012:
French Presidential Candidate Jacques Cheminade Nails Sarkozy on French Television
April 4, 2012:
Syria Denounces ‘Enemies of Syria’ War Council in Turkey
April 4, 2012:
Gelb: Obama Threatened Regime Change in North Korea
April 4, 2012:
In Italy, Glass-Steagall Takes to the Streets
April 4, 2012:
Israel’s New Opposition Leader Speaks Out against Strikes on Iran
April 4, 2012:
China Issues Strong Warning against Thermonuclear War Danger
April 4, 2012:
Baptist Group Condemns a Planned Iran War, Calls upon Obama To Lift Sanctions
March 28, 2012:
LaRouche: NAWAPA Is the Agenda To Save the Nation
March 28, 2012:
Russia Announces Measures To Address War Threat
March 28, 2012:
Queen’s Bank Sanctioned for Money Laundering
March 28, 2012:
Obama’s Behavior Shows British War Game Is On
March 28, 2012:
Israeli Columnist Pushes Israel’s Nuclear Option against Iran
March 19, 2012:
Jacques Cheminade Is Officially Declared a Candidate
March 16, 2012:
Israeli Press: Obama Told Netanyahu To Go Ahead and Strike Iran
March 16, 2012:
Israel Got ‘Everyting It Needs’ from British Puppet Obama To Hit Iran
March 16, 2012:
Rep. Walter Jones Tells Public: Demand Judiciary Committee Hearings on Resolution 107
March 12, 2012:
Obama Was Pushing Syrian Regime Change One Year Ago
March 12, 2012:
Former Israeli Mossad Chief Opposes Military Attack on Iran
March 12, 2012:
Cheminade Shakes Up France with Filing for Presidential Ballot
March 8, 2012:
LaRouche: Jones Concurrent Resolution 107 ‘Could Save the United States from Destruction’
March 8, 2012:
Congressman Issues Resolution To Enforce Constitution: Any President Who Launches War Without Congress Can Be Impeached
March 5, 2012:
LaRouche: In the Wake of Putin’s Victory, Nothing Has Changed: Threat of Thermonuclear War Still on the Table
March 4, 2012:
Former IAEA Inspector Sees ‘Déjà vu’ in Developing Case against Iran Nuclear Program
March 1, 2012:
Time To Break Up the United Kingdom
March 1, 2012:
Zepp-LaRouche Calls for International Day of Action To Stop World War III
February 27, 2012:
Obama’s Thermonuclear Holocaust: President Clinton’s Fatal Mistake
February 22, 2012:
When Will We Throw This Bum Out? The Obama-al-Qaeda-MEK Connection
February 20, 2012:
LaRouche Takes to the Airwaves To Give Marching Orders: Obama Must Be Removed from Power
February 20, 2012:
EIR Brings Out New Products: A Special Report and Two of Its Classic Books
February 19, 2012:
Dempsey’s War Avoidance Includes Both Middle East and China
February 13, 2012:
LaRouche Denounces Obama’s Homicidal Hypocrisy
February 11, 2012:
Full LaRouche National Slate Has Declared for Congress:
‘The Presidency That Should Be’
February 9, 2012:
Senator Peterlini Presents Glass-Steagall Bill in Italy
February 7, 2012:
The Threats We Must Conquer
February 7, 2012:
LaRouche ‘Call to Arms’ against British War Threat
February 7, 2012:
Worse than Goebbels: British Lies Exposed in Arab League Monitors Report on Syria
February 4, 2012:
Russia and China Veto UN Security Council Resolution on Syria
February 4, 2012:
Why the British Monarchy Must Have World War:
Nearing the Hyperinflationary Explosion
February 3, 2012:
Feb. 6 Lyndon LaRouche Webcast To Be Crucial Anti-War Intervention
February 3, 2012:
Upcoming Lyndon LaRouche Webcast Scheduled
February 2, 2012:
LaRouche PAC Weekly Reports Feature Breakthroughs in Economic Science
February 2, 2012:
LaRouche Issues Strategic Assessment: Still on the Edge of War
February 2, 2012:
Russians Hold Firm against Libya Scenario for Syria
February 2, 2012:
Greek Archbishop Issues Impassioned Denunciation: Troika’s Policies Are Destroying Greek Nation
February 2, 2012:
Jacques Cheminade Presidential Campaign ‘Breaks Out’ in France
January 28, 2012:
LaRouche PAC-TV Features Breakthrough Video:
‘The Extinction of Empire’
January 26, 2012:
Russians Offer U.S.A. Cooperation in the Arctic
January 26, 2012:
Anti-Iran Sanctions Escalate Dynamic for War
January 19, 2012:
LaRouche Outlines National Vision in State of the Union Address
January 19, 2012:
LaRouche Vindicated on National Italian Television
January 18, 2012:
LaRouche Gives a Real State of the Union Address Jan. 18
January 17, 2012:
Italian Taxi Union Leader Puts LaRouche‘s Economics in the Spotlight
January 17, 2012:
British Empire All But Admits Responsibility for Killing Iranian Scientists
January 12, 2012:
LaRouche To Give a Real State of the Union Address on Jan. 18, 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time
January 12, 2012:
What Russia’s Warning Means
January 4, 2012:
War Danger Still Remains: Watch for the Unexpected
January 4, 2012:
Obama Rushes Ahead with Hitler-Style Enabling Act
January 4, 2012:
British Wrote the Script for Military Hit on Syria
January 2, 2012:
Activist David Swanson Shows Obama Is Doing Everything for Which We Dumped George III